Don’t get me wrong here, I love Dvorak, but Don't bother.
I've spoken to several people who have tried to learn Dvorak, and the almost all say the same thing. If they could always use Dvorak, they would have been fine. But the fact is that 99% of the computers out there are still qwerty, and switching back and forth between the two of the them only makes things worse.
If you can make sure you will ONLY use computers with Dvorak for a decent period of time (Several Months, depending on how fast your learn), then you can probably master Dvorak enough to be able to return to qwerty and not get completely messed up, but if there is any chance you might have to use qwerty while you are tiring to learn Dvorak it will just mess you up.
Also, you can try reading
here. He pretty much says the same thing everyone else has said to me.
Finally, If you need a typing program, but feel that you are too old for “Stickybear teaches typing” (or Mavis Beacon for that matter). Try [URL=]this[/URL]. (
) It may not have a Dvorak mode, but it will be so much fun you won’t care!
"Well, if I am not drunk, I am mad, but I trust I can behave like a gentleman in either
condition."... G. K. Chesterton
“questions are a burden to others; answers a prison for oneself”