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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Oil that is. Black gold. Texas T.
Oil that is. Black gold. Texas T.
2005-12-21, 8:30 PM #1
So I come home tonight and they are talking on that CNN show MAD MONEY about oil in Texas. Apparently out in Granbury they discovered a crap load of oil on some private land. Funny part is, all the land is divided amongst old people who bought it to retire on.

My parents being one of them. So apparently my parents own "Executive rights" to this land, being the original owners having more rights. The original owners leased their rights out to the oil company(ies) who want to drill their, but until the rest of the people living on the land sign the rights over (and believe it, they asked them to do it for FREE) they can't drill.

So my parents, along with the rest of the people, are being sued in order to get the rights. My stepfather said he wanted to sell the land to the oil company(ies) but my mom said not to cause she wants to retire out there.

So now my parents own a crap load of land with oil under it.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-12-21, 8:35 PM #2
Too bad you hate your parents.

Or was it just you mother?
2005-12-21, 8:36 PM #3
So now that you're rich....can I have some money?
Little angel go away
Come again some other day
Devil has my ear today
I'll never hear a word you say
2005-12-21, 8:39 PM #4
tofu, just my mom. But she has been getting better lately. Not sure why. I think its drugs.(Not really)

Originally posted by Crimson:
So now that you're rich....can I have some money?

The problem is that this kind of legal stuff could take years. We aren't rich (though my mom got anew job as a counselor and our household income just doubled). Maybe in like 5 years the crap will be clear. We haven't even hired a lawyer yet.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-12-21, 8:39 PM #5
We went through the same thing a few years back; some company was convinced that there was oil around where I live and was buying up the mineral rights to everyone's property. Anyways, my parents refused, but the company was really persistent (they eventually almost tripled the amount they were going to pay us) but then they finally gave up. But they had done the seismic blasting all around the edge of our property before that (technically still on land that they had rights to; but it was damned close), so we figured they must have seen something they liked. We didn't want anything to do with it though; one of our neighbours came home one day to find a huge pumping rig set up in the middle of her field. And the company wouldn't even pay to put up a fence (it was a horse field).
2005-12-22, 3:07 PM #6
Typical facist government, burn them, BURN THEM ALL I SAY.

Say hey to your grandma wink wink * ;)
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2005-12-22, 9:23 PM #7
Except it's not the government, it's oil companies.
2005-12-22, 9:29 PM #8
Same difference.
2005-12-22, 9:49 PM #9
Let me be sure that I understand this: The oil companies are suing thrawns parents to get the oil under the land that Thrawn's parents legally own?

That is seriously f***ed up.

Also, when you buy a piece of land, does your ownership cover only the surface area, or do you theoretically own the land all the way down to the Earth's core?
2005-12-22, 10:05 PM #10
texas tea... get it right or i smack you
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2005-12-22, 11:30 PM #11
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
texas tea... get it right or i smack you


Pagewizard_YKS, yes thats pretty much the story from what I gathered. The reason they are doing it is because they already have 75% of the land but can't do anything without permission from the other 25% of the owners (My parents being part of it). So they are trying to force all 25% to give in. The original demand the oil company made was this:

Give us the land. We will pay off whats left on it. But we won't give you anything.

Suffice to say everyone walked out. I drove out near the land tonight and saw 3 oil things already. 1 was near complete and the other 2 were nearing completion.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.
2005-12-23, 3:12 AM #12
my friend told me that while he was in nigera an oil company (shell to be precicse) came in and pretty much kicked a whole village out off thier land and told them they were drilling there. some big nigerian celebs protested and got hung. the nigerian government didnt do squat cause they got paid off and are rottern. *******s.
Take that there and put it in here
2005-12-23, 8:29 AM #13
Thrawn: your parents are in an excellent position to use leverage b/c they have something the oil company desperately wants. I would put in a counter-offer if i was them. I would start high (i.e. offer to sell for twice what the land would normally be worth) and see what the oil company does. They probably won't pay that much, but its worth a try. At this rate, if they do this deal right, there is an excellent chance of walking away with a profit.

Of course, they could stay like they wanted to, but do they really want to live in the middle of an oil field?
2005-12-23, 8:33 AM #14
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
Thrawn: your parents are in an excellent position to use leverage b/c they have something the oil company desperately wants. I would put in a counter-offer if i was them. I would start high (i.e. offer to sell for twice what the land would normally be worth) and see what the oil company does. They probably won't pay that much, but its worth a try. At this rate, if they do this deal right, there is an excellent chance of walking away with a profit.

Of course, they could stay like they wanted to, but do they really want to live in the middle of an oil field?

Yeah, they can always retire nearby and the extra money wouldn't hurt. Take advantage of an opportunity by starting high as Page said. It's better than being sued for it.
2005-12-23, 9:26 AM #15
Take your family to out to see Syriana as soon as possible. You'll understand after you see it. I am dead serious.
"...Those living for death will die by their own hand, Life's no ordeal if you come to terms, Reject the system dictating the norms..."
2005-12-23, 9:08 PM #16
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
Thrawn: your parents are in an excellent position to use leverage b/c they have something the oil company desperately wants. I would put in a counter-offer if i was them. I would start high (i.e. offer to sell for twice what the land would normally be worth) and see what the oil company does. They probably won't pay that much, but its worth a try. At this rate, if they do this deal right, there is an excellent chance of walking away with a profit.

Of course, they could stay like they wanted to, but do they really want to live in the middle of an oil field?

Step-dad wants to sell the land. Mom doesn't want to.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.

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