[QUOTE=Kieran Horn]Because when taking drugs, specifically the harder drugs, you usually aren't affecting only yourself. This rule is applied to alcohol too, but we call it drunk driving, drunk in public, and reckless endangerment.[/QUOTE]
Kieran does have a point, but of course nothing in life is as cut and dry as the posts on this thread make it out to be. Personal rights vs. the rights of the government has been a constant issue ever since the dawn of time, especially in the U.S. since it's inception.
Just look at the civil war. Slavery, women's rights, etc. I'm not quite sure if we're making progress any more, or what direction we're heading in for that matter. Are we moving more and more towards 1984, or are we moving towards anarchy? Katrina is a perfect example of "personal liberties" taken to the extreme, but then Communist China is a perfect example of government rights taken to the extreme.