[QUOTE=Cool Matty]There are 0 at newegg, there is only one at tigerdirect.com (and its way out of his pricerange, at $360USD), and there are none at any chain stores.
His only chance would be ebay as posted above, which would have a used card of questionable reliability (although that rater is good, so I doubt it would be an issue).
That, and the card linked above doesn't have a driver CD, any of the adapters (not that he will need them, but still), and after the $20USD in shipping, would put him over his budget still. (262CDN)
I've looked hard, guys. Besides ebay (and even then there's little to no chance), finding exactly what he needs just isn't made anymore. It's all PCI-Express now.[/QUOTE]
So other than the fact you've been proven wrong many times now, all you have left as far as arguments go is the fact that it's over his budget. In that case, why did you flame me for my post? Who knows, I figured that 6800s might be down to 200-ish somewhere. I was just offering a suggestion of a card that I know had two DVI slots.
In conclusion: Suck yo' momma.