I've been very curious of a few things about this community concerning preferences in Star Wars. Now, I could create a bunch of threads with polls in them to make them flashy, but I figured I'd just lump all my potential polls together in one thread.
1. What's your favorite force power from any game, movie, etc?
2. If you could have a lightsaber, what color and kind would it be?(single, double bladed, two sabers)
3. What's your favorite class?(KotOR oriented question)
4. Which is your favorite movie?
5. If you play Battlefront 2, who is your favorite hero/villian?
6. If you could have one small spacecraft from Star Wars(medium freighter and smaller), which would it be?
7. Which is your favorite Star Wars game?
8. What was your first Star Wars game?
9. Favorite Character from any game, movie, etc?
10. Nerf vs Gizka: who wins?
11. What's your favorite Star Wars musical piece?
My answers to these questions are as follows
1. Force Jump(not the KotOR kind). There are other powers that are flashy and useful, but for some reason Force Jump seems like such an important staple to me.
2. Orange single saber. Two sabers and especially double bladed sabers seem to have become cheesy to me now. Besides, who's more bad ***, someone who can use a double bladed saber or someone that can defend against it while using a single saber?
3. Sith Marauder(not sure between Guardian or Sentinel for first class)
4. I would say Empire Strikes Back.....but Darth Maul is just too bad *** so I say Phantom Menace just for him. Btw, he and Exar Kun are the only characters that use double bladed sabers that I don't see as chumps.
5. It used to be Yoda, but then it became Grievous for two reasons. First, he's great at mass slaughter of troops. Second, I found out his saber block also blocks force powers, which is very useful in Mos Eisley Assault matches.
6. A-Wing
7. This one's hard. I think in the end I'd have to say Republic Commando for Single Player and Jedi Outcast for multiplayer(I would say Academy because of the Siege mode, but Academy made double bladed and two sabers way overpowered to the point of almost making them necessary).
8. Some kind of Super Nintendo game, can't remember which.
9. Obi-wan
10. Nerf
11. Duel of the Fates
1. What's your favorite force power from any game, movie, etc?
2. If you could have a lightsaber, what color and kind would it be?(single, double bladed, two sabers)
3. What's your favorite class?(KotOR oriented question)
4. Which is your favorite movie?
5. If you play Battlefront 2, who is your favorite hero/villian?
6. If you could have one small spacecraft from Star Wars(medium freighter and smaller), which would it be?
7. Which is your favorite Star Wars game?
8. What was your first Star Wars game?
9. Favorite Character from any game, movie, etc?
10. Nerf vs Gizka: who wins?
11. What's your favorite Star Wars musical piece?
My answers to these questions are as follows
1. Force Jump(not the KotOR kind). There are other powers that are flashy and useful, but for some reason Force Jump seems like such an important staple to me.
2. Orange single saber. Two sabers and especially double bladed sabers seem to have become cheesy to me now. Besides, who's more bad ***, someone who can use a double bladed saber or someone that can defend against it while using a single saber?

3. Sith Marauder(not sure between Guardian or Sentinel for first class)
4. I would say Empire Strikes Back.....but Darth Maul is just too bad *** so I say Phantom Menace just for him. Btw, he and Exar Kun are the only characters that use double bladed sabers that I don't see as chumps.
5. It used to be Yoda, but then it became Grievous for two reasons. First, he's great at mass slaughter of troops. Second, I found out his saber block also blocks force powers, which is very useful in Mos Eisley Assault matches.
6. A-Wing
7. This one's hard. I think in the end I'd have to say Republic Commando for Single Player and Jedi Outcast for multiplayer(I would say Academy because of the Siege mode, but Academy made double bladed and two sabers way overpowered to the point of almost making them necessary).
8. Some kind of Super Nintendo game, can't remember which.
9. Obi-wan
10. Nerf
11. Duel of the Fates
Democracy: rule by the stupid