If you want to be perfectly evil about it, let AIDS do it's work. How's that for killing population? How about hunger and ethnic cleansing in Africa? Asian countries are having to deal with these policies of infantcide as a means to keep their populations from starving anymore than they are already. I guess the best bet is to let 100,000 Chinese immigrate to another place and culture to keep them alive.
Seriously, you have no idea how many elements go into population increases. And you'll never believe that "White People" are QUICKLY becoming a minority in American, and have been in the world for years. There is no easy solution to a problem that has been in countries like China for decades. Good luck on suggesting policies to a web forum that won't be even considered by the Chinese government. Why? Because they censor web access.
Seriously, you have no idea how many elements go into population increases. And you'll never believe that "White People" are QUICKLY becoming a minority in American, and have been in the world for years. There is no easy solution to a problem that has been in countries like China for decades. Good luck on suggesting policies to a web forum that won't be even considered by the Chinese government. Why? Because they censor web access.
"If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?"