1) Subscription Fee:
- You are guaranteed new content
- Don't have to wait for expansions for new content
- New content should come in through patches
- Rate in which new content comes in isn't constant
- Subscription payments add up over time
- New content may not be worth the subscription fee
- Forced to play the game daily or every few days in order to make the payment worth the money.
- Some new content may only be made in expansions
2) No Subscription Fee:
- No payment to be made over time
- Play at your own pace - no obligation to keep paying continously
- No need to give billing infomation since the price you paid for the game is all the money they need
- Major new content only made through expansions
- Possible new content coming in patches is not guaranteed
- Game's community is most likely a younger audience due to no subscription fee
[Edit: Removed the subjectiveness of my last con in no subscription]
- You are guaranteed new content
- Don't have to wait for expansions for new content
- New content should come in through patches
- Rate in which new content comes in isn't constant
- Subscription payments add up over time
- New content may not be worth the subscription fee
- Forced to play the game daily or every few days in order to make the payment worth the money.
- Some new content may only be made in expansions
2) No Subscription Fee:
- No payment to be made over time
- Play at your own pace - no obligation to keep paying continously
- No need to give billing infomation since the price you paid for the game is all the money they need
- Major new content only made through expansions
- Possible new content coming in patches is not guaranteed
- Game's community is most likely a younger audience due to no subscription fee
[Edit: Removed the subjectiveness of my last con in no subscription]
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!