[QUOTE=Jon`C was PMSing when he wrote]Wow, you're a prejudicial jerk who can't read!
SA links to sites. That's it. It's no more a "DoS attack" than what Slashdot does. SA is high volume, yeah, and most of the users who stick to the front page are idiots who ruin guestbooks and forums, but that kind of behavior has been bannable in the actual SA Forums since the ALOD began. Lowtax does not want his visitors to do this. He just wants his visitors to laugh at the stupid websites people make on geocities.[/QUOTE]
Lowtax very well knows that the sheer number of visitors he has will overwhelm almost any website that he links to. It's happened many times. Slashdot does it in a non-malicious way; they are usually praising the site, and this brings positive traffic, helping the site. SA brings negative traffic, and will flood a site with jerks. In the end, SA harms the target site worse than any attack would. And how would they know who to ban in forum raids?
Lowtax doesn't give a ****, and you know this to. After reading his (or one of the other goon's) manefesto on why they do ALOD, it pretty much just made them seem like the bullies of the internet. Grow up, seriously.
It's SA being a bunch of jerks throwing their weight around to impose themselves on others. It'd be nice if they just left people alone to do whatever; I fail to see the humor in what SA does as far as ALOD. "Oh, look, some idiot made a webpage, let's flood... er, see it so we can... laugh... at... um... colors"
I should also say though that Ebaum is much, much worse than SA, and is harmful overall, while SA is not. I just have a beef with SA's ALOD.