Let's start off with a backstory. Few days ago, I learned that this girl who I find attractive and enjoy being around really likes me. Naturally, I am overjoyed.
Last night I had a dream that I asked her out, and she didn't like me any more and I was confused since she had been head over heels for me the day prior. Then I woke up, and realized "Thank God...it's a dream..she really does like me", and decided this dream did not bode well. I was planning on asking her out today.
I asked her. She said yes. I was overjoyed, and I'm still overjoyed. But it's Friday night, she's in Indianappolis taking her cousin to the airport, so I can't even call her to talk to her. Oh, and I live out of town so even if she was in town I couldn't take her to a movie or anything.
I am deeply saddened at this. Oh, and my school doesn't do "dances". It's a Christian school, and it sucks. I really wish I'd gone to public for middle school.
Offer words of wisdom on how you think I may be able to do something with this girl because I want to do something with her badly as opposed to just spending time on the phone together and in between classes.
I just sounded really emo, didn't I.
Last night I had a dream that I asked her out, and she didn't like me any more and I was confused since she had been head over heels for me the day prior. Then I woke up, and realized "Thank God...it's a dream..she really does like me", and decided this dream did not bode well. I was planning on asking her out today.
I asked her. She said yes. I was overjoyed, and I'm still overjoyed. But it's Friday night, she's in Indianappolis taking her cousin to the airport, so I can't even call her to talk to her. Oh, and I live out of town so even if she was in town I couldn't take her to a movie or anything.
I am deeply saddened at this. Oh, and my school doesn't do "dances". It's a Christian school, and it sucks. I really wish I'd gone to public for middle school.

I had a blog. It sucked.