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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Massassi's "100 things to remember from 2005"
Massassi's "100 things to remember from 2005"
2005-12-14, 3:19 PM #81

2005-12-14, 5:11 PM #82
3) Bush finally introduces a plan for "gradually" drawing our troops out
2) Death toll for War in Iraq hits 50,000 (recorded total, not just Americans). Some contend it is much higher.
1) 5000 year old noodles found in China (check accuracy of this, it's x000 years)
2005-12-14, 10:01 PM #83
Originally posted by Echoman:

At least put the whole thing :p
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-12-14, 10:15 PM #84
Sorta updated. Just moved list from 2nd to 3rd page.

100) Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans and surrounding cities hard. Floods, extensive damage and incompetence over federal aid were all part of this problem.

99) "Hot coffee" mod for GTA:SA causes controversy over ESRB and video game content. Hillary Clinton even got involved (not surprising).

98) R.I.P. Richard Pryor


96) Tookie Williams pwned.

96) Many a sandwhich eaten. **

94) Tom Cruise goes psycho.

93) Katie Holmes gets pregnant with Tom's baby.

92) Britney Has a baby.

91) Ben and Jen have a baby.

90) Matt Damon gets married.

89) Nick and Jessica get divorced.

88) Kedri still has not returned.

87) Mechwarrior tries to come back still. **

86) France/Australia riots.

85) Various natural disasters taking place both in and outside of the US.

84) Jake Gyllenhaal made out with Heath Ledger.

83) The Star Wars saga ended - Episode 3. A little bit lauded, a little bit loathed, but generally accepted as a suitable conclusion to the saga.

82) Serenity came out.

81) Veger met the Serenity Cast.

80) Iraqi elections.

79) New Pope (Pope Benedict XVI).

78) Kyle90 thinks he has a girlfriend.

77) Record amount of hurricanes with cool names.

76) 60th anniversary of the only use of nukes in war.

75) The O RLY? owl fad.

74) Huygens probe landed on alien moon but didn't find any aliens.

73) Supercomputers surpass processing power of human brain.

72) A weak imitation of the Troll Wars of 02 at Massassi involving Ghost54321, sparking momentary alarm before it quickly died.

71) Massassi upgraded its freaking forums FINALLY, not once, but TWICE.

70) RtfM started recording, broadcast on the revived Massassi Radio

69) Xbox360 has a disappointing release with a severe shortage of systems.

68) Nintendo DS and Sony PSP battle it out. Fanboys still arguing over which is better.

66) Star Trek died.

65) John DeLorean died.

64) John Paul II died.

63) Frank Gorshon died.

62) James Doohan died.

61) Don Adams died.

60) Rosa Parks died.

59) Bob Denver died.

58) Batman in live-action becomes successful again.

57) Victor Van Dort turned 17 and continues to still be victimized.

55) London public transport terrorist bombings.

54) Kroko doesn't have rectal cancer.

53) "Have you pissing on you self at school any time?"

52) Sith2. Duh.

51) "First SBX update in YEARS. SBX 3.1 Soundpack is released, making us not quiver everytime we hear a lightsaber blade hit the wall. First mod that does not have to be activated for all players or host." -KnightRider2000

50) "That KnightRider2000 guy makes a bunch of useless threads and people hate him." -Emon

49) "Emon continues to be 'Emo'-n" -MB

47) "Mbeggar is right once again." -KnightRider2000

46) Mr. Miyagi died. In his final television performance, Mr. Morita declares, "I'm not Mr. Miyagi, I'm Pat effin' Morita!", leaving a classic ending to an amazing legacy.

45) "MBeggar continues to throw around the term "emo" even when it does not at all apply, much to the contrary of his own advice to the masses." -Emon

44) "MB releases a press statement noting how the word Emo just happens to be in Emons name, therefore it is okay to bold and underline the offending word." -MB

43) "A bunch a Massassi members accidently ruin a thread entitled, Massassi's '100 things to remember from 2005' " -KnightRider2000

42) 42

41) New gorillaz cd is too pimp to handle.

40) ###

39) People (in Massassi) didn't once again change.

38) Clerks 2.

37) ###

36) Star Wars saga set to continue on in television form. **(really?)

35) A movie was made about Doom called....Doom.

34) Ridiculous amount of controversy in a case over Terri Schiavo.

33) Earthquake in South Asia, around Pakistan kills 80,000+.

32) The banning of oldies like Jon'C, Jepman, CaveDemon, etc.

31) Jepbaby fails. Jepbaby again.

30) World of Warcraft becomes a drug.

29) SF_Gold has sex. **

28) Shintock is enlightened. (loves Manshecks).

27) Birthday Reaper pic rages across Massassi forums.

26) SWG is brutalised by SOE not once, but twice in an attempt to increase appeal. Many quit.

25) The Banlist. Many cheer.

24) CoolMatty OWNS JediKirby.

23) JDKNIGHT188 met MB and Emon.

22) Colbert Report aired.

21) More Pure Pwnage episodes.

20) Useless member Nightmare JG finally gets custom title.

19) New Massassi still not done.

18) RIT reaches critical Massassian mass; explodes with pure nerdiness.

17) The Moon moves farther away from the Earth than ever.

16) BSR's Star Trek mod; due to be released sometime in '02, still doesn't show.

15) JK is still not dead, even after it died in 1999.

14) Many a female joins Massassi.

13) G8 conference.

12) Live8.

11) Boco changes forum name. **

10) List of 100 things starts. **

9) Kanye West says that George W. Bush hates black people during Katrina Event.

8) No successful 'Bohemian Rhapsody' threads, and people fell for FGR's "fake" 'Bohemian Rhapsody' thread almost totally.

7) Spiral makes House in the Woods.

6) Kieran joins military. **(any other Massassian's at military/war? Jorbo and Snoopfighter?)

5) Forum of ****** Closed. **

4) Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy kicks ***. **

3) Bush finally introduces a plan for "gradually" drawing our troops out.

2) Death toll for War in Iraq hits 50,000 (recorded total, not just Americans). Some contend it is much higher.

1) 5000 year old noodles found in China.

0) Hellequin sends everyone Christmas cards.

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