So I just got done watching the 3rd one ( Last Crusade) with my family, and I have to say Indy is awesome, and the trilogy as a whole, with the possible exception of Temple of Doom, is solid gold.
I just love the movies, both the first and third are kinda tied in my books. I can watch them over and over again, and never get tired. Even though I have many of the lines memorized, I still pick up something different each time I rewatch them.
Like in the third one, check out the hat symbolism.
In the beginning, [River] Phoenix gets the fedora from the old guy, and it fades into an adult Indy. THen there's the guy in the white suit, and you see his hat floating on the water. And towards the end where the tank rolls off the cliff, you see Indy's hat return to him in the wind out of nowhere. Seriously, you could write a whole freaking Thesis paper on it.
Finally, discuss some of your favorite one liners and scenes from the movies. I have so many, but one in particular is the part where Indy and his Dad are on the beach, and the German fighter plane is pursuing them. Indy's out of ideas, so his Dad runs up to the seagulls with his umbrella and drives them at the airplane, which gets overun with birds and crashes. Then Sean says, "I remembered my Charlemagne: Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky."
So many Great Lines!
I just love the movies, both the first and third are kinda tied in my books. I can watch them over and over again, and never get tired. Even though I have many of the lines memorized, I still pick up something different each time I rewatch them.
Like in the third one, check out the hat symbolism.

Finally, discuss some of your favorite one liners and scenes from the movies. I have so many, but one in particular is the part where Indy and his Dad are on the beach, and the German fighter plane is pursuing them. Indy's out of ideas, so his Dad runs up to the seagulls with his umbrella and drives them at the airplane, which gets overun with birds and crashes. Then Sean says, "I remembered my Charlemagne: Let my armies be the rocks and the trees and the birds in the sky."
So many Great Lines!