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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Things really suck for me right...:(
Things really suck for me right...:(
2005-12-06, 3:05 PM #1
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
2005-12-06, 3:09 PM #2
2005-12-06, 3:11 PM #3
Enjoy the ban ]-[ellequin.
Think while it's still legal.
2005-12-06, 3:11 PM #4
]-[ What the hell is wrong with you? Stop being a jackass!

Anyway sorry to hear that man :gbk:
2005-12-06, 3:11 PM #5
People made fun of you for making out at a movie?
How old are your peers? Guarantee in a few years they'll be high-fiving you for the exact same thing...
<Anovis> mmmm I wanna lick your wet, Mentis.
2005-12-06, 3:12 PM #6
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
2005-12-06, 3:14 PM #7
Sorry about your dog. That's really sad. :(

Simple answer to the making out question: "Yeah, I did. Thanks for asking."
Pissed Off?
2005-12-06, 3:16 PM #8
Originally posted by Avenger:
Simple answer to the making out question: "Yeah, I did. Thanks for asking."

+ "I made out with your girlfriend too."
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2005-12-06, 3:18 PM #9
That's too bad, but you have to move on. Otherwise you end up like Steven.
2005-12-06, 3:18 PM #10
Originally posted by Chewbubba:
+ "I made out with your [mom] too."

2005-12-06, 3:23 PM #11
Seriously, I fail to see how it's a bad thing that they're saying you made out with your girlfriend. If nothing else, "Since you don't have one, I had to get some action SOMEWHERE." Just shows the youth factor of your school, though.
2005-12-06, 3:24 PM #12
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
2005-12-06, 3:32 PM #13
The less you let it get to you, the happier you'll feel. Trust me, it gets a lot harder as life goes on--I have to worry about having enough money to go to college being COMPLETELY broke and unable to pay for the colleges I want to attend unless I get 4 jobs (at minimum wage--I've had to go through and calculate it) and then I won't be able to get my Masters at RIT meaning I'm stuck to menial labor jobs that pay only 20-25k a year, hardly enough to start planning for your future on. That is, if I don't get any federal aid, which I'm sure I will, combined with scholarships hopefully.

Just put it into perspective--your grandmother's upset: bad. Your dog is in pain: bad. You've got a girlfriend: good. Everyone thinks you made out with her: good (yes, repeat after me, good). You've got money: good. You've got a roof over your head: good. Life isn't that bad--it just seems that way. Even if you don't feel like it, adopt this attitude and just forget about all the bad stuff--doesn't mean you have to be happy (though it helps), as long as you aren't sad, things tend to get a lot better a lot quicker than you'd think.

Hope you could get something out of my post.
2005-12-06, 3:33 PM #14
I did.

Thanks. Thanks guys. :)
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
2005-12-06, 3:43 PM #15
Hope things get better for ya :(
2005-12-06, 4:45 PM #16
Steven is ]-[ellequin.
2005-12-06, 4:55 PM #17
That is lame though. Glad you're handling it. I know about people trippin' over dogs, my step-dad's dog died having puppies. Ignore your friends, they talk like that, they aren't your true homies, ya know? I will leave with a bit of wisdom from Modest Mouse, "As life gets longer, awful feels softer and it, feels pretty soft to me. And if it takes s*** to make bliss then I feel pretty blissfully.", and my own:

Keep your head in the clouds, that way, you're above the fools.
2005-12-06, 4:56 PM #18
Final_Hope__: It's not all that bad. things could be much much worse, in 97 my mom and aunt died in a car crash, and then my cousin shot himself a few months later.. it was the worst time of my life but things get better.. I mean.. look at me NOW!! oh wait... DOH!
2005-12-06, 7:14 PM #19
Again, thanks guys. I'm feeling a bit better. Besides, I still have time before my dog actually dies. I'm hoping we can combat the tumor that's pressing her nerves and heart, maybe with radiation therapy. I can always hope.

Thanks again. :)
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
2005-12-06, 7:41 PM #20
Making out with your girlfriend is better than whatever those kids were doing. Kill them with a smile.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2005-12-06, 7:54 PM #21
you're friends must be homosexuals if they dis you for being heterosexual. and, don't ride the bus. weird kids ride the schoolbus. get a car, or if that isn't feasable, find someone to shlep you around.
i know a vegan dairy farmer

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