so a little backstory - I want to go home for Thanksgiving, but the only train that had any room left didn't leave until Wednesday at 3:21. So my dorm wants me out by 10 AM. I decide that I would try to hide out in my room until around 3. That idea got shot to hell when I got a loud knok on my door at 10:30 ish and a nice little yell of "SECURITY!" Anyway, I'm kicked out of my dorm by 11 and I have nothing to do until 3:21, so I go to the coffee shop, only to find out that my train has been delayed 3 hours. So I spend 5 hours at the coffee shop and 2 in the waiting station. But before I went to the waiting staition I was about to go out to eat (my mom felt bad and said she'd treat, well pay be back anyway). So I go there and this guy starts taking pictures of me. umm, creepy but okay. Anyway, he starts taking pictures of me on my way from the restaurant to the waiting area, and then he follows me in and keeps snapping away. anyway, long story short he was working for the paper and was doing a story on the train. fast forward to now, my professor tells me that I was in the paper and my voice teacher had actually cut out the articles for me. yes, as in plural. not only was I in the train story, but they wrote a little human interest story type thing on me, complete with a huge picture. This is all cool and all that - but this was one of the saddest, most pathetic things ever. I pitied me, and I am me. I look like an orphan or like my puppy was just killed or something, and the story with it is even worse! it was the funniest thing I've ever seen! (I was going to type out the story with it since it's short and hard to read, but I decided that would be too much effort. maybe another time if this thread's still around)
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.