I'm writing a paper on the appeal of violence in video games for school and I could use some figures and public opinions to help me going. So if people could spare to 2 minutes to answer these simple questions, I'd greatly appreciate that.
Thanks in advance.
1) are you male or female? 2) What is your age? 3) Have you in the last 12 months played a videogame which contained physical violence in any way or mean or played violent videogames on a regular basis before that? [if not, go to 7b] 4) How often do you play such videogames? 5) Do you find violent videogames more, equally or less entertaining than non-violent videogames? 6) Do you play more, less or an equal amount of violent videogames, compared to non violent games? 7a) Can you describe what aspects of violent videogames you find most entertaining? 7b) [only answer if you haven't played videoviolent games] Can you describe what aspects of violent videogames you think might appeal to others?
Thanks in advance.