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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Best lightsaber duel
Best lightsaber duel
2006-02-10, 1:59 PM #1
Inspired by the Best SW movie thread, people kept mentioning which movie has the best lightsaber battle.

I have to go with the Maul/Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan duel, because it results in the most deaths, and its the one that made me go "holy ****" the most the first time I saw it.

Also, I would include the "wizardry" part of the duels in the ones involving Yoda and Palpatine or Dooku.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-02-10, 2:06 PM #2
death star 2

pure epicness
2006-02-10, 2:09 PM #3
That's REALLY hard. I mean, wow. I must go with Yoda VS Palpy, simply because it was exactly how I've always a battle between ACTUAL Jedi to be. To me, all the other battles were rather elementary.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-02-10, 2:10 PM #4
Either Luke vs Vader on Bespin or Anakin vs Obi-Wan.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-02-10, 2:14 PM #5
Difficult choice between all of vader's duels. All of them are filled with emotion. Same with the Obi vs. Anakin one. All 4 of them are great.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-10, 2:20 PM #6
Death star 2.

I was going to vote Anakin Vs Obiwan until I remembered....
Attachment: 10321/hax.jpg (28,309 bytes)
2006-02-10, 2:21 PM #7
The FAR better 'NO!' done by Luke after Vader reads his emotions
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-02-10, 2:27 PM #8
You left out Qui-gon Vs Maul in the desert, and Palpatine VS the four jedi (not just mace) which in fact resulted in the most deaths.
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2006-02-10, 2:54 PM #9
[QUOTE=Mr. Stafford]death star 2

pure epicness[/QUOTE]

i have to agree. it really is just epic
tofu sucks
2006-02-10, 3:22 PM #10
The duel in episode one was great but Bespin wins. Why? The whole dialog during the duel and the spoiler at the end.

EDIT: Obi-Wan vs. Anakin was also very good. I think that might be my second favorite (althoush some of the dialog was awkward).
2006-02-10, 4:03 PM #11
Oh come on. It isn't a spoiler after 25 years.
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2006-02-10, 4:05 PM #12
Kong dies
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-02-10, 4:08 PM #13
Originally posted by genk:
Kong dies

2006-02-10, 4:15 PM #14
My mate never knew that, but he still knew that he fell of the building...

He still claims that I ruined the film for him.
2006-02-10, 4:26 PM #15
[QUOTE=Darth J]You left out Qui-gon Vs Maul in the desert, and Palpatine VS the four jedi (not just mace) which in fact resulted in the most deaths.[/QUOTE]

Qui-Gon vs Maul in the desert was too lame to be included. Sorry if you were gonna vote for it, but it was just a plot point where they bang lightsabers together (OMG theres badguys with saberz! lets tell the jedi councel!!11)

I guess there was technically a bigger bodycount in that other "duel," but it WAS JUST MACE since the other 3 "Jedi" did absolutely nothing but die. They didnt even duel. The real duel began after they died.

I would compare it to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon going around on the federation ship and carving up the droids. The droids also did nothing but DIE.
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-02-10, 4:29 PM #16
Originally posted by Baconfish:
My mate never knew that, but he still knew that he fell of the building...

He still claims that I ruined the film for him.

Well thats what mates are for. Eh mate?
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-02-10, 4:34 PM #17
Obi-Wan vs Anakin was boring. It didn't seem epic to me at all. Just a Special Fx show on a lava planet.
2006-02-10, 4:36 PM #18
yoda and Palpatine are the most powerful jedi's/sith's.

So their fight = win.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-02-10, 4:39 PM #19
well for actual duelling it'd be the episode 3 fight with obi and anikin, as its the best actual duel(talking and throwing things that aren't lightsabres don't really classify as lightsabre duels:D)
2006-02-10, 4:55 PM #20
obi-wan vs anakin. it was a tough choice though.
2006-02-10, 5:16 PM #21
It was a hard choice between Episode 3 Obi Vs. Anakin or Episode 6 Luke Vs. Vader but I liked Episode 3 a little more(just by a hair). I always enjoy the final epic battle... just a wierd thing about me.
No sig.
2006-02-10, 6:42 PM #22
Darth Blight versus Lord Rive.

-Never get tired of it. The only other one I'd vote for is... er... ehh... Lord Byron versus Darth Pestilence, Death, and Fire Ants.
2006-02-10, 7:41 PM #23
Ryan vs Dorkman

What? It's not a choice?

"The solution is simple."
2006-02-10, 7:53 PM #24
I think the Luke Vs Vader (both bespin and death star) and Anakin Vs Obi-Wan were good due to the drama in both of them. The duel with Maul in TPM was nice and flashy but there was no real drama involved. They didn't say a single word. Qui-Gon gets stabbed, Obi hacks Maul in half, Maul falls down pit, end of duel. All done in complete silence.
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2006-02-10, 7:55 PM #25
Oh, it's so hard because they all have their unique qualities.

I voted Anakin vs. Obiwan, because the end, from let's say, where they fight on the platforms on the river of lava, to where Obiwan says his final words to Anakin as he burns alive made me ****ing cry the first time I saw it. Simply because it was exactly as how I had always envisioned it, ever since the first time I heard about Obiwan and Vader fighting in a volcanic place, back in the eighties. That scene where Anakin jumps, the way he finishes him, the things he says, it's just perfect.

But, I could just as well have voted Luke vs. Vader on Bespin. I mean that is perfect too.

But Obiwan and Qui-Gon vs. Maul has the most spectacular action out of them all. That is one classic for sure.

The one that most surprised me was Anakin and Obiwan vs. Dooku. It came so early on in the movie, I was taken by surprise. The way Dooku rids himself of Obiwan was just shocking, and the way Anakin took out Dooku was so cool that I thought I was going to die.

Palpatine vs. the Jedi Masters is also one of my favourites. The way they worked out the lightsaber styles of Palpatine and Mace in this scene is awesome. Palpatine is really unpredictable, really interesting moves. Mace is simply awesome, grace and rhythm, and all with one hand. I was totally awed that he managed to overpower him. Boot to the face! And then that classic Sam line... "You are under arrest, my lord."
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-02-10, 9:50 PM #26
Originally posted by Baconfish:
My mate never knew that, but he still knew that he fell of the building...

He still claims that I ruined the film for him.

2006-02-11, 12:49 PM #27
Dangit Thrawn! I thought he might have climbed back down too...thanks for ruining it for me! Goh!
"The solution is simple."
2006-02-11, 12:51 PM #28
Vader vs. Luke on RotJ was so great, even on the emotional level.

I guess Obi-Wan vs. Anakin on RotS follows after that.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-02-11, 11:09 PM #29
Death star II = obi vs. anakin > bespin > ANH > Ep. 2 > TPM > the robot dude > anything with yoda in it.

Although the best moment of all is when Anakin picks up Palpatine and chucks him to his doom, and the second best moment is when Vader and Obi-Wan meet for the first and last time. Seriously, the scene where they first meet is SO different after watching epsisode three, it's insane. Which makes that duel much more emotional and significant.
But at the end of ROTJ, when luke's getting electrocuted, and vader is looking back and forth at luke and palpatine, then chucking him, then the look on luke's face, gets me every time. I can't help but choke up
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-12, 2:01 AM #30
I hate the prequel duels.

A bunch of stupid flippy ninja ****.

THE FORCE LETS THEM SEE INTO THE FUTURE. I'd stab mid spin. The end.

The OT duels, specifically Vader's last duel with Luke before palpatine is one of the most awesome duels EVER.

I especially like Vader's rope-a-dope. I mean, for about half of that duel, and all of the first one he could defend with ONE HAND. Thats pretty damn impressive if you ask me.
2006-02-12, 2:56 AM #31
Originally posted by Rob:
I hate the prequel duels.

A bunch of stupid flippy ninja ****.

THE FORCE LETS THEM SEE INTO THE FUTURE. I'd stab mid spin. The end.

The OT duels, specifically Vader's last duel with Luke before palpatine is one of the most awesome duels EVER.

I especially like Vader's rope-a-dope. I mean, for about half of that duel, and all of the first one he could defend with ONE HAND. Thats pretty damn impressive if you ask me.

No one did ask you Rob...

Does that mean its not true?
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-02-12, 3:00 AM #32
Originally posted by KOP_Snake:
No one did ask you Rob...

This thread didn't ask anyone's specific opinion, just opinions in general. And Rob gave his. Woah! OMG!
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-02-12, 3:18 AM #33
I voted for the Obi - Maul - Qui Gon duel, because it was the first time you got to really see duelling at its best with trained stuntsmen. I because of the timing of seeing the OT when I was very young, the duelling wasn't as important as the atmosphere. This was to me the first time it had jumped out on screen and grabbed me by the balls.

Also the music rocked when they were doing that bit.
2006-02-12, 8:59 AM #34
I was going to vote for Luke versus Vader RotJ, until I remembered how much of a bad *** Maul was in his fight.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-02-12, 9:04 AM #35
the fight on bespin.
Peace is a lie
There is only passion
Through passion I gain strength
Through strength I gain power
Through power I gain victory
Through victory my chains are broken
The Force shall set me free
2006-02-12, 9:09 AM #36
Deathstar II, then bespin. I love lukes green light saber :D
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
2006-02-12, 9:11 AM #37
Originally posted by 'Thrawn[numbarz:

Jesus dies?!
<Rob> This is internet.
<Rob> Nothing costs money if I don't want it to.
2006-02-12, 9:19 AM #38
Death Star II.

It features my favorite moment of all the Star Wars movies. It always gives me a chill. When that music pops up and Luke goes berserk. Just gold
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2006-02-12, 9:31 AM #39
Episode I with Darth Maul for sure. In terms of lightsaber fighting, nothing made me go "Holy ****" after them like that did.

I think there's a reason it will always be #1 too, for me.

With the OT, the fights were slower and more emotional. Then seeing Episode I - it took it to a completely different level in terms of speed. Look how many fan made movies came out, where all they did were lightsaber fights in the vein of Ep I.

Ep 3 had a good one too, but it didn't impress me like Ep I did.

Kind of like the sequel effect of movies. The first movie usual seems the best, but then when they do it again in the next movie its not as impressive.
2006-02-12, 9:42 AM #40
Luke vs. Vader w/ Palpatine FTW

A very dramatic climax.

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