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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Holy ****ing crap. Read this topic NOW
Holy ****ing crap. Read this topic NOW
2005-12-29, 10:19 PM #41
Teach an introductory programming class (like Visual Basic), and you'll see that the portion of the population who could install a dual-boot with Linux is a small portion. The majority of people who use computers and can't install Linux can't install Windows, either - that's typically why it comes pre-loaded on a computer.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-12-30, 3:58 AM #42
Originally posted by Jon`C:

People here may play games, but the 'average' user doesn't. I mean, apart from Solitaire. And as I drift more toward console gaming I'm finding myself increasingly satisfied by whatever is available on the platform. Maybe other people would agree?

I haven't read past this point, but I agree - and it's part fo the reason I moved to OSX, in that I knew I wouldn't have time to spend playing games, and if I was to, I'd drag out my mega-drive and do it properly. The mac is for browsing, general internet tomfoolery on irc, work, music, and photo-suite type things.

I feel old :(

I'm going to get some beers in :(
2005-12-30, 4:03 AM #43
I'm on OSX now too.

But I kept my PC, and hooked it up to the TV in my living room, and installed XP Media Centre edition on it. It kicks *** with my ATI Remote, and I can play GTA: SA on my big TV. :D

When I have the time. :(
2005-12-30, 4:09 AM #44
Somehow predictable to note a "you are an idiot if you don't use Linux" posts here.

Anyhow, this seems really bad... time to check things.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2005-12-30, 4:10 AM #45
Yeah, I know the feeling - Right, when I go to my parent's tonight to get fed (they're cooking a meal for me and Izzy bless 'em) I'm retrieving my mega drive from under my old bed, and bringing it home. And I might find time for more Battlefront on here too (the one game I've got for OSX).

So there!


(Nice not to have to disable images even on firefox)
(Also safari wasn't mentioned either, but the new FF is nicer)
2005-12-30, 4:12 AM #46
It's not about the difficulty of installing it. Most people have absolutely no clue how to install Windows XP, especially when it's complicated by requiring SATA/RAID/SCSI controller drivers (like most new computers).

Have you ever installed Ubuntu or Kubuntu? It's easier. The only complicated choice you have to make is how to repartition your hard drive, and the installer gives you a list of options on how to do it (clean wipe or resize old partitions).

That's not to say it's easy enough for the average, oh, Dell consumer - but if Ubuntu came preinstalled on Dell laptops I can guarantee they'd take on a similar mystique as Apple laptops do.
2005-12-30, 4:22 AM #47
I'd just like to point out that linux, ubuntu in my case, which I installed just over 3ish weeks ago now is working fine.

You CAN do anything in linux that you do in windows its just a bit more difficult actually setting it all up to do it. The problem with switching over at the minute is that windows is so firmly imbedded in peoples way of life and how they think when they use a computer that using linux for the first time can seem like hitting your head against a brick wall.

Sure there were moments where I was screaming at the computer as I although I had followed all the instructions in one guide I couldn't get my mouse (mx1000) working properly in linux.

Plus customizing linux to have similar functions to windows involves editing some rather important files that if you make a mistake, which I did, linux won't boot and you are faced with a command prompt style interface. Put "everyday joe" in that situation and they won't have a clue what to do and start to cry.

People need to realise that linux is a very different beast compared to windows, it actually requires you to understand how the OS works, what files are important to its operation. Its also often the case that you can't just click and .exe in linux and install how you do in windows, it requires a bit more patience but is a lot easier now than what it was 2 years ago when I last tried SuSe.

As for making windows data readable under linux, all it takes is some time searching in google, I now have access (read only, but could have write if wanted) to everything on my windows partitions and it took about 15mins in total to find and setup.

But to the argument as to whether the general populus is ready for linux or is linux ready for the general, simply because there still needs to be a lot of work making linux easier to use. The fact that I have to use google and go to discussion boards to find answers is evidense enough.

However, if people were presented with a computer with linux installed and nothing else and if this computer had had some basic customizing done before shipping, then it might just be ok for "joe average". The problem at the moment is switching over from windows to linux when you have a choice, windows for me is setup sooo nicely now after 4ish years work and linux still feels "clunky" in comparison.

For web browsing I'm going to use linux now until a fix is there for windows, I'm still a windows user through and through because I play a lot of games that I haven't got to run as well yet under linux. Also i'm used to using word a lot more than the OpenOffice version and for project work I'm sticking with what I know I can do.

It is nice to have the option to switch over to linux when needed though :D
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2005-12-30, 4:40 AM #48

that's the bbc's take on the matter btw.

And that's the MS page on the tech details.
2005-12-30, 5:54 AM #49 there's an image, that merely by VIEWING it infects your computer and opens the doors for all kinds of hell? Brilliant!

Lord Tiberius Grismath
1473 for '1337' posts.
2005-12-30, 8:25 AM #50
Originally posted by Jon`C:
Have you ever installed Ubuntu or Kubuntu?

No, but I'm deliberating between Debian and Ubuntu/Kubuntu at this time.

Oh, and I have installed XP - really easy to do. I'm not sure how it could get any simpler. :confused:
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2005-12-30, 8:33 AM #51
Originally posted by Wolfy:
No, but I'm deliberating between Debian and Ubuntu/Kubuntu at this time.

Oh, and I have installed XP - really easy to do. I'm not sure how it could get any simpler. :confused:

Try setting up OSX - it was scarily simple - you know that 45 mins with XP when you input all your settings - takes 5 mins with an internet connection with OSX. Awesome

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