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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What do you want for Christmas?
What do you want for Christmas?
2005-12-01, 2:37 PM #1
Well massassians, what is it that you want for Christmas? Everyone knows Christmas is all about getting gifts so don't hold back.

Guidebook for Marines (I must learn all I can before I go off to the scary place in California)

This girl in my Government class. It might help if I stopped using cheesy pickup lines and asking her 'want to kiss me now?' But meh, I will keep trying.

An acoustic electric guitar, though I am indeterminate on the type and what have you. I think I want one with a cutaway though.
2005-12-01, 2:48 PM #2
The spend it with my girlfriend.
Pissed Off?
2005-12-01, 2:54 PM #3

no, I guess I'd really like Serenity on DVD or PSP... that and the new prince of persia game. :P.

past that...not much. Good grades perhaps, I've got 1.5 years left to go in college.
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2005-12-01, 2:54 PM #4
512 Megs of RAM
128 MB mp3 player
Resident Evil 4 / Pirates! / Battlefield 2: Special forces / Final Fantasy 4 on GBA
"Jayne, this is something the Captain has to do for himself"

"N-No it's not!"

2005-12-01, 3:09 PM #5
SW/Battletech Books
Regina Spektor cds
Streetlight Manifesto cds
GameBoy micro
anything else thats tasty
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-12-01, 3:54 PM #6
All I want for Christmas is a passing grade
A passing grade
A passing grade
All I want for Christmas is a passing grade, so I can have a merry Christmas

One of my Classes this semester is being graded extremely hard, so everyone is going around singing the above.

Other than that, not much. A new pair of good headphones, and maybe a digital logic lab kit. I REALLY want a full bench of electronics equipment, but no way Im getting that for Christmas.
"Well, if I am not drunk, I am mad, but I trust I can behave like a gentleman in either
condition."... G. K. Chesterton

“questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself”
2005-12-01, 3:56 PM #7
A computer that isn't total crap. :gbk: Sadly there is no way in hell my parents will ever let me use a good comp? Why? Ill never know...
2005-12-01, 3:57 PM #8
Originally posted by Avenger:
The spend it with my girlfriend.

2005-12-01, 3:59 PM #9
[Bloody hell im an idiot never mind]
2005-12-01, 5:28 PM #10
Shure E3c's
iAudio U2
Jones Soda (green apple)
Family Guy Season 1 and 2 for PSP
To get ahold of some E and some shrooms/2c-i/acid. (doubtful)

About it.
2005-12-01, 5:31 PM #11
An iRiver, and a System of a Down t-shirt. I don't really want anything, and my parents can't come up with anything either., to fund my evil schemes now that I'm a *dun dun dun* evil teenager who's trying to rebel against his parents, who just don't get him.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2005-12-01, 5:32 PM #12
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]
Jones Soda (green apple)
That sir, is some good stuff. Friend of mine brought a bottle to school one day, and let all of us in our class take a swig. :( Now I want some of it.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2005-12-01, 5:34 PM #13
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
That sir, is some good stuff. Friend of mine brought a bottle to school one day, and let all of us in our class take a swig. :( Now I want some of it.

They sell it in almost every store here now--by popular demand.
2005-12-01, 5:34 PM #14
All I want for Christmas is YOU.
Fincham: Where are you going?
Me: I have no idea
Fincham: I meant where are you sitting. This wasn't an existential question.
2005-12-01, 5:36 PM #15
Only place I know of is our Hucks in town, and we rarely go there because we get discounted gas occasionally from Marathon. I've never gotten a chance to drink a whole bottle, but that one, I'm a green apple candy/gum/and now Jones pop addict.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2005-12-01, 5:36 PM #16
Originally posted by sugarless5:
All I want for Christmas is YOU.

Damn. I didn't know I was that sexy.
2005-12-01, 6:09 PM #17
Originally posted by sugarless5:
All I want for Christmas is YOU.

I wish I had 10 dollars for everytime a woman said that to me...

Ahh who am I kidding, I just wish *any* woman would say *anything* to me. :(
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2005-12-01, 6:22 PM #18
Originally posted by gbk:
I wish I had 10 dollars for everytime a woman said that to me...

Ahh who am I kidding, I just wish *any* woman would say *anything* to me. :(

how much are you in debt?
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2005-12-01, 6:25 PM #19
a new lamp.
2005-12-01, 6:27 PM #20
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]

To get ahold of some E and some shrooms/2c-i/acid. (doubtful)


heh around here all one has to do is head into the freshmen girl's bathroom

edit: also, i believe you can legally order 2c-i on the internet, as it isn't banned in the States
2005-12-01, 7:00 PM #21
Originally posted by Warlord:
heh around here all one has to do is head into the freshmen girl's bathroom

edit: also, i believe you can legally order 2c-i on the internet, as it isn't banned in the States

You can. It's just fairly expensive :p
2005-12-01, 7:04 PM #22
Originally posted by Shintock:

Cheer up, buddy. Try to forget about it. Go hang with your friends over the holidays and get lost in the fun you guys have and you'll forget about her for a while. Or, go meet some other nice chicks. I dunno...just try to cheer up. :)
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
2005-12-01, 8:06 PM #23
Samurai Champloo DVDs

RTW: Barbarian Invasion
A mic or headset for CoD2
2005-12-01, 9:16 PM #24
Didn't we just have one of these threads?

I want a nice new live steel Katana

<3 hand-clayed hamon.
2005-12-01, 9:25 PM #25
Originally posted by Axis:
Samurai Champloo DVDs

That show was hilarious and awesome. Something that hasn't mixed so well since Cowboy Bebop came out.
2005-12-01, 9:26 PM #26
[QUOTE=Cool Matty]That show was hilarious and awesome. Something that hasn't mixed so well since Cowboy Bebop came out.[/QUOTE]

2005-12-01, 9:38 PM #27
Stargate SG-1 Season 3, 5, or 8
Miami Vice Season 2

Hmmm...That's all I can really think of at the moment.
2005-12-01, 9:51 PM #28
nfs: most wanted
call of duty 2
madden '06

and chocolate
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
2005-12-01, 9:53 PM #29
Originally posted by Ewoklover:
madden '06

Kill yourself.
2005-12-02, 4:41 PM #30
Originally posted by Final_Hope__:
Cheer up, buddy. Try to forget about it. Go hang with your friends over the holidays and get lost in the fun you guys have and you'll forget about her for a while. Or, go meet some other nice chicks. I dunno...just try to cheer up. :)

My date for tonight got canceled too. :(
2005-12-02, 4:53 PM #31
I don't have a lot in mind for this year, but it'd be nice to have:

- A stein
- A watch
- The Apocalypse Now: Redux DVD
2005-12-02, 5:09 PM #32
Nintendo DS I think... I havent really thought about it, Mario Kart DS looks awesome, and I want to get FF IV as well.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2005-12-02, 5:13 PM #33
Glamdring! Actually, I don't think I'll get it, but I saw my friend's replica, and it looks so freaking awesome.
Attachment: 9020/glamdring.jpg (12,380 bytes)
"I'm afraid of OC'ing my video card. You never know when Ogre Calling can go terribly wrong."
2005-12-02, 5:21 PM #34
Haven't really thought about it, I'll think of some stuff later I guess.

I suddenly feel all christmass[assi]y.
2005-12-02, 5:27 PM #35
Books on Win32 Programming and OpenGL. Time to study.
Wes Darklighter
2005-12-04, 12:44 AM #36
I'd like my original Nintendo system fixed so it would work again. I'll keep my other Christmas wish to myself :p
The Plothole: a home for amateur, inclusive, collaborative stories
2005-12-04, 1:29 AM #37
Sin City (special edition)
headphones for nano
Arrested Developement?
the areas of my expertise
slr camera?
ski equipment
calvin and hobbes collection
2005-12-04, 1:46 AM #38
My two front teeth
2005-12-04, 8:11 AM #39
Let's see... Time with my girlfriend is definately number one on that list, but beyond that...

-A set of jump-ring mandrels
-A manual drill
-A set of jeweler's pliers
-40+ feet of 16ga. Half-Hard Sterling Silver wire
-40+ feet of 18ga. Half-Hard Sterling Silver wire
-Sterling Silver lobster clasps
-Blades for my jeweler's saw

Hooray for self-perpetuating money-making schemes! It's a good thing that I did this kind of stuff for three or four years, though...
"And lo, let us open up into the holy book of Proxy2..." -genk
His pot is blacker than his kettle!
2005-12-04, 8:18 AM #40
well my mom already got me whatever... i wouldn't mind getting something from my sister (money is a possibility) i'll probably get some money from my aunt which will probably be spent on ebay
eat right, exercise, die anyway

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