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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Batman: The Animated Series and why it rocks...
Batman: The Animated Series and why it rocks...
2006-02-10, 6:44 PM #1
I just started collecting the DVDs a month ago. I just got to get volume 4. My wife never watched it before and I got her into it. So... why do you think it rocks?

My reason is that just about every episode is like watching a short movie. Great music and the stories are excellent for the most part. And the voice casting is great. Its also one of the few cartoons that I never had one or two favorite episodes. I could watch almost all of them with mutual enjoyment. Picking favorite is just too hard.
obviously you've never been able to harness the power of cleavage...

2006-02-10, 6:55 PM #2
is this the new THE Batman cartoon? Thats ok, i prefer the justice league. It goes for an hour which is cool. Samurai Jack is definatly the best cartoon ever though.
Take that there and put it in here
2006-02-10, 7:26 PM #3
The Batman comic series has such lame characters as "Calendar Man", and four Clayfaces.



Let's not mention Clayface's inexplicable ability to spawn small children.

But I enjoyed the series.
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-02-10, 8:07 PM #4
I am a big Batman fan. Batman The Animated Series is definitly one of greatest cartoons of all time. Just like you mentioned Outlaw Torn, the voice acting was phenomial and the episodes were brillantly done. It had a truly unique feel to it which made it very memorable.
2006-02-10, 8:10 PM #5
[QUOTE=stinkey diver]is this the new THE Batman cartoon? [/QUOTE]


Anyway, Batman: The Animate Series has some great storylines (not all, but some) and used shadows very well. Today, almost every damn cartoon is so bright and cheery. Batman should only belong to a dark world. The animation is outdated, yes, but it had classic style.
2006-02-10, 8:29 PM #6
I used to watch TAS as a kid, and yes, it rocked. I watched one of the episodes recently, and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's pretty unusal to find something you like as both a 7 year old and a 17 year old!
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2006-02-10, 9:08 PM #7
I think old school animation is 10000x cooler. Ive been watching the orginal transformers cartoon lately (the one set in space, cybertron) and it pwns the new gay 3d rip offs.
Take that there and put it in here
2006-02-10, 9:13 PM #8
oh you mean this old dog?


Yes it was cool. not as cool as eak! the cat. but it was cool.
Take that there and put it in here
2006-02-10, 11:53 PM #9
That's actually from TNBA which was when Batman: The Animated Series was brought back in 1997 with a new animation style. That's what Volume 4 of the DVDs contains.

This is the true BTAS style :D

Personally, I would take BTAS animation over just about any animation today. It's sickening how you could look at the majority of cartoons these days and that it would be hard to find a unique animation style.
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2006-02-11, 1:02 AM #10
[QUOTE=stinkey diver]is this the new THE Batman cartoon? Thats ok, i prefer the justice league. It goes for an hour which is cool. Samurai Jack is definatly the best cartoon ever though.[/QUOTE]

No, its much MUCH better than the new one. Also, like daft_vader said, I too grew up watching this, and seeing it again actually surpassed my fond memories of it.

Batman TAS is a show that aired from 1992-1995, IIRC.

Vol 1-3 rocked, vol 4 was when the series started to get stale, but by then it wasn't really the same show.
2006-02-11, 1:09 AM #11
Btw, I can't wait until the Batman Beyond Dvds get released. That show kicked a** too b/c it was so well done. (Of course, I would expect no less out of the people who made the original BTAS)
2006-02-11, 3:57 AM #12
Favourite epsiodes were "Second Chance" from the old series and "Judgement day" from the revamped series. Best story plots ever. EVER. Seriously, these make new generation crime novels pale in comparison.
2006-02-11, 5:30 AM #13
I always preferred the Spawn cartoon, it seemed to be everything the batman cartoon was and more... shame it didnt run long.
2006-02-11, 5:56 AM #14
TAS was awesome its too bad it didnt last longer
(JKLE_Cougar) from JK MP Community
2006-02-11, 8:55 AM #15
[QUOTE=Mr. Stafford]I always preferred the Spawn cartoon, it seemed to be everything the batman cartoon was and more... shame it didnt run long.[/QUOTE]

Theres gonna be a new Spawn series. I'm not sure if it's a restart or a continuation but they've got some new voices lined up including Mark Hamill. Keith David will still be voicing Spawn though. :D
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2006-02-11, 8:58 AM #16
I actually thought that Batman Beyond thing was really good. But TAS was the top, methinks.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-02-11, 9:09 AM #17

and by far the best villians.
Joker = Mark Hammil ;) anyone.

I sadly cannot aford the seasons on DVD or I would have them, but I do have Mask of the Phantasm on DVD. That is the best Batman movie ever.

yah Batman Begins was great, so was Tim Burton's, but Mask of the Phantasm is so amazing.
“Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.” -G.K. Chesterton
2006-02-11, 2:48 PM #18
Yes, I loved the original Batman: the animated series series. It was great for its time because of the well written episodes and a since of maturity that was quite rare to find in a cartoon series made for a young american audience. The series went down hill though when they started using new animation because the quality of the stories were getting really cheesy. I've never seen the new batman series that is airing now but I doubt its any good compared to the old school animation.
The cake is a lie... THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
2006-02-11, 5:35 PM #19
Originally posted by CavEmaN:
"Judgement day" from the revamped series. Best story plots ever.

hmmm, I disagree.

Having Two-face be the Judge character in judgement day seemed rather pointless because two-face already has a personality that is good (Harvey Dent.) This creates a perfect balance and duality with his dominant evil personality. Adding a third personality that aspires to do good (The judge) doesn't really add anything to the character and doesn't really make any sense because it is redundant.

on an unrelated note, I think that Heart of Ice was the best episode in the original series.
2006-02-11, 7:34 PM #20
Originally posted by Pagewizard_YKS:
hmmm, I disagree.

Having Two-face be the Judge character in judgement day seemed rather pointless because two-face already has a personality that is good (Harvey Dent.) This creates a perfect balance and duality with his dominant evil personality. Adding a third personality that aspires to do good (The judge) doesn't really add anything to the character and doesn't really make any sense because it is redundant.

on an unrelated note, I think that Heart of Ice was the best episode in the original series.

Huh? Three words: Multiple personality disorder.
Judgement day gave an indepth look at Dent as a character suffering from a disorder. Just because there is a good and bad side, doesn't mean that other alternative personalities don't exist. I can't see how showing Dent suffering from a disorder is redundant in any way. Aside from that, this episode was awesome, you didn't have any idea who the Judge was, the whole detective approach was brillant and most of the dialogue was sharp as well as the voice acting.
2006-02-11, 7:47 PM #21
Yeah, BTAS rocked. I remember some of the villains being a little... weird, though.
That was the thing: It was all the crazy comics villains done in a style similar to that of the Burton films. T3h Awez0mz.
The opening was pretty cool too.

-Batman Beyond rocked too. The Jokers was an interesting development, and all the other villains seemed to be unrelated to previous villains. Blight was a good archnemesis, and I really liked the guy in the sound suit. And, of course, Ink. *schoolboy crush*
2006-02-12, 12:36 AM #22
Take that there and put it in here
2006-02-12, 12:51 PM #23
[QUOTE=stinkey diver][/QUOTE]

We have to log in to see that.
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-02-12, 1:18 PM #24
What? You guys don't like "THE batman?"
>>untie shoes
2006-02-12, 4:22 PM #25
After the animated series I couldn't get past the art style of any of the other ones Batman Beyond, The Batman ect.
“Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.” -G.K. Chesterton
2006-02-12, 4:28 PM #26
:D It was my fav cartoon growing up :)
It's sweet because of the different types of villans and Alfred.
2 Face was scary
Penguin has a machine gun umbrella!
This is retarded, and I mean drooling at the mouth
2006-02-12, 4:54 PM #27
[QUOTE=stinkey diver]I think old school animation is 10000x cooler. Ive been watching the orginal transformers cartoon lately (the one set in space, cybertron) and it pwns the new gay 3d rip offs.[/QUOTE]

That's not the original.
Pissed Off?

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