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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Yet another WoW Thread. PvP
Yet another WoW Thread. PvP
2005-12-02, 8:24 AM #1
Ok, I've been curious about this. I'm asking here because I know there are quite a few players and I'd rather hear feed back from say, SavageX than the whinny ****ers on the WoW boards. WoW are they crazy folks. :p

Is it true that they removed town raids? I thought that was an awesome part of the game, planning an attack on a village, or being stuck in the middle of an onslaught from your enemy. Added strategy, and unexpected spice and action.

If they did, then time for a GBK : :gbk:

How are PvP servers in general. Am i going to have trouble raising my character through the early levels because I'll be camped and ganked by higher levels or will I be relatively safe from this immature and idiotic behavior?

What exactly is the difference between a PvP server vs. a PvE server? I mean, I know in PvP servers you are constantly flagged as PvP. But is that it??
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-12-02, 9:53 AM #2
They didn't intentionally remove town raids. What they did is introduce "dishonorable kills," which apply to certian NPCs called "civilians", IE vendors, quest givers, innkeepers, etc. Killing them will earn you (and your whole party, I think) a DK, which will affect your ranking and lower your honor. Now that wouldn't be a problem if the civilians would stay out of the battle. But it's easy to accidentally target them, or graze them with a AoE, and once they've been attacked, they attack back. So if you want to raid a town, there's a good chance of accidentally earning a few DKs.

However, this hasn't entirely stopped town raids. They still happen, just nowhere near as much as they used to.

On a PvP server, you'll be subject to being ganked and corpse camped. I started a mage on a new RP-PvP server, and I was only camped twice on my way to level 35 or so. Since it was a rogue who was doing it, I had no option but to announce on /4 (local defense) that there was a rogue klling me over and over, and people would come and help me kill em. So yes, PvP servers can be annoying sometimes, but it's not a huge drawback. You'll still be able to level up, but you'll just have occaisional interruptions.

As for the difference between PvE and PvP... the only difference is that on PvE you don't have to fight if you don't want to. That's about it. Battlegrounds on PvE are just as full as on PvP servers. Town raids on PvE servers are less common, but they still happen. But other than that, not much else is different.

I myself prefer PvE or RP, because I can quest in peace without interruption.
2005-12-02, 10:00 AM #3
I just started a char on a new PVPRP server yesterday. I'm only level 10 but I didn't see or hear a single thing about any alliance yesterday at all. But then, people were commenting on how "quiet" it was so I'm sure that's not the norm.
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-12-02, 10:16 AM #4
You probably won't seriously start dealing with the Alliance until your upper teens and twentys. They give you a primer time to get to know you class a little bit, I guess. I would think that your first PvP action will start happening around the time you get to Ashenvale.
"We have first raised a dust and then complain we cannot see." - George Berkeley
2005-12-02, 10:49 AM #5
Yeah, the first two zones you go to (Ie, Durotar and The Barrens, Elwynn and Westfall, etc) won't have PvP, because they're considered Horde or Alliance territory, so you're protected if that's your faction.
2005-12-02, 11:01 AM #6
Sounds interesting. Well, right now most of my alts are on Earthen Ring and I just started a new guild with some new found buddies and so I'm grinding pretty fast.

And its my first good RP action in 8 months. These guys actually abide by a storyline, so its really awesome. No constant "tavern RP" which annoys me. So its awesome. And these guys don't insist on Guild chat being in character, which is annoying. Its heavy roleplay in /s and /y when characters are actually together, but loose in /g. Its awesome. I haven't had this much of a blast since I had my roleplay friend, but in my time away from the game, she seems to have left. :(
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-12-03, 5:22 AM #7
i didnt step out into contested Territory until about level 25.

Its when you hit Stranglethorn Vale, the real PvP begins, in most the other low level contested areas, they are mostly populated by one race or another (except for the shimmering flats, i've never seen an Alliance player in Thousand Needles).

But Stranglethorn Vale really is contested territory, you get hellish amounts of ganking and PvPing there, prepare to gank and be ganked, its fun.
2005-12-03, 8:25 AM #8
There are barely any Alliance quests in Thousand Needles and they dont really have a flight point there. Plus it's on the wrong continent. Wetlands and Arathi are much more convenient for Alliance.
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2005-12-03, 9:37 PM #9
Originally posted by Jepman:

How are PvP servers in general. Am i going to have trouble raising my character through the early levels because I'll be camped and ganked by higher levels or will I be relatively safe from this immature and idiotic behavior?

Ahhhh, one of my favorite past times.
2005-12-03, 9:45 PM #10
[QUOTE=Mr. Stafford]i didnt step out into contested Territory until about level 25.

Its when you hit Stranglethorn Vale, the real PvP begins, in most the other low level contested areas, they are mostly populated by one race or another (except for the shimmering flats, i've never seen an Alliance player in Thousand Needles).

But Stranglethorn Vale really is contested territory, you get hellish amounts of ganking and PvPing there, prepare to gank and be ganked, its fun.[/QUOTE]
Stranglethorn Vale is hell if you're a squishy mage.
2005-12-03, 10:33 PM #11
This is all I have to say about PVP.

Naked gnome mage ftw.

2005-12-04, 5:56 AM #12
That screenshot reminded me of how cluttered the WoW interface can get. I'm almost happy that Guild Wars limits you to 8 spells. Though I think 12 would be better. More flexible.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2005-12-04, 8:23 AM #13
Thats not really all that cluttered at all. Gypsy Mod does a nice job of reducing all the crap that comes with the default package.
"Honey, you got real ugly."
2005-12-04, 10:57 AM #14
On that subject, what are some good interfaces I should check out?
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-12-04, 11:10 AM #15
Of course your naked gnome beat the #@(% out of that orc, Stinky, you're level 44 and he's level 17! That's no bragging matter. :p
2005-12-04, 11:44 AM #16
Originally posted by Zell:
Of course your naked gnome beat the #@(% out of that orc, Stinky, you're level 44 and he's level 17! That's no bragging matter. :p

Yeah, but by a naked gnome???

Come on, thats like the ultimate insult if you get beat by a naked gnome.

Besides, his own fault he attacked me :P
2005-12-04, 11:48 AM #17
anyone whos level appears in grey is never embarrased by a ganking, they just think about how sad the other person is.
2005-12-05, 7:23 AM #18
Hahahah agreed.

Oy, sounds like I'll stick to Earthen Ring. I love that server and I met this pretty girl, (and yea, as surprising as it might sound, she IS a girl and she IS pretty. I know that cuz she lives in the same town. Jess and I went out and had a drink with her the other day hehe.) and she's my new RP partner. We started orcs last night and well.. it took 2 hours to get to level 5 because we did some much roleplay, lol.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-12-05, 7:24 AM #19
That and I can't transfer my level 40 warrior. :(
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-12-05, 7:25 AM #20
i just corpse camped someone for a hour :)
2005-12-05, 7:38 AM #21
Where is the fun in that... really? I mean, do you actually get a benefit from it???

Or do you just do it because you're a jerk.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-12-05, 7:39 AM #22
they ganked me when i was questing.

so i killed them and did it on principle to annoy them.
2005-12-05, 7:50 AM #23
I see, oy... THE HATRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(:(:(

H8!!! [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-12-05, 7:56 AM #24

hopefully it will stop them from using the annoying tactic of ganking.
2005-12-05, 8:31 AM #25
[QUOTE=Mr. Stafford]i just corpse camped someone for a hour :)[/QUOTE]

Why didn't they just revive at the spirit healer, leave, and endure 10 minutes of ressurection sickness?! O_o
2005-12-05, 8:40 AM #26
I was just about to ask that question. I was thinking about it and I realized hey... they could just spawn at the healer...
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2005-12-05, 8:50 AM #27
Originally posted by Zell:
Why didn't they just revive at the spirit healer, leave, and endure 10 minutes of ressurection sickness?! O_o

because their corpse was near the graveyard, it was pure luck... they could have ran to another spirit healer but i guess they didnt think of that.

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