I managed to blow an airplane out of the sky with a bazooka in a BF1942 game. It was on Wake, and it was after one of the worst patches right after the Road to Rome expansion that had COMPLETELY nerfed the AA guns. It now required a stupid amount of direct hits to kill even a fighter plane, never mind trying to down them with any mounted MG. The result was that everyone who got to a plane was invincible if they didn't crash, and flew like they knew it.
So, I was Japanese, we had been pushed back to the North West village only. Our carrier was sunk of course. And as everybody is trying to cross the bridge or swim around it, we are naturally getting raped, strafed, and bombed by low tree-top level slow-flying aircraft, immune to anything. So, what I did was load up the anti-tank kit, after a try at getting the lead right, I nail the strafing corsair right in the engine and watch it blow up. Heeee

Winged a few others too.
During the demo-beta phase on Wake again. I was an engineer laying explosives on the long road on the ridge between the airbase and the NE base. So I spot an enemy, we both unload at eachother, scoring some hits, we close in, draw pistols, and are both almost unloaded, I'm about to draw my knife and go for a BF knife fight when out of the blue, a flaming airplane-wreck drops out of the sky and flattens the other guy.
The inclusion of ragdolls in BF2 is really tactical. On Gulf of Oman, there was an enemy squad on top of the Hotel, by the pool. As I drew a bead on them from the surrounding ridge and plinked away at them with aimed shots, I'd manage to kill a few, but they have a medic with them who kept reviving them. However, if I dropped them as they stood on the ledge, their bodies would twist over and plummet the many stories down to the ground. It was funny watching their medic try to scurry to the ledge as the body dangles from an ankle, like a bad Hollywood action film ("Hold on Jim, we'll get you home!" "No Steve, go on without me! Tell my wife I loved her. etc" *drops*)
Also, everybody remembers how completely and utterly broken the balance was in BF:V before the first patch came that took them some 4 months to do? Specifically the übermensch M60+LAW trooper who could spray 1200rpm while running with great accuracy and carry 5 LAWs? Remember how the teams were on unbalanced servers with unhistorically accurate 3 US troopers to every 2 NVA? And how on the US team almost everybody had the M60+LAW kit? If I ended up on the US team (I always join the losing team) I didn't even touch the kit. It was too disgusting.
Anyhow, this screenshot was taken during that epoque. I'm Taximan. I had 13 kills before my first death. I laid spiked traps on the ends of bridges. I used the scoped bolt-action rifle kit exclusively. I utterly dominated the 80% M60+LAW US team

If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces.