
"You Would Have Been BALEETED..."
Posts: 3,897
This year, save for one episode, Family Guy has been extremely disappointing to me. And it featured , in my opinion, one of the worst and most irritating jokes I have ever seen on televesion. I'm referring to Stewie's "so, gonna work on that novel?". You can tell that Seth couldn't think of one damn thing to write, so he dragged out that joke for over 2 minutes, and I swear to go i was gonna throw the TV out the window. The episode with Stewie/Disney was just genius. Anything else so far though, has been par or worse. Frankly, I've found American Dad more blatantly offensive and funnier than Family Guy. It started out the exact opposite, but now they have switched roles.
Regarding the Simpsons, I haven't gotten to see to much of this season. But last season and even the season before, they really made some strides and returned to some really good episodes (President Wore Pearls, Pattie adopts the Chinese, an episode of Catholic bashing, robot Wars, Futuredrama). I can't really comment on it this year. I'll have to "look out for" the episodes...*cough*. After 16.5 seasons, I'm not surprised that it's starting to lack in quality. I mean, South Park pretty much got it right in "SIMPSONS DID IT!". They have done too much stuff, and they are just running out of somewhat realistic plotlines to follow, and have to keep making them more and more bizzare.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"
"None knows what the new day shall bring him"