Yeah, I can see where you're coming from then. I agree that the JA trilogy was a bit weak, and I can somewhat agree on the NJO and Jorus, but I still think they're excellent books. I think a lot of the force stuff in the NJO deals with their perspective of the force, and not necessarily the nature of the force itself (and if you look at it that way, it's not quite contradictory to how the movies represent it), but it did get out of hand in places. I still love the books, though, but to each his own.
I've heard that a lot of the clone wars novels are fairly bland, but I havn't read them myself. If you havn't read it already, though, I highly suggest picking up Republic Commando: Hard Contact. I read it expecting it to be a generically lame videogame novel, but it blew me away after the first few chapters. Great book.