As I listen I'll write my comments:
Yoshi should cut out his anti-Apple garbage. For one, AAC isn't a proprietary format.
Durr. It's a very efficient MPEG4 codec, in the same class as Ogg Vorbis.
Quality blows. I mean, the cutting in and out. If you used Skype, you may try something like TeamSpeak or Ventrillo.
Someone said "Phased out the line in, not the line out because that would be pointless" or something similar. Line out is not headphone out. Headphone outs are amplified, and due to crappy output stages, headphone outs can often sound worse than line outs. Line outs are much more appropriate for plugging into a home stereo, car stereo, etc. Just FYI.
The reason iPod earbuds blow out isn't likely a fault with the buds themselves. A lot of people unlock the volume on their iPods so they can listen at LITERALLY ear-bleedingly stupid levels. The buds are likely blowing either because they can't handle the new power output, or the unlocking is allowing the user to push the onboard amp much harder than it should, overdriving it and causing the headphones to blow. This could happen with any earbud. Just FYI, it's probably not because the buds themselves suck (although I am not arguing with this point). A stock iPod on full volume shouldn't blow the earbuds. If that's the case, well, Apple is dumb. But either way, you should never be listening that loud (i.e. any sane person would not have a problem with this).
The G, gaming versions of the Shure IEMs are no different, they're just marketed towards portable gaming. They just look cooler. Crazy audiophiles (Yecti speaking?)...IF YOU MENTION wait. UE 10 Pros. Phew.

How could you use them personally? They're custom molded! Unless your friends' ear canals are really close to yours.
MB, you used my Etymotic ER-6, which go in WAY deeper than other models. Other companies to look at are Westone (UM1 model) and Ultimate Ears (generic fit). Just some FYI...
ER-6is are only $90 is Yoshi talking about?
Also, Steel Battalion never cost anywhere NEAR a grand. I might also point out that SB isn't a very good argument for 360 backwards compatibility, since anyone who owns SB already owns an XBox, and there are very few people with SB to begin with. But I certainly do agree than Sony has Microsoft licked with backwards compatibility.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.