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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Semi went off the road only a few miles from my house - pics
Semi went off the road only a few miles from my house - pics
2006-02-07, 5:42 AM #1
2006-02-07, 6:00 AM #2
Silly driver, that's not a turn-over lane.

I can one-up you though, with no pictures, I'm afraid. A few miles from where I work, a semi carrying raw chicken was hit right in the middle of the trailer by a train last week. Raw chicken was everywhere.

Here's a snippet: "A semi-truck carrying raw chicken parts to the Atkins deboning plant was struck by a train early Friday morning, scattering 35000 pounds of chicken..."

"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-02-07, 6:02 AM #3
Originally posted by Chewbubba:
Silly driver, that's not a turn-over lane.

I can one-up you though, with no pictures, I'm afraid. A few miles from where I work, a semi carrying raw chicken was hit right in the middle of the trailer by a train last week. Raw chicken was everywhere.

Here's a snippet: "A semi-truck carrying raw chicken parts to the Atkins deboning plant was struck by a train early Friday morning, scattering 35000 pounds of chicken..."


2006-02-07, 6:08 AM #4
where's the death? fire? explosions? carnage??.... ;)

looks pretty good however.

Best photo I have of an accident is on the way back from cornwall last year, a car & caravan had managed to flip themselves and this was the result.

Sorry about the ambulance being in the way, I was driving and kinda missed seeing the car, but the red outline shows roughly how the car was hanging over the central reservation.

Bare in mind that the car & caravan had managed to flip round in the direction of travel in the incident/crash, sadly no one was injured in the crash :rolleyes:
Attachment: 10252/caravan.jpg (38,519 bytes)
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2006-02-07, 6:53 AM #5
Originally posted by Chewbubba:
Silly driver, that's not a turn-over lane.

I can one-up you though, with no pictures, I'm afraid. A few miles from where I work, a semi carrying raw chicken was hit right in the middle of the trailer by a train last week. Raw chicken was everywhere.

Did you take some inconspicuously to have a free (chicken flavored) dinner for a few days?
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2006-02-07, 7:32 AM #6
A mile away from where I live a tornado touched down on a highway and tossed a semi-trailer into a resturant. It was actually a fortunate incident, it could've tossed it into a hotel that's about 100 yards from the resturant.
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2006-02-07, 7:38 AM #7
heh, when I was a kid my Dad and I were stuck in heavy traffic on the M25. Eventually we could see emergency lights in the distance and knew it must have been a crash.
First we pass a car with dented doors on one side, then a second, then a land rover with a crumpled roof and empty boat trailer behind it. A few feet further there was a badly damaged speed boat!
2006-02-07, 8:06 AM #8
i've had more than one semi in the ditch in my front yard. its like it calls out to them. and last summer i witnessed a semi almost hitting a car in the oncoming lane and the car zooming into the ditch. was prety cool. and to think, my g/f was the cause of it. (the semi driver didnt notice she was turning, and when he did he slammed on the brakes. since he wasnt carrying a trailer he fishtailed into the other lane etc.)
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2006-02-07, 8:06 AM #9
No dead bodies? rubbish.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-02-07, 9:04 AM #10
What end of the truck's in the crime scene? :p
2006-02-07, 9:40 AM #11
European ambulances are so colorful! And less square.
2006-02-07, 1:36 PM #12
This summer my dad and I went to Sturgis, about midway through South Dakota there is massive traffic slowdown, after a ways we find out that a truck towing a trailerhome jackknifed right in front of a bridge and the trailer was halfway down the embankment for the median. After about a mile of having to drive slowly all the bikers and people hauling bikes seemed quite happy afterwards.
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-02-07, 1:42 PM #13
Originally posted by lassev:
Did you take some inconspicuously to have a free (chicken flavored) dinner for a few days?


*looks at doctor*

What did you say? Salmonella?
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-02-07, 4:03 PM #14
If I was the guy driving that truck, I would've wet myself. Probably two or three times over.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2006-02-07, 4:31 PM #15
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2006-02-07, 6:14 PM #16
nah, just really trucked up.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2006-02-07, 7:13 PM #17
Originally posted by JLee:
Semi went off the road only a few miles from my house - pics

i read that as Semi went off by the road only a few miles from walkin to my house - pics

so i was expecting to see some guns and some bullets on the road, i was dissapointed to find what it really was

some might ask what i was smokin, but if i was i sure dont remember.........i wont remember posting this either :p
2006-02-07, 8:18 PM #18
A few months ago the northwest forestry service dudes were doing some tree clearing on the campgrounds behind where I live. They were using this really tall Campbell crane (100+ feet) to carry large chopped-down fir trees to another part of the property.
So the dude who climbs and cuts the trees attatched the line from the crane to this one tree's midsection, and cuts the tree in half with a chainsaw. But he must not have secured it tight enough, because as the crane lifted the half-tree into the air and swung it around to the left, it came loose and came crashing down (rather gracefully) into the campgrounds parking lot....on top of 3 cars!; an older Ford Probe, a Jeep Grand Cherokee, and a church van. The van sustained the least damage (broken windows, a few scratches) but the other two vehicles were literally demolished! Although the bulk of the tree trunk didn't land on them, the branches were strong enough to pierce through the hoods and smash them to half their height.
I didn't actually see it all go down, I'm going by what my brother tells me. But I went and saw the crushed cars and that was enough proof for me. No, naturally I didn't take any pictures. I regret it much indeed. :(

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