I just started collecting the DVDs a month ago. I just got to get volume 4. My wife never watched it before and I got her into it. So... why do you think it rocks?
My reason is that just about every episode is like watching a short movie. Great music and the stories are excellent for the most part. And the voice casting is great. Its also one of the few cartoons that I never had one or two favorite episodes. I could watch almost all of them with mutual enjoyment. Picking favorite is just too hard.
My reason is that just about every episode is like watching a short movie. Great music and the stories are excellent for the most part. And the voice casting is great. Its also one of the few cartoons that I never had one or two favorite episodes. I could watch almost all of them with mutual enjoyment. Picking favorite is just too hard.
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...