Everybody i've tried to explain it to thinks i'm crazy. I can sense when TVs are on in the vicinity, even when they are in a closed room at the other side of the house. Its like this very high pitched "noise", not so much a noise as it is just something I can...sense I guess. Its almost impossible to judge which direction its coming from. I dont even really "hear" it, I just kinda sense it within my head. Very hard to explain, hopefully somebody knows what I am talking about.
I've proven it to myself MANY times, 99% of the time if I sense it and look around the house there will be a TV on. Sometimes I will wake up in the middle of the night with my door shut and sense it, I will walk downstairs to find that somebody left the TV on "Video" so it is all black so they thought it was off but wasnt. One night I woke up and heard it, and ran around the house going CRAZY because there were not TV's on and I was trying to zero in where it was coming from...it ended up being from a Cell phone that was charging in the kitchen on the other side of the house and DOWN a floor, so I know it is some kind of electronic emission. Sometimes it almost hurts, but for the most part is just an annoyance.
So is there anybody that can explain this to me, why it happens or what exactly within the TV is making the "sound"?
I've proven it to myself MANY times, 99% of the time if I sense it and look around the house there will be a TV on. Sometimes I will wake up in the middle of the night with my door shut and sense it, I will walk downstairs to find that somebody left the TV on "Video" so it is all black so they thought it was off but wasnt. One night I woke up and heard it, and ran around the house going CRAZY because there were not TV's on and I was trying to zero in where it was coming from...it ended up being from a Cell phone that was charging in the kitchen on the other side of the house and DOWN a floor, so I know it is some kind of electronic emission. Sometimes it almost hurts, but for the most part is just an annoyance.
So is there anybody that can explain this to me, why it happens or what exactly within the TV is making the "sound"?