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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Peter, Stewie, or Brian?
Peter, Stewie, or Brian?
2006-02-11, 3:15 AM #1
Come now, who's your favorite? If you dont know what I'm talking about.. then shoo!
"Guns don't kill people, I kill people."
2006-02-11, 3:38 AM #2
This is the winter of your discontent!
2006-02-11, 3:55 AM #3
I voted for the low-fat cake alternative.

Or Brian.
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2006-02-11, 3:58 AM #4
Peter is lame. Only real contenders are Stewie and Brian. Stewie takes the gold.
2006-02-11, 4:17 AM #5
Brian, by a long way.
2006-02-11, 4:40 AM #6
Stewie, cos he's well awesome :D
2006-02-11, 4:44 AM #7
Brian. Especially drunk Brian.
2006-02-11, 5:35 AM #8
I just came to mess with the poll. I have no idea what this is all about. But Brian is Brian, no matter what.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2006-02-11, 5:51 AM #9
Brian by a long, long way.

"I'm not drunk, alright? I just have a speech impediment. And a stomach virus. And an inner ear infection."
2006-02-11, 6:38 AM #10
Whose leg do I have to hump to get a dry martini around here?
The Massassi-Map
There is no spoon.
2006-02-11, 6:46 AM #11
Stewie ftw.

He reminds me of a younger, more diabolical kyle90.
2006-02-11, 8:59 AM #12
Quagmire FTW.
And when the moment is right, I'm gonna fly a kite.
2006-02-11, 9:01 AM #13
It's a tossup between Stewie and Brian. Actually, they work so well together that it is hard to have one without the other.
"Flowers and a landscape were the only attractions here. And so, as there was no good reason for coming, nobody came."
2006-02-11, 9:06 AM #14
Originally posted by gbk:
Quagmire FTW.

"Como se llama, 'giggidy'?"
-=I'm the wang of this here site, and it's HUGE! So just imagine how big I am.=-
The OSC Empire
10 of 14 -- 27 Lives On
2006-02-11, 9:45 AM #15
This Season:

Stewie + Brian = Usually Gold
Stewie alone = weak

Stewie alone has sucked something else this year. And I put the "usually gold" in front of Brian + Stewie because one joke this year I think was the most overrated and unfunny jokes I've ever seen on that show. The first time it showed up in the eppisode, it got a chuckle, the second time (it lasted much longer, around 1 minute), I was about to throw my TV out the window.

Peter is the only one I find consistent, and I think he's the funniest.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2006-02-11, 9:47 AM #16
And this joke was...
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2006-02-11, 9:48 AM #17
The "going to write a a main character...." etc etc etc.

It annoyed the freaken hell out of me.
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2006-02-11, 9:54 AM #18
Wes Darklighter
2006-02-11, 10:18 AM #19
Originally posted by mscbuck:
This Season:

Stewie + Brian = Usually Gold
Stewie alone = weak

Stewie alone has sucked something else this year. And I put the "usually gold" in front of Brian + Stewie because one joke this year I think was the most overrated and unfunny jokes I've ever seen on that show. The first time it showed up in the eppisode, it got a chuckle, the second time (it lasted much longer, around 1 minute), I was about to throw my TV out the window.

Peter is the only one I find consistent, and I think he's the funniest.

2006-02-11, 1:57 PM #20
Brian is the funniest, as his comments are always the realist comments that put the entire show's funny into perspective.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-02-11, 2:01 PM #21
"I'll have what he's having."

<3 Brian.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-02-11, 2:39 PM #22

No, i don't think she is the funniest, but I love how other characters reat her, and what kind of situations she gets in.
I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
2006-02-11, 2:51 PM #23
You shall rue this day...

$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-02-11, 3:06 PM #24
Stewie all the way.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-02-11, 9:25 PM #25
STEWIE....then brian, then peter
2006-02-11, 9:31 PM #26
Stewie and Brian really are almost inseperable. But then again, Brian sometimes does well with Peter.

Peter: It's already done. I dropped them all off at Toys for Toddlers last night.
Brian: All? Peter, only only one gift was for charity, the rest were for the family.
Peter: No, the rest were from the family. Weren't they? (Pauses.) Oh crap...since when did they change the meaning of "for" to "from"?
Brian: They had a meeting about it last night.
Peter: Why wasn't I told?
Brian: They sent you a card, but it said "for Peter" on it so you must of thought it was from you, so you didn' know, its just easier to call you stupid.

-I love that one.
2006-02-11, 9:38 PM #27
On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals."
2006-02-11, 9:38 PM #28
As great as Stewie and Peter are, Brian is just greater.
2006-02-11, 9:41 PM #29
2006-02-11, 9:55 PM #30
Pea... Tear....... Griffon

Aww crap!
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-02-12, 12:15 AM #31
Peter??? Why even make that an option
2006-02-12, 12:31 AM #32
Stewie Quotes (cuz he's the

Guy on Airplane: Oh great, I always end up sitting next to a damn baby.
Stewie: What did you just say?
Lois: Stewie, stop fussing.
Stewie: Pipe down Lois. (Slaps guy on head.) Hey big man, turn around. Oh you can't hear me now. I was going to watch the movie, but forget it. For the next 5 hours, you're my *****.


Stewie: There's always been a lot of tension between Lois and me, and it's not so much that I want to kill her, it's just, I want her not to be alive anymore.


Peter: (Walks out of the bathroom and wanders into another room. He walks into the room and walks behind the bed. We find out that this is Chris' room.) Hey, you still awake, Lois honey? (Peter lays down into Chris' bed.)
Chris: Dad?
Peter: That's right, I'm your daddy. Shh, Shh, Shh, Shh. Don't talk, Lois, don't talk. Just let me do all the work. feel my warm breath on the nape of your neck. My hands on your big soft boobs...running down your big man-like chest. (Peter jumps up.) Holy crap, It's Chris!! Uhh...Uhh...So, uhh...How ya doin'? You do all your homework?
Chris: (nods his head.)
Peter: Finish all your subjects?
Chris: Yes, sir.
Peter: Good, just uhh, just checkin'. (Backs towards the door.) Have a good night son. (Walks down the hall.)
Peter: You still awake honey?
Stewie: What the deuce?


Stewie (in car with Brian, says to police officer): We met on the Internet. He lured me into the car with promises of candy and funny stories.


Peter: I don't say this often enough, but, uh, I'm gonna die.
Lois: Oh my God.
Stewie: High five! Anyone? Anyone?


Chris: Here Stewie, have a fig newton.
(Stewie eats the cookie.)
Stewie (while chewing): I say, I must use him for, OH GOD THERE'S AN ORGY IN MY MOUTH!!!!!


Stewie: Oh damn! Jeremy is still in the trunk! How long has it been, two weeks? Yeah, he's dead.

ok ok ok im stopping he just rox
2006-02-12, 9:04 AM #33
[QUOTE=Unknown User]Peter??? Why even make that an option[/QUOTE]

Because Peter named his boat the S.S. More Powerful Than Superman, Batman, Spiderman, and the Incredible Hulk Put Together.
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-02-12, 12:01 PM #34
My vote goes to Brian.
2006-02-12, 12:21 PM #35
Lando Griffin.

Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music
2006-02-12, 12:44 PM #36
Peter is not getting nearly enough respect here.
2006-02-12, 1:14 PM #37
>>untie shoes
2006-02-12, 1:26 PM #38
Stewie is probably the funniest character on TV as of now.
"It is not advisable, James, to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener."
"Rationality is the recognition of the fact that nothing can alter the truth and nothing can take precedence over that act of perceiving it."
2006-02-13, 1:09 AM #39
"Brian, there's a message in my Alphabits! It says "ooooooo""

"Peter, those a cheerios"

Something about that quote I love. lol

But seriously Stewie FTW.

Didja see that commin'? Didja? Nooo, you didn't! Why? Because I set it up that way!

Wow... I'm almost as retarded as peter when I'm dead tired. (Is it me, or does that actually sound like something peter would say, or actually did say in an episode?)

Another of my favorite quotes (or at least a rough estimate):

"What's your name?"
[Peter looks at a pea]
[Peter looks a woman crying][
[A griffin flies in the room]

"Yeah, Pea-tear Griffin. Peter Griffin! [Pause] Crap"
2006-02-13, 3:51 PM #40
Originally posted by FCTuner04:
Wow... I'm almost as retarded as peter when I'm dead tired.
I generally supercede Peter in the realm of retardedness when I'm tired.
Catloaf, meet mouseloaf.
My music

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