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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Been a while, so...
Been a while, so...
2006-02-11, 6:58 PM #1
Post your funny and/or awesome Battlefield moments.

So, it's Wake Island. The US forces are reduced to just the little sliver of island in the northeast. We're trying to swim under that little bridge thingy. Part of a sudden, this Zero comes out of NOWHERE, does an invert through the bridge, and crashes into us.
We survived, but we all agreed it was crazy as hell.

-Anyone got any good stories?
2006-02-11, 7:01 PM #2
[On PS2 BF2]

We were loaded in a heli [6 of us] when the chopper OBOVE us gets hit with a sam and COLLIDES knocking us out of the path of the NEXT ONE.

It was freaky [WE won BTW]
2006-02-11, 7:04 PM #3
I was on Market Garden with some other dudez in a B-27 (I think that's what they are), top turret. I got one and, feeling nerdy, shouted "I got one! Hey, I got one!" The guy in the bottom turret responds, "Great kid, don't get cocky!"

-Good times.
2006-02-11, 7:06 PM #4

<Wolfy> Well, there's at least one thing Battlefield teAches me: I am not a good pilot.
<Wolfy> I'm flying in a Mustang, and I see what looks like two tanks fighting on the bridge.
<Wolfy> I identify the Nazi tank, hit it.
<Wolfy> Turns out it was two friendly tanks - a Sherman, and a stolen Panzer
<Wolfy> Then, as I'm desparately trying to type, "SORRY" (which came out "SOR7Y"), I crash into a building.

And, then, on a low-gravity server: what happens when someone gets shot by a tank shell.
Attachment: 10364/shot0.jpg (37,482 bytes)
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-02-11, 8:55 PM #5
Wake Island, playing Desert Combat. Held off some 150 enemies from the airbase with about 10 tickets left.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-02-11, 9:03 PM #6
Did anyone ever hit a flying plane with a bazooka? I swear, one of these days, I will manage to hit one.
2006-02-11, 9:08 PM #7
I once stabbed a flying plane. No effect.

-The plane got away. I... didn't.
2006-02-11, 10:04 PM #8
Originally posted by Echoman:
Did anyone ever hit a flying plane with a bazooka? I swear, one of these days, I will manage to hit one.

I've done it only a couple times, but I've shot down aircraft with tanks all the time.
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-02-11, 10:26 PM #9
I am killer at BF2, granted, I only played once at a lan party. The Chinese kept kicking our teams ***, but if I left the vehicles alone, I'd kick ***. I ended up being the only member on my team, as EVERYONE [human] went Chinese simply because I was owning them all. See, none of them but 1 had ever played the game before, so none of us knew how to run the vehicles. Of course, what does everyone deicde to do? Ride vehicles. So I just wander the map unloading on enemy vehicles, avoiding their poorly aimed counterfire until they get out to attack me, and then I cap them with CSS accuracy.
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-02-11, 10:44 PM #10
Originally posted by JediKirby:
I am killer at BF2, granted, I only played once at a lan party. The Chinese kept kicking our teams ***, but if I left the vehicles alone, I'd kick ***. I ended up being the only member on my team, as EVERYONE [human] went Chinese simply because I was owning them all. See, none of them but 1 had ever played the game before, so none of us knew how to run the vehicles. Of course, what does everyone deicde to do? Ride vehicles. So I just wander the map unloading on enemy vehicles, avoiding their poorly aimed counterfire until they get out to attack me, and then I cap them with CSS accuracy.

That tactic just doesn't work in a real public game. No one on the internet is that bad. At least not after their first game. They'll just drive around you or you'll run out of ammo and won't be able to do anything to them.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-02-12, 4:23 AM #11
I managed to blow an airplane out of the sky with a bazooka in a BF1942 game. It was on Wake, and it was after one of the worst patches right after the Road to Rome expansion that had COMPLETELY nerfed the AA guns. It now required a stupid amount of direct hits to kill even a fighter plane, never mind trying to down them with any mounted MG. The result was that everyone who got to a plane was invincible if they didn't crash, and flew like they knew it.

So, I was Japanese, we had been pushed back to the North West village only. Our carrier was sunk of course. And as everybody is trying to cross the bridge or swim around it, we are naturally getting raped, strafed, and bombed by low tree-top level slow-flying aircraft, immune to anything. So, what I did was load up the anti-tank kit, after a try at getting the lead right, I nail the strafing corsair right in the engine and watch it blow up. Heeee :) Winged a few others too.

During the demo-beta phase on Wake again. I was an engineer laying explosives on the long road on the ridge between the airbase and the NE base. So I spot an enemy, we both unload at eachother, scoring some hits, we close in, draw pistols, and are both almost unloaded, I'm about to draw my knife and go for a BF knife fight when out of the blue, a flaming airplane-wreck drops out of the sky and flattens the other guy.

The inclusion of ragdolls in BF2 is really tactical. On Gulf of Oman, there was an enemy squad on top of the Hotel, by the pool. As I drew a bead on them from the surrounding ridge and plinked away at them with aimed shots, I'd manage to kill a few, but they have a medic with them who kept reviving them. However, if I dropped them as they stood on the ledge, their bodies would twist over and plummet the many stories down to the ground. It was funny watching their medic try to scurry to the ledge as the body dangles from an ankle, like a bad Hollywood action film ("Hold on Jim, we'll get you home!" "No Steve, go on without me! Tell my wife I loved her. etc" *drops*)

Also, everybody remembers how completely and utterly broken the balance was in BF:V before the first patch came that took them some 4 months to do? Specifically the übermensch M60+LAW trooper who could spray 1200rpm while running with great accuracy and carry 5 LAWs? Remember how the teams were on unbalanced servers with unhistorically accurate 3 US troopers to every 2 NVA? And how on the US team almost everybody had the M60+LAW kit? If I ended up on the US team (I always join the losing team) I didn't even touch the kit. It was too disgusting.

Anyhow, this screenshot was taken during that epoque. I'm Taximan. I had 13 kills before my first death. I laid spiked traps on the ends of bridges. I used the scoped bolt-action rifle kit exclusively. I utterly dominated the 80% M60+LAW US team :)
Attachment: 10375/ScreenShot2.jpg (100,499 bytes)
If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.
2006-02-12, 8:17 AM #12
dalian plant. chinease sniper rifle. i was on top of this big crane at south dock. zoomed in and killed a guy over at reactor towers.

wake island. still chinease sniper rifle. no scoped a dude trying to ram me in a FAV.
tofu sucks
2006-02-12, 4:34 PM #13
A few days back, I was playing BF2, and I killed a tank with an m203. The guy in the tank was trying to cap one of our flags, and I started unloading on the tank, reloaded at a supply crate, unloaded, and repeated until the tank exploded. It wsa great because the guy in the tank kept looking for me but had no clue where I was.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-12, 8:12 PM #14
I was playing single player on... god, one of those north african maps between Rommel and whoever. Our US History class kinda sucked, we spent a week on Pearl Harbor and a week on D-Day and a week on the Pacific theater, and that was it.
So, I chose german for some reason. I usually go Allies for some semblance of patriotism, respect for Russian cunning, or because I like to scream "Tally-ho!", 'cept in the Pacific, where I feel my graps of the Japanese language is great enough that it's not necessary.
I get in a plane, and, remembering how much fun it is, I go up. Up. Up up up. Up into the sky. I mean, we're talking up here, folks. This was the highest I've ever been or ever got until I played Secret Weapons, with those frikkin Jet planes that can really take you up.
So, I'm up in the air. And, because I like to do this, I jump out. My german dude starts screaming, "Mein Fuher!" or whatever, and the wind rushes... blah blah blah.
Falling, falling, falling. Big whoop.
Suddenly, my guy cracks off. Flatulence at forty-thousand feet. What the hell?
I giggled uncontrollably for so long, I forgot to press 9 and became... sauerkraut.

-Flying up and jumping out is good fun.
2006-02-12, 8:17 PM #15
One rocket left as an anti-tank, I fire it at a helicopter, it hits, does a lot of damage, pilot bails (I kill him) the rest of the team crashes...into an APC. Killed all of their team. We won fairly quickly after that.
2006-02-12, 8:32 PM #16
There was demo of me, in BF2 on the main page of demos.

I can't remember the map, but we were getting out asses kicked.

4 tanks rolled up into our last point, and I was a spec ops. I managed to blow three of them up with C4, by avoiding their range of view. The 4th saw me as I was setting up to blow it up, as well as another soldier on foot.. so I suicide blew myself up.

Then my team made a miraculous recovery.
2006-02-12, 8:39 PM #17
BF42... wake island...

we were being shelled by the enemy battleship so i jump into one of the big guns and start shooting... one of thier planes flew directly into the path of one of my shells

the pilots reaction was "WTF!"
eat right, exercise, die anyway
2006-02-12, 9:35 PM #18
Originally posted by DrkJedi82:
BF42... wake island...

we were being shelled by the enemy battleship so i jump into one of the big guns and start shooting... one of thier planes flew directly into the path of one of my shells

the pilots reaction was "WTF!"

I actually did that a couple days ago :p
$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-02-12, 9:37 PM #19
I was just playing BF2 and got TKed like 12 times in 5 minutes.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-13, 6:23 AM #20
I brought down a Black Hawk with my pistol.

I don have any good stories, apart from that time Oxyonagon bailed from his plane at about 4000ft to skydive into the back of my Heli without using a parachute.
2006-02-13, 6:48 AM #21
I hope I win a prize for having the best story.

I was once playing Market Garden (I think that is the one) and the Allies had that big bomber.

I came up behind it in my fighter and started blasting it. My plane was smoking and so was theirs, and then the entire crew sorta bailed all at the same time. Just as they all jumped out, my plane came right up along side it, so I jumped out of my plane and captured the bomber all in mid-flight.

And then I tried to pull up but clipped a tree.
2006-02-13, 1:51 PM #22
Sad end to the tale, Axis.
2006-02-13, 2:24 PM #23
thought you were going to say you dropped the bombs and killed all of them, that would have been amazing.
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2006-02-13, 3:11 PM #24
once i was in the underworld bit, and just before I rescued the princess, i fell into lava,

if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-02-13, 5:50 PM #25
Originally posted by Axis:
I hope I win a prize for having the best story.

I was once playing Market Garden (I think that is the one) and the Allies had that big bomber.

I came up behind it in my fighter and started blasting it. My plane was smoking and so was theirs, and then the entire crew sorta bailed all at the same time. Just as they all jumped out, my plane came right up along side it, so I jumped out of my plane and captured the bomber all in mid-flight.

And then I tried to pull up but clipped a tree.

excellent :)
2006-02-13, 7:48 PM #26
Originally posted by Ruthven:
once i was in the underworld bit, and just before I rescued the princess, i fell into lava,


Um? :confused:
Pissed Off?

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