I'm finally done with high school. I just got back from getting my cap, gown, and yearbook. I hated high school with a passion. It wasn't a good or bad experience. It was just boring as hell and I wasted what opportunities and abilities I have. I typed out this huge thing on what I would do different if I could do high school over again, but I decided to condense it. If I had to do high school over again, I wouldn't have been lazy and procrastinated when it came ot my grades, I would have been more involved with school activities and sport, I wouldn't have been such a wuss-*** when I started high school, and I would have taken all the opportunities that had presented themself, and I wouldn't have played it safe. That probably doesn't make much sense to you guys. I just wanted to vent. I want to go back in time and do high school all over again so I can correct the scores of retarded mistakes I made.
Now, I know I have to do some kind of "post your...." thing in order to keep some retard from coming in and going "Lame thread! We don't care! Die!" so do whatever the hell you want with this thread. Post your high school experience, current greivances, whatever the hell you want.
btw, whoever coined the phrase "No Regrets" is a ****ing idiot.
The sooner you realize I'm right the better off you will be.
[This message has been edited by Kieran Horn (edited June 02, 2004).]
Now, I know I have to do some kind of "post your...." thing in order to keep some retard from coming in and going "Lame thread! We don't care! Die!" so do whatever the hell you want with this thread. Post your high school experience, current greivances, whatever the hell you want.
btw, whoever coined the phrase "No Regrets" is a ****ing idiot.
The sooner you realize I'm right the better off you will be.
[This message has been edited by Kieran Horn (edited June 02, 2004).]
Democracy: rule by the stupid