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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Man this sucks massive blah...
Man this sucks massive blah...
2005-12-12, 7:55 PM #41
Originally posted by mscbuck:

Go For 'Em

2005-12-12, 8:02 PM #42
Buy a gun, take it to school, KILL EVERYTHING THAT MOVES, blame computer games.
Last edited by mb; today at 10:55 AM.
2005-12-12, 8:02 PM #43
guys... just cause someone's bigger than you doesn't mean you can't take them...

Honestly, i've beat up a lot of big guys. You just have to move quicker than them.

As far as my advice, I say the guy needs to know you're not an easy target. Once he does, he'll leave you alone. That doesn't necessarily mean fighting, but it might.

I met this guy once who lived on a ranch. His parents were friends of my parents and we went and camped on their ranch. The first day, the guy was a total bully. He grabbed my hat and wouldn't give it back, so I pushed him into a creek and held his head underwater for about 30 seconds. He gave, and I got my hat back. And after that, we laughed about it, and had a good time for the rest of the week. Funny thing was, this guy was a lot stronger than me (he lived on a freakin ranch, and did a lot of physical chores). But I still beat him, cause he didn't expect me to do anything about it. When I did, he was surprised so I was able to catch him off guard, and afterwards, he respected me for sticking up for myself.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2005-12-12, 8:09 PM #44
In our state, there are laws against bullying. You might check into it. Your school counselor would know.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2005-12-12, 8:11 PM #45
Laws? Damn.

Will there be laws against wandering eyes in schools soon?
2005-12-12, 8:36 PM #46
The logical approach, unfortunately, often sounds a lot more reasonable than it is at the time. I've taken the logical approach many times--and there's tons of situations where it doesn't work. Flat out. He may be pushed to violence--for some reason, some kids are never satisfied until it comes to that.
2005-12-12, 9:22 PM #47
Sure, you can go and "run like hell" to the nearest teacher, or completely ignore being spat in the face. But unless you have any friends who'd stand up for you, why be a cowardly wuss? Honestly, talking to teachers or police or whatever is the worst thing you could possibly do IMO. That'd just be degrading. Deal with your problems on your own.

I agree that violence isn't the answer but the last resort, but, quite unfortunately, some people understand nothing but violence.
2005-12-12, 9:25 PM #48
This thread is full of some of the most terrible advice I have ever seen in my entire life.

Treat him like he's already your friend. Seriously. If he shoots a spitball at you, scrape it off and laugh with him. Tell him it was a nice shot. Just act like you're good friends with a little prank war going or something. Lend him paper or pencils or whatever. Just be a good guy, and if he comes after you, defend yourself as best you can, then laugh and "jokingly" tell him he's a dick...

Just...treat him like a friend. You don't have to be NICE, exactly, just pretend both you and he are kidding around.

By the way, you should act that way to everyone. That's how you get people on your good side, no matter what kind of person you are. Most people I've met, even those who don't like certain groups of people, will say something like "Man, for an emo, he's pretty cool." or "For a nerd, he's pretty cool." Then maybe next time he pulls something, someone will be on your side.
2005-12-12, 9:28 PM #49
As far as my advice, I say the guy needs to know you're not an easy target. Once he does, he'll leave you alone. That doesn't necessarily mean fighting, but it might.

exactly the point of my previous post

violence isn't always the answer, but sometimes you have to throwdown, if you're called out then fight, don't back down
2005-12-12, 11:58 PM #50
men who solve their problems with their fists are hardly men at all
2005-12-12, 11:59 PM #51
new plan.

1. TP his house.
2. Leave a note that says, "Mr. <insertbully'slastname>, This is because your son's a prick."
3. Enjoy.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2005-12-13, 12:01 AM #52
men who solve their problems with their fists are hardly men at all
Men who solve their problems with their fists get remembered. No one looks down on Abe Lincoln for reconstructing the southern states (cept maybe the southerners) when everyone else was pushing for reconcilliation.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2005-12-13, 12:09 AM #53
Originally posted by Sarn_Cadrill:
Men who solve their problems with their fists get remembered. No one looks down on Abe Lincoln for reconstructing the southern states (cept maybe the southerners) when everyone else was pushing for reconcilliation.

That's hardly comparable to petty highschool fistfights.
2005-12-13, 12:17 AM #54
no but highschoolers are hardly "men"
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.

Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.
2005-12-13, 1:06 AM #55
It was a figure of speech.

My point is, he has more and better options than to just fight the guy. Solving your problems by beating up the guy causing them rarely will do any good in the long run, and more often than not will only end in more problems, especially if you make it a habit.
2005-12-13, 1:22 AM #56
That was a good story.

You got your *** kicked.

Tell you what, the next time he starts shooting spit balls, jam the pen he's using to spit them down his throat. That'll show him.

Or you could form a posse and throw a blanket party for him.

You pick.

If theres one thing I've noticed about bullies in school, after they've gotten their *** handed to them theres two things that can happen.

They'll either stop, and go away, or you'll get ganked by 6 other guys.

If you do nothing, they'll never stop. So for chrissakes, do something atleast.

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