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ForumsDiscussion Forum → XBox 360 is trash.
XBox 360 is trash.
2005-12-07, 2:07 PM #41
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Only because it releases at the same time as the PC version.[/QUOTE]Yeah, I agree. There is no way the Xbox 360 version will look better than the PC version. It's not going to happen - not unless Bethesda was bought out horribly, and they weren't. Oblivion was designed from the ground-up to support the Xbox 360 in the same sense that Morrowind was designed around the Xbox - in the sense of "not at all" and "the controls make it unplayable".

Watch the fighting system still suck :\
I think that pretty much goes without saying. They say they've been trying to take it in a more Zelda-ish route, but they're keeping stats and they're keeping the first-person perspective. I just can't see it working, and I'm pretty sure we haven't seen any in-game combat footage.

I'm quite worried about the navigation system they have, too. It looks like they pulled out all of the stops to create a realistic forest setting. I'd hate to see them muck it up by adding in visible waypoints or something equally stupid.
2005-12-07, 2:32 PM #42
Yeah, a hefty portion of those screenshots look just as good/better than the xbox versions, and considering they're the SAME games it should be EXPECTED.
2005-12-07, 4:18 PM #43
None of this matters because PC is always best.
2005-12-07, 5:10 PM #44
I laugh at that article.. I can't wait to get my 360.

PC exclusive fanboys are also funny
[This message has been edited by Viper45 (edited December 27, 2000).]
2005-12-07, 5:18 PM #45
Originally posted by Viper45:
I laugh at that article.. I can't wait to get my 360.

PC exclusive fanboys are also funny

You can not wait to get your 360. Personally, the only thing I think it's bringing to the table worth a damn is a semi-decent PC alternative (though even less-so without any keyboard support at ALL on this console) with easy to setup networking. Other than that, PC has it destroyed (that and 99 nights of course).

But, of course, most people who would buy one usually don't want to see the truth. They just go "OMG LOOK AT TEH GRAPHIX" of stuff that looks worse than most stuff that's been around for a while. Granted, at its peak, the 360 will destroy current PC gen gaming...however, the way it looks, the peak won't be for a while because multithreaded coding is so damn tricky and expensive that it'll end up pushing up the costs of games, slowing sales of the hardware and software, throttling the market. At least, that's how I see it. That's why I think that, while the AMD X2 is a great processor, it's useless for gaming (oh hell, it IS useless for gaming unless you like running 52385897 different things at once), and that the PC market is going to soon enough shift away from multicore processing.

I'm probably wrong though.
2005-12-07, 6:08 PM #46
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Yeah, I agree. There is no way the Xbox 360 version will look better than the PC version. It's not going to happen - not unless Bethesda was bought out horribly, and they weren't. Oblivion was designed from the ground-up to support the Xbox 360 in the same sense that Morrowind was designed around the Xbox - in the sense of "not at all" and "the controls make it unplayable".

Yeah thats correct, Bethesda said in a interview that both versions wil look identical.

Originally posted by Jon`C:
I think that pretty much goes without saying. They say they've been trying to take it in a more Zelda-ish route, but they're keeping stats and they're keeping the first-person perspective. I just can't see it working, and I'm pretty sure we haven't seen any in-game combat footage.

There is plenty of in-game combat footage, and it looks ****ing badass. For the first time, you can actually parry with a sword and shield in real-time. No more 'behind the scene' dice rolling for hits.

From what I have seen of Oblivion, it will be one of teh greatest games of all time IMO. The AI, graphics, physics, and interativity of the environment (making HL2 feel like Doom) will be unmatched.
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2005-12-07, 6:29 PM #47
OK, look. I understand you guys saying PC gaming all the way, but if you put everything into perspective, what has the PC got other than FPS's? I can't think of much else. PC will be used for FPS games, and aside from that everything is console anymore.

And aside from you geeks/nerds, who's going to spend 500$ a year (EXAGGERATION, DON'T LEAP DOWN MY THROAT TO KILL ME FOR BEING WRONG) to keep their PC recent so they can play PC games, when they can spend 400$ and get a console and be set for 4 years? Casual gamers will go for a console, not the PC. Not everyone is a hardcore PC technician like all of you (EXAGGERATION. DON'T KILL ME, PLEASE) and so not everyone is going to go for PC.

Guys, in the next decade PC gaming is going to DIE because not everyone is going to shell out the money for PC's like you guys do. It's inevitable.


Oh, and name three genres other than FPS that should only be played on PC. I don't want games that graphically "look" better, I want games genres like FPS's that can only be fully enjoyed on a PC.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2005-12-07, 6:36 PM #48
Dj Yoshi, some people just enjoy different things. I just hate it when people completely idolize one thing and everything becomes a comparison to that one thing. It's very annoying.

Before you tell me that I don't "want to see the truth" because obviously, your opinion is the truth, then know that I am a big PC gamer. I've bought all the latest and greatest titles, spent a lot of money on a new Geforce 6800GT a few months back, and I've enjoyed it very much. But I can honestly say, that I am much happier with my purchase of the original Xbox than I am with the 6800GT or anything else gaming related in my computer. And I spent less on the Xbox than I did on the 6800 on it's own..

I'm just saying that the PC isn't the own all, win all, beat all of everything. People have different opinions, and those people who do have them aren't just ignorant people who can't see the "truth".

[Edit: By the way, according to IGN, no current 360 game has even used 50% of it's power yet. That article is funny because they're comparing Xbox games to Xbox 360 ports of the same game. Great idea!]
[This message has been edited by Viper45 (edited December 27, 2000).]
2005-12-07, 6:53 PM #49
Zloc, show me a console that plays games like WoW or any other MMORPG for that matter.
Pissed Off?
2005-12-07, 6:57 PM #50
PS2 has FFXI. But ok, yeah that's one genre. Give me two more other than FPS and MMO.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2005-12-07, 7:04 PM #51
Originally posted by Viper45:
Before you tell me that I don't "want to see the truth" because obviously, your opinion is the truth, then know that I am a big PC gamer.

Oh is that ever true...

To be honest, the 360 as of now is not looking any better than your high end PC. Does that mean the 360 won't get better? Of course not. Plus there are games that feel so much better with a controller in your hand rather than a keyboard.

Although, as of right now, I'm not getting the Xbox360. I'm just fine with CoD2 for my PC and for the version of Quake that wasn't rushed. I do however plan on getting PS3 and Revolution.
No sig.
2005-12-07, 7:25 PM #52
Originally posted by Viper45:
Dj Yoshi, some people just enjoy different things. I just hate it when people completely idolize one thing and everything becomes a comparison to that one thing. It's very annoying.

Before you tell me that I don't "want to see the truth" because obviously, your opinion is the truth, then know that I am a big PC gamer. I've bought all the latest and greatest titles, spent a lot of money on a new Geforce 6800GT a few months back, and I've enjoyed it very much. But I can honestly say, that I am much happier with my purchase of the original Xbox than I am with the 6800GT or anything else gaming related in my computer. And I spent less on the Xbox than I did on the 6800 on it's own..

I'm just saying that the PC isn't the own all, win all, beat all of everything. People have different opinions, and those people who do have them aren't just ignorant people who can't see the "truth".

[Edit: By the way, according to IGN, no current 360 game has even used 50% of it's power yet. That article is funny because they're comparing Xbox games to Xbox 360 ports of the same game. Great idea!]

1) It's not the fact that you can't enjoy it--I'm talking about graphically and interface wise. Most games released for it are PC ports--games originally released on the PC are usually intuitively made for the PC. IE--CoD2. Granted they can be played on the Xbox 360, but they weren't made for it.

2) PC genres that wouldn't work on the console? Gladly--

FPS, RPG the likes of KotOR and NWN, MMORPGs, RTS, TBS even, anything requiring a POINTER.

PCs will not die out.
2005-12-07, 7:44 PM #53
PC gaming dying out is complete rubbish.

Originally posted by Zlocista:
Guys, in the next decade PC gaming is going to DIE because not everyone is going to shell out the money for PC's like you guys do. It's inevitable.

PC Costs are goin' down.
And obviously,
Console costs are going up.
2005-12-07, 7:47 PM #54
Originally posted by saberopus:
PC Costs are goin' down.
And obviously,
Console costs are going up.

So thats why you guys spend $200 - $400 on video cards every couple years? Also, console costs aren't really going up. Sure, to get an ACTUAL and GOOD Xbox 360 you need to get the $400 system, but systems have been launching at 300$ for quite a while.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2005-12-07, 7:57 PM #55
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
So thats why you guys spend $200 - $400 on video cards every couple years?

Explain how this is different than:

Originally posted by Zloc:
when they can spend 400$ and get a console and be set for 4 years?

Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2005-12-07, 8:02 PM #56
There are other expenses than just video card. RAM, HDDs, mobos.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2005-12-07, 8:07 PM #57
Originally posted by Zloc_Vergo:
There are other expenses than just video card. RAM, HDDs, mobos.

512mb was the standard for a good 5 years. Now a gig. HDDs...barely even costly anymore. 90 bucks for a 200 gig, ridiculous.
2005-12-07, 8:10 PM #58
True Zloc, but then PC's can do a hell of a lot of other things besides gaming to justify it.

Aside from FPS/MMORPGS I feel the PC's biggest advantage is game modding. Would this site even exist if the DF/JK series had been console from the start? :) Modding extends the life of many games on the PC immensely.
"The moral of the story? No means no, especially when it comes to the English language. It's not into the kinky stuff you want it to do, and therefore you should not force it." - Darko
2005-12-07, 8:13 PM #59
OK, yeah modding. One big thing there. And yeah, PCs can do more than consoles but if that's the case why not buy a kickass console and a cheap computer to connect to the internet with and such?
I had a blog. It sucked.
2005-12-07, 8:18 PM #60
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]1) It's not the fact that you can't enjoy it--I'm talking about graphically and interface wise. Most games released for it are PC ports--games originally released on the PC are usually intuitively made for the PC. IE--CoD2. Granted they can be played on the Xbox 360, but they weren't made for it.

2) PC genres that wouldn't work on the console? Gladly--

FPS, RPG the likes of KotOR and NWN, MMORPGs, RTS, TBS even, anything requiring a POINTER.

PCs will not die out.[/QUOTE]

So basically you're saying you're a graphics whore? :rolleyes:

It's funny that you mentioned KotOR, because I'm pretty sure that it came out on Xbox before it came out on PC, and it worked fine.

And you're right, the majority of the 360's launch titles are PC ports. Like CoD2 and Quake 4 and, oh, that's it. I'm not going to say the 360's launch titles are great, because I don't really like a lot of them, but the entire system doesn't depend on it's launch titles...
[This message has been edited by Viper45 (edited December 27, 2000).]
2005-12-07, 8:21 PM #61
Because consoles are cutting edge (if that) for a very limited time. It won't even be that long before a 'cheapish' computer will be on par with a 360 for gaming. Computers don't age well, but consoles age worst of all since you can't upgrade individual components like a PC.
"The moral of the story? No means no, especially when it comes to the English language. It's not into the kinky stuff you want it to do, and therefore you should not force it." - Darko
2005-12-07, 8:29 PM #62
[QUOTE=Gordon Farcus]Because consoles are cutting edge (if that) for a very limited time. It won't even be that long before a 'cheapish' computer will be on par with a 360 for gaming. Computers don't age well, but consoles age worst of all since you can't upgrade individual components like a PC.[/QUOTE]

This is where it loses me... like I said in my first post in this thread, I'm happier with my original Xbox than when I got a cutting edge upgrade for my PC. It's not worth it to stay "cutting edge", not at the prices of the PC market.
[This message has been edited by Viper45 (edited December 27, 2000).]
2005-12-07, 8:29 PM #63
Originally posted by Viper45:
So basically you're saying you're a graphics whore? :rolleyes:

It's funny that you mentioned KotOR, because I'm pretty sure that it came out on Xbox before it came out on PC, and it worked fine.

And you're right, the majority of the 360's launch titles are PC ports. Like CoD2 and Quake 4 and, oh, that's it. I'm not going to say the 360's launch titles are great, because I don't really like a lot of them, but the entire system doesn't depend on it's launch titles...

Graphics whore? Did you just pick three words from my post and assume--most of it was talking about different genres of games that I love--none of which have anything to do with graphics. I do like good graphics...but you're the one who said he got a 360. There's honestly no reason to own the console other than graphics.

KotOR--worked on PC, but was MUCH better on PC both graphically and interface wise. But it did indeed work on the Xbox.

The majority of launch titles are indeed ports--and guess what, Quake 4, CoD2, King Kong from PC, the rest of the ports from Xbox. Quake 4 and King Kong made a horrible transition, and CoD2 was only decent because it was MADE to be out for the 360.
2005-12-07, 8:35 PM #64

It's not expensive at all to keep up with PCs now.
2005-12-07, 8:38 PM #65
Originally posted by Rob:

It's not expensive at all to keep up with PCs now.

Exactly. It's only expensive if you MUST run your games at 1600x1200+ with 12xAA and 16xAF. Other then that, a 2-3 year old PC with a 250 dollar 6800GT can run any game flawlessly at 1024x768 with 2-4xAA and 4-8xAF.
Got a permanent feather in my cap;
Got a stretch to my stride;
a stroll to my step;
2005-12-07, 8:38 PM #66
Originally posted by Sol:
Exactly. It's only expensive if you MUST run your games at 1600x1200+ with 12xAA and 16xAF. Other then that, a 2-3 year old PC with a 250 dollar 6800GT can run any game flawlessly at 1024x768 with 2-4xAA and 4-8xAF.

I attest to this.
2005-12-07, 8:42 PM #67
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]Graphics whore? Did you just pick three words from my post and assume--most of it was talking about different genres of games that I love--none of which have anything to do with graphics. I do like good graphics...but you're the one who said he got a 360. There's honestly no reason to own the console other than graphics.

KotOR--worked on PC, but was MUCH better on PC both graphically and interface wise. But it did indeed work on the Xbox.

The majority of launch titles are indeed ports--and guess what, Quake 4, CoD2, King Kong from PC, the rest of the ports from Xbox. Quake 4 and King Kong made a horrible transition, and CoD2 was only decent because it was MADE to be out for the 360.[/QUOTE]

Right, you said yourself that it's not that you can't enjoy it, but the graphics and the interface. How else am I supposed to interpret that? I didn't comment on the rest of your post because it wasn't directed at me, I only mentioned KotoR because I own it on Xbox and saw no problem with it's interface.

I already said the launch titles aren't great, so I'm not going to argue with you on that. You said the majority of games on it were PC ports -- that's all I was commenting about.

Oh, and I don't have a 360 yet. I will be buying one later.
[This message has been edited by Viper45 (edited December 27, 2000).]
2005-12-07, 8:46 PM #68
I still think CoD2 looks better on my PC then the 360 version. I played the 360 at CompUSA, and it was alright, but my PC is also a 4400+ with 7800gtx sli, so I can have things like transparentcy AA on...
gbk is 50 probably


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