Vin Diesel downs each meal with a cupful of Tide detergent. It comes out clean and he never has to wipe because of it.
Vin Diesel invented a new form of mathematics that only uses the number 666.
The name 'Vin' comes from the latin meaning of 'he who has ****ing awesomeness'. The name Diesel comes from a McDonalds happy meal toy of the hamburglar and means 'made in South Korea'.
There is no "I" in team. There are two "I"s in Vin Diesel. **** you, team.
The original C3PO was played by a gold construction paper-wearing Vin Diesel. Unfortunately, George Lucas fired Vin from the cast because he wouldn't stop calling Luke "a little *****" every time the camera was rolling.
Vin Diesel has been shot twelve times in the back and skull with a .45 magnum rifle and walked it off.
A Japanese man once kept a Tamagotchi alive for ten years, and it evolved into a sentient being. That sentient being is Vin Diesel.
Ah... that's enough for now. Ten bonus points if they don't come off of the top 30.
Vin Diesel downs each meal with a cupful of Tide detergent. It comes out clean and he never has to wipe because of it.
Vin Diesel invented a new form of mathematics that only uses the number 666.
The name 'Vin' comes from the latin meaning of 'he who has ****ing awesomeness'. The name Diesel comes from a McDonalds happy meal toy of the hamburglar and means 'made in South Korea'.
There is no "I" in team. There are two "I"s in Vin Diesel. **** you, team.
The original C3PO was played by a gold construction paper-wearing Vin Diesel. Unfortunately, George Lucas fired Vin from the cast because he wouldn't stop calling Luke "a little *****" every time the camera was rolling.
Vin Diesel has been shot twelve times in the back and skull with a .45 magnum rifle and walked it off.
A Japanese man once kept a Tamagotchi alive for ten years, and it evolved into a sentient being. That sentient being is Vin Diesel.
Ah... that's enough for now. Ten bonus points if they don't come off of the top 30.
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