...Just because he's a taxi driver, doesn't mean it wasn't planned. "Hey, I've got a car we can use!" What is there to suggest either way for sure? Each situation is HYPOTHETICAL. I'd like to see where you're getting your "facts" that he had no knowledge. You seem to be missing that I'm not making assumptions...
Thank you for rephrasing what I said. Except that I would've offered at least half the compensation even if he was -hypothetically- guilty, due to the abuse of power of the soldiers.
This of course follows your assumption that he had nothing to do with it. Which is stated NOWHERE. They did not say in the film that the Taxi driver DENIED his involvement. Nor did they say that he was being charged, so please stop making an assumption.
Sleeping pills cause drowsiness too.
-Please- read my post correctly before assuming I'm making an assumption such as charging the Taxi Driver of being guilty, even without evidence?
You even rephrased a suggestion of mine, but made it even harsher than what I offered. But you were doing it to spite down my suggestion?
I don't know where you saw me making claims that the taxi driver was indeed guilty, but I would appreciate it if you would actually read my post.
Edit: Had to put a /B tag.
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
[This message has been edited by Jedigreedo (edited June 05, 2004).]