My first dream was quite odd, but when are dreams ever normal?
All I remember was going to a outdoor party with pretty much EVERYONE I ever knew being there. Then I saw a short guy in a wheelchair. Now, for some reason, I decided to go up and ask this guy who was playing cards with someone else if he was JediKirby. He said no, and I believe I said: "Oh, ok" and walked away. After that it gets hazy.
This next dream takes the cake for wierdness. I was with 3 people, one was Capt. Picard, the doctor from TNG, and the guy with the eye piece, Lt. Leforge? Anyways, we had to defend ourselfs from Skulks and Fades from Natural Selection. We had trouble blocking a vent because all we could find was some junk and a small length of wood. It was too late! The Skulks rushed through the vent and I proceeded to stomp and squish them with the wood and my boots. If I recall I killed like 40 of them somehow, and stopped them from entering the area where we were.
After that attack, I decided to walk down a corridor not far from the vent, and I saw a Fade! Eep! So I closed 2-3 regular household doors and locked them (weird for a space station, lol) and told everyone theres more coming. Finally the Fade got to the last door and me and Leforge could see his silolet through the cracks of the door! Oh noes! So we all ran to the next room and locked that door too. Eventually he broke through the door and for some reason, I was hiding behide a garbage can that was to the side of the door. The Fade tossed the garbage can across the room and looked right at me. I don't recall anymore of the dream.
Crazy huh?
All I remember was going to a outdoor party with pretty much EVERYONE I ever knew being there. Then I saw a short guy in a wheelchair. Now, for some reason, I decided to go up and ask this guy who was playing cards with someone else if he was JediKirby. He said no, and I believe I said: "Oh, ok" and walked away. After that it gets hazy.
This next dream takes the cake for wierdness. I was with 3 people, one was Capt. Picard, the doctor from TNG, and the guy with the eye piece, Lt. Leforge? Anyways, we had to defend ourselfs from Skulks and Fades from Natural Selection. We had trouble blocking a vent because all we could find was some junk and a small length of wood. It was too late! The Skulks rushed through the vent and I proceeded to stomp and squish them with the wood and my boots. If I recall I killed like 40 of them somehow, and stopped them from entering the area where we were.
After that attack, I decided to walk down a corridor not far from the vent, and I saw a Fade! Eep! So I closed 2-3 regular household doors and locked them (weird for a space station, lol) and told everyone theres more coming. Finally the Fade got to the last door and me and Leforge could see his silolet through the cracks of the door! Oh noes! So we all ran to the next room and locked that door too. Eventually he broke through the door and for some reason, I was hiding behide a garbage can that was to the side of the door. The Fade tossed the garbage can across the room and looked right at me. I don't recall anymore of the dream.
Crazy huh?
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;