So yeah I wrote this based off the way they do the Editing Archives on spoof scripts. Anyhoo its a spoof of the Fast and the Furious. I wrote it a few months ago and stopped writing, then about 2 weeks ago I finished it up and did some last minute editing and decided to post it. Maybe it's funny, maybe it isn't. I think it has some good funny parts if you've seen the movie.
Edit: Yeah forgot to say, there is some language in it. Think I say the F-word a few times and a few times I talk about the male anatomy. Oh and I call a girl a slut or something.
Edit: Yeah forgot to say, there is some language in it. Think I say the F-word a few times and a few times I talk about the male anatomy. Oh and I call a girl a slut or something.
I can't think of anything to put here right now.