Ah. Sorry - poor wording on my part. What I meant by "What happened when He did it" is this: a star goes supernova. Now, the lazy response to "what happened and why" is "God did it and willed it so." The non-lazy response would be that the star ran out of the proper fuels to be able to support its own weight, causing it to crush itself into degenerate matter.
I'm not sure what you mean.
a plays no role in solving the equation. But a does participate in the equation itself, by your own writing: "sin(x) + 7 - a + b = 3b - a". God is not necessary to define the natural universe, yes, but that does not mean that God is in no way involved with the natural universe. Likewise, a is not necessary to find x and b - but that doesn't mean that a doesn't play any role at all in the equation.
Granted, with this argument, purple rhinos orbiting the moons of Jupiter, when added to both sides of F=ma, can be considered to be a part of the equation to determine the force of an object has with acceleration a and mass m - however, I simply choose not to believe that they exist, and, likewise, you choose not to believe that God exists.
Perhaps this is a better way to explain my position - science does not need God to explain the workings of our universe. Science can not be used to describe God, as, by His very nature, He is supernatural. Thus, mentioning God in a scientific field is unnecessary - when describing in class how an electrical current running through a wire generates a magnetic field, there's no need to append "and God makes it so" to the explanation - the fact that God doesn't need to be mentioned in that specific academic situation not withstanding, for those who believe that God wills it and does it, it's implied.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken