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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Massassian Age Survey: 2006 Edition
Massassian Age Survey: 2006 Edition
2006-02-10, 8:38 AM #41
Originally posted by SavageX378:
DOH! Ooops :p

For the record, 18-21 should be 18-20. My bad!

No worries, you make awesome stuff so you are forgiven! :D
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-02-10, 8:38 AM #42
17. 18 in May.

Browsed Massassi since forever. Posted a LONG time ago, started posting again recently, god knows why though.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-02-10, 8:52 AM #43
I'm 18 ...and Ive been here a couple months... :D
"I've never seen anyone do an interpretive dance to Mien Kampf "
2006-02-10, 8:53 AM #44
18. Been here off and on for a good few years now (most of it not on the forums at all).
2006-02-10, 8:53 AM #45
2006-02-10, 8:58 AM #46
37 next week. joined when i was 32.
2006-02-10, 9:53 AM #47
I'm currently 19. I honestly can't remember when I first came here. Registered when I was 15, I believe. Been playing Jedi Knight for around 7 years, a couple of years after the game was released. (took me too long to get my own Pentium machine; stuck with a cast-off 486 until '99)
Wake up, George Lucas... The Matrix has you...
2006-02-10, 9:55 AM #48
Martyn is 22. In fact he'll be 23 at the end of march.
2006-02-10, 10:00 AM #49
i think its been about 5 years for me here at the massassi temple. i registered june 01 but i lurked for some time before that.
tofu sucks
2006-02-10, 10:01 AM #50
been around since i was 15ish, which makes it sometime after i lost my virginity.

i'm 21 now.
My girlfriend paid a lot of money for that tv; I want to watch ALL OF IT. - JM
2006-02-10, 10:02 AM #51
Originally posted by Ford:
been around since i was 15ish, which makes it sometime after i lost my virginity.

i'm 21 now.

You're one of the lucky ones. Had you found this place before losing your virginity, it would have then become much harder to do. :D
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-10, 10:20 AM #52
18 as of september 05.

Yeah, I'm a young'un.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-02-10, 11:22 AM #53

I'm 19.
2006-02-10, 12:53 PM #54
Oh my god. I've been involved in massassi for more of my life than I haven't been involved. What the heck.
2006-02-10, 1:31 PM #55
19. 20 in 4 days.
2006-02-10, 1:42 PM #56
22. Been here since 2000. The math is up to you.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-02-10, 1:45 PM #57
Hm, difficult math indeed.

22 - (2006 - 2000) = 16. That of course depends on your birthday and the date you joined, though.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-10, 2:20 PM #58
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
Oh my god. I've been involved in massassi for more of my life than I haven't been involved. What the heck.

That, my friend, is sad.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-02-10, 2:29 PM #59
25, nearly 26.
First came here around 98 or so I think. Back when playing on the Zone wasn't so bad.
"You want the truth?! You can't handle the truth!! No truth-handler you!! Bah!! I deride your truth-handling ability!!"
2006-02-10, 2:32 PM #60
22 and I've been around since June 2000... getting on for 6 years...blimey.
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2006-02-10, 2:33 PM #61
Oh wait, that was bad math...but in 2 more years....
2006-02-10, 2:38 PM #62
The man in black fled across the desert, and the Gunslinger followed...
2006-02-10, 2:51 PM #63
[QUOTE=Darth Evad]37 next week. joined when i was 32.[/QUOTE]

2006-02-10, 4:19 PM #64
Originally posted by KnightRider2000:

Started playing JK when 15, then played on MSN Zone. Boy do I miss the Zone. So nice when there was like 40 people in there at a time.


40 people in there at a time? I remember the days when Nar Shaddaa was packed, and Oasis was 190+ ... now that was nice.
2006-02-10, 4:48 PM #65
See my signature.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-02-10, 5:36 PM #66
[QUOTE=Darth Evad]37 next week. joined when i was 32.[/QUOTE]

I am 37. So that puts me at joining when I was ... um... what... 30 or something?
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-02-10, 7:18 PM #67
2006-02-10, 7:22 PM #68
Originally posted by Chewbubba:
I am 37. So that puts me at joining when I was ... um... what... 30 or something?

The fact that you're a teacher scares me If any of my teachers were on this forum, I know I would be "freakin' out, man".

The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.

-G Man
2006-02-10, 8:19 PM #69
Originally posted by -Monoxide-:
40 people in there at a time? I remember the days when Nar Shaddaa was packed, and Oasis was 190+ ... now that was nice.

True. Those where the days.

It seems the Zone attracted alot of young happy-go-lucky kids. And, ultimately, some of these kids found their way to Massassi and stayed to this day.
2006-02-10, 9:54 PM #70
Originally posted by KnightRider2000:
The fact that you're a teacher scares me If any of my teachers were on this forum, I know I would be "freakin' out, man".

But what if I am one of your teachers...

Your homework is late.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-02-10, 9:56 PM #71
Why do so many polls give me the finger?
2006-02-10, 10:29 PM #72
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
Why do so many polls give me the finger?

Because as Jon`C's poll pointed out, all polls are shaped like that. :D
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-10, 10:58 PM #73
I joined when I was .. 12. I think. I didn't let anyone know of my age for a few years and managed to convince a few people I was like 18 or 19 when I as 13~14 or so :p

I still distinctly remember a thread on the old old OLD (pre-tjscs) TJS forums called "MadQuack goes to high school" detailing MQ's first day of high school experience, or something. I was not in high school yet at the time.

MAN it's been a while.
2006-02-10, 11:02 PM #74
22 turning 23 this nov.

kinda scary I'm almost in the 25+ god time flies

how about u make that 25-30 etc so on and so
2006-02-10, 11:05 PM #75
22? I would have never guessed that...
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-02-10, 11:42 PM #76
20. I was 12 or 13 when I first started coming here (this wasn't my first account, and I lurked before my first).
2006-02-11, 2:48 AM #77
God I've been coming here for ... counts ....

I think 98 or 99

So 5 or 6 years.
2006-02-11, 6:20 AM #78
In solidarity with Darth Evad and Chewbubba, I reveal that I am 32 (27 when I joined Massassi). Maybe we can form a venerable Council of Elders, passing on our ancient wisdom ... but these young massassians, eh, always their minds look to the future, never on where they are and what they are doing ... ;)

... sorry, where am i? ... oh, yes ...

Still it's not so bad, rolling round the old folks home. Remember back in '77 when ... ahhh ... :)
2006-02-11, 8:41 AM #79
Pfft. Remember '77? I barely remember yesterday...
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-02-11, 8:42 AM #80
Originally posted by Chewbubba:
Pfft. Remember '77? I barely remember yesterday...

That would be the result of '77.

You were about a decade late on the craze but you got there. ;)
Epstein didn't kill himself.

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