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ForumsDiscussion Forum → I've canceled my subscription...
I've canceled my subscription...
2006-02-15, 4:18 PM #1
I’m not renewing my subscription to Game Informer Magazine. After not reading the last two issues I received in the mail, the final edition for this subscription arrived in the mail yesterday.

I decided I’d take a look at this issue, considering it gives a preview of the sequel to my favorite video game, Kingdom Hearts. 20 minutes later, I’ve read the entirety of the magazine and I am not going to send in the “Renew Now!” card stapled to the outside jacket of my February Edition.

It’s not that I don’t like Game Informer. In fact, I have to say that it’s one of the most fair and interesting review/opinion magazines out there. Aside from the several useless advertisements in the magazine, it’s overall, a fantastic experience. Why, then, am I not going to pay for another year of it? Because the subject matter of videogames is a waste of time in a world where videogames aren’t made to be reviewed. They’re made to make money.

The Video Gaming industry has become romantic with the idea of flashy graphics, blazing guns, and over the top effects and spec requirements. The few invested gameplay concepts include blood splatter, ragdoll physics, clothing selection, sexual innuendo, and multiplayer avatar interaction. The gaming industry is shallow and immature. Rarely do we see a game that attempts to challenge users into thinking or bringing their own experiences to the game. They don’t care about the end gamer. They care about sales. They care about profit. They care about iconic figures that will be a business investment into future titles under this icon. It’s sickening, and it is a waste of technology.

I know what you’re going to say: “Why would companies make videogames if they weren’t going to make money?” And yes, I understand that concept. What I don’t understand is why we keep buying them. How does a game like “25 to life” make it onto the scene in the first place? Who’s going to play the 4th installment to a racing game where the exact same goal of smashing your vehicle into a million pieces is only slightly enhanced with more particles and a new soundtrack? Who funds “Stranglehold,” a game where the most exciting new feature is that the environment breaks when you are in a gun fight [The fact that there aren’t important gun fights in this game, just several gun fights that will look real cool makes me want to vomit]? Who buys this year’s brand-name Tony Hawk franchised game where literally nothing but the sceneries, load times, and player creation is changed? It’s the gamers. It’s the expendable income 17 year old guy who is ruining gaming, not the developers.

I’m not exactly sure how many of you have taken economics, but I’m going to give you a very simple lesson: In a capitalist economy, each and every one of your dollars is a vote. That means if we stopped buying Tekken games, (However comfortable we feel playing with recognizable players, no one can dispute that the most recent release hasn’t in any way revolutionized the fighting game. Punch button? Check. Kick button? Check. A slight update on graphics? Double check. Another Tekken game on store shelves.) Namco would try something new. They just might think about how they can impress a generation of free thinkers. They just might look at the generation dying for a voice and ask themselves how they can provide it. Instead? They see you as the impressionable 8 digit number that you’ve shown yourselves to be. They look at the sales statistics where Madden is #1. They look at the trends of poorly produced sequel games that have sold more than their predecessors. They spend billions of dollars on the overwhelming suggestion from gamers for “more cool guns.” And then they make their videogames. They market the exact same thing that sold last quarter, spending more money, spending less time, and simply make it look prettier.

I, for one, don’t want a bigger arsenal of weapons, I want a real reason to use my weapons. I don’t want to rush through the beginning of a game, seeing if I can or can’t shoot the NPC before I meet my first combine soldier, I want to ask myself how I can achieve my own goals in the game. I don’t want to grind the same rail with the latest band blaring in the background, I want to impress my friends by inventing a new move and perfecting it with skill and finesse, challenging my friends to mimic the trick, rather than the button combination. I’m sick of paying the full 50 dollars for the 80% of the same game with a few new pretty pictures, or maybe some fancy new feature.

I want to play games that give me a new way of thinking. I want to play games that challenge me to rise above the usual method of accomplishment of learning button combinations and memorizing statistics. I want a game that actually takes me to a place where I can be an individual, and can define my experience not as my ability to type, or press buttons, but my ability to think and express.

When will a game be about creating, thinking, and challenges, and not about destruction, shock, and franchise? I’ll tell you when: As soon as we make the change. We, the consumer, can force the big businesses to progress in more than just graphics. We can show them that originality, characterization, and philosophy are things people want to experience, and we can show this to them all by spending our seemingly unlimited income on titles that foster these concepts. I ask you to make the change, not the software companies.

I won’t be reading another gaming magazine in a long while. I’ll stick to my grapevine of friends who play games because they see it as the amazingly progressive technology that has limitless potential to enhance, challenge, and compliment our already amazing minds. I’ll keep playing the games that deserve 50 dollars of my expense-free paycheck.
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2006-02-15, 4:20 PM #2
Game Informer doesn't review games because games were meant to be reviewed, they review games so that you personally can make better-informed buying decisions.

But okay. :p

(for the record, I agree. But you have to admit explosions are pretty awesome)
2006-02-15, 4:23 PM #3
Quit making a big deal out of nothing

freakin' drama queen.
2006-02-15, 4:24 PM #4
I didn't even read it, but somehow I get the feeling that Monoxide is right.
2006-02-15, 4:25 PM #5
Well, I do play my occasional shoot-um-up. Hell, I clock probably 20 hours a week playing DOD:S and CS:S. That's only because it's something to do. If I had a better game to play, I would. I play a lot of older games that fit what I mentioned above, but it angers me that with all the new technology we have, none of it is being used to enhance those older sorts of games. They're being used for OMG KEWL games. They're not being used to enhance the game, they're using the technology to enhance the advertisement and sales of the game. Even if the game's appeal wears off in the first 3 hours of gameplay, walmart still bought the game from the company, and even if you return it, EA only sees profit. It's sickening.
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2006-02-15, 4:26 PM #6
And thats why I try for the innovative games, like Stubbs
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-02-15, 4:28 PM #7
I for one am still waiting for Spore. Bland gaming begone!
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.
2006-02-15, 4:36 PM #8
Originally posted by ':
-[ellequin']I didn't even read it, but somehow I get the feeling that Monoxide is right.

I read it, and I get the feeling that Kirby is right.
If you think the waiters are rude, you should see the manager.
2006-02-15, 4:37 PM #9
I agree!
Clarinetists, unite!

-writer of Bloodwing
(a work in progress)
2006-02-15, 4:38 PM #10
Originally posted by GeneralRamos:

I was CONSIDERING posting my rant there, but it's far too specific for the mainpage. I'll probably make a thread there... possibly.
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2006-02-15, 4:40 PM #11
So kirby, with your now free subscription money, are you going to be subscribing to WoW?

2006-02-15, 4:41 PM #12
You act like no one EVER innovates. It's just like the movie industry, there's a mixture of stuff intended to be fun but mindless, to make money, and there's also innovative stuff that is genuinely good. Stop buying ****ty games and your problem is solved.
2006-02-15, 4:42 PM #13
Innovation doesn't always mean good. Try that one PS2 game where you don't press a button, but control this girl through the use of a headphones. I think it was called Lifeline or something. Maybe you're just growing out of video games...
2006-02-15, 4:43 PM #14
At the beginning of the post, I thought it was going to be a huge rant about the magazine, and was wondering why someone would write a huge rant about something so trivial. I'm glad it turned out to be about the whole gaming industry instead. :P
And I think Monoxide and Hellequin didn't bother to read further!

I vehemently agree with Kirby.
I'm just a little boy.
2006-02-15, 4:45 PM #15
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
You act like no one EVER innovates. It's just like the movie industry, there's a mixture of stuff intended to be fun but mindless, to make money, and there's also innovative stuff that is genuinely good. Stop buying ****ty games and your problem is solved.

I didn't use the word innovative at all. You can use all of today's technology and gameplay mechanics in a far LESS shallow way that offers users the ability to make their own experience in the game, not follow the equation of "fun" that is rehashed by all of these companies.

And even then, I'm not even asking for amazingly great games. I'm not saying I know the secret to PERFECT fun. I'm asking the entire community as a whole to allow videogames to evolve instead of slowing the amount of innovation by buying into re-hashed concepts and celebrety sold games.

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2006-02-15, 4:48 PM #16
Originally posted by BobTheMasher:
You act like no one EVER innovates. It's just like the movie industry, there's a mixture of stuff intended to be fun but mindless, to make money, and there's also innovative stuff that is genuinely good. Stop buying ****ty games and your problem is solved.

Game developers who try to be innovative tend to be ignored by publishers, because innovation is 'risky'. When innovative games do get published and turn out really good, they still tend to sell poorly. Thief, Deus Ex, System Shock, Psychonauts, just to name a few.
I'm just a little boy.
2006-02-15, 4:49 PM #17
Kirby is kind of right. They don't make games the way they used to.

For example, I've been hooked on Deus Ex the past week. It's amazing, even though its an older game and you can buy it for next to nothing now. The graphics are a bit dated by today's standards, but the plot is so good and the gameplay so interesting it doesn't matter. Games like this are few and far between.
2006-02-15, 6:01 PM #18
What's a recent game worth my time that fits my article's desires? [/attempt to bump the thread without being too obvious.]
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2006-02-15, 6:02 PM #19
Stubbs the Zombie
hell yes
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-02-15, 6:13 PM #20
max payne 2!
whenever any form of government becomes destructive to securing the rights of the governed, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it
---Thomas jefferson, Declaration of Independance.
2006-02-15, 6:15 PM #21
Originally posted by TwistedSoul:
max payne 2!

I played that... and no. Did you READ my post?
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2006-02-15, 6:32 PM #22
Katamari Damacy
Lego Star Wars
Guitar Hero

The last one expessially. (sp?)
Still here.
2006-02-15, 6:37 PM #23
Everyone is becoming bored with the generic FPS. It's going to show in sales soon and devs. will have to do something about it. The last good SP game I played was HL2.
2006-02-15, 6:59 PM #24
Well, you could try Shadow of the Colossus...

It DOES have beautiful graphics, and it's got amazing sound and music and everything, but it's so simple. It's not a button masher, and it really involves using your mental ability. You need to figure out how to scale the monstrous beasts, and figure out how to kill them. It's a real tiring process, but it's so rewarding in the end, and once you beat the game, you'll get a timed mode. You can test yourself even more by trying to kill the Colossus in a short amount of time.

It's worth checking out.
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
2006-02-15, 7:27 PM #25
Lego Star Wars was a pretty good game, had some good humor in it and it makes your mind think. Maybe not very challenging, but one point got frustrating for me.

And who doesnt like to shoot jar jar when he is walking around ?
2006-02-15, 7:32 PM #26
Originally posted by Final_Hope__:
Well, you could try Shadow of the Colossus...

It DOES have beautiful graphics, and it's got amazing sound and music and everything, but it's so simple. It's not a button masher, and it really involves using your mental ability. You need to figure out how to scale the monstrous beasts, and figure out how to kill them. It's a real tiring process, but it's so rewarding in the end, and once you beat the game, you'll get a timed mode. You can test yourself even more by trying to kill the Colossus in a short amount of time.

It's worth checking out.

Ah, thanks for reminding me. I DID play this game, and absolutely loved it. It's EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I do think it had a lot of potential to be even more. That's the point, though, isn't it? To bring out new concepts and flesh them with our votes and dollars. I don't want to see a Colossus 2, I want to see a bigger and better game that uses what was good from the colossus, and expands upon it.

Another game I loved was God of War. Although it became repetative towards the end, I really really do think it deserves recognition as one of the best games in a LONG time. The problem? They'll make a sequel and rehash the exact same game. They MIGHT make a game that the original should have been, but no matter what way you put it, it'll just be a waste of game where they could have made a whole new game and included working elements from the previous.
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2006-02-15, 7:36 PM #27
no need to fear JediKirby

"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2006-02-15, 7:49 PM #28
Most of the gaming industry is based on gimmicks of what people are expected to like or what they are used to. The console market, full of racing, sports, and martial arts titles, seem to have it worse off this way than PCs, but that is irrelevant. Everytime I walk into a store like Electronic Boutique, I see 90% of the shelf space is occupied by titles that are obviously mediocre. Who would play these? How do the game companies make profit? How do the developers feed their families. These questions pop into my head every time I say the s*** on the store shelves.

Unfortunately, not even a majority of the big hits try to innovate. Take a look at the UT series. The titles are noted for their entertainment value and graphics, but they are based on repetitive violence of massive proportions (KILLING SPREE!). To a lesser degree, they also have some sexual themes: why does the battlefield include scantily clad women?

The abundance of crap out there in the gaming world only encourages me to purchase one game every 1.5 to 2 yrs. I only buy big hits that have quality and uniqueness to them. Deus Ex was my favorite game; I doubt I will see something as perfect as it was: an FPS RPG combo with a novel's plot and rare replayability (when do you still discover unknowns after your third run through a game?). Half-Life 2 was my last title. I'll get Aftermath, but beyond that I don't know what is to come next for a while.
2006-02-15, 7:53 PM #29
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Ah, thanks for reminding me. I DID play this game, and absolutely loved it. It's EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I do think it had a lot of potential to be even more. That's the point, though, isn't it? To bring out new concepts and flesh them with our votes and dollars. I don't want to see a Colossus 2, I want to see a bigger and better game that uses what was good from the colossus, and expands upon it.

Another game I loved was God of War. Although it became repetative towards the end, I really really do think it deserves recognition as one of the best games in a LONG time. The problem? They'll make a sequel and rehash the exact same game. They MIGHT make a game that the original should have been, but no matter what way you put it, it'll just be a waste of game where they could have made a whole new game and included working elements from the previous.

They should combine both games somehow. That would be the best thing in the world. Too bad it probably won't happen.

And on that side note, I'm looking forward to the Nintendo Revolution.
Very funny Scotty. Now beam down my clothes.
2006-02-16, 1:10 AM #30
<---- Owns a Gamecube; Doesn't know what Kirby's talking about (a stretch, of course, but you get the idea)
"I got kicked off the high school debate team for saying 'Yeah? Well, **** you!'
... I thought I had won."
2006-02-16, 12:45 PM #31
Here's the good news:

Some of us like to play games to have fun. I play Battlefield 2 because it is completely devoid of plot, and it simply focuses on having fun, entertaining gameplay.

I can understand what you mean by wanting a really good story and all that, but the fact is, if you want all of that stuff, go to a used videogames store and buy a dreamcast and shenmue. Of course you probably hate shenmue. Go figure.
>>untie shoes
2006-02-16, 12:47 PM #32
2006-02-16, 1:17 PM #33
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Another game I loved was God of War. Although it became repetative towards the end, I really really do think it deserves recognition as one of the best games in a LONG time. The problem? They'll make a sequel and rehash the exact same game. They MIGHT make a game that the original should have been, but no matter what way you put it, it'll just be a waste of game where they could have made a whole new game and included working elements from the previous.

Or they'll keep the core gameplay and add some new stuff to it, like the GTA series, where each successive game has been better than the first in terms of gameplay and story.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-16, 1:19 PM #34
Originally posted by Avenger:
Or they'll keep the core gameplay and add some new stuff to it, like the GTA series, where each successive game has been better than the first in terms of gameplay and story.

No Avenger, don't you know anything, if they keep the core gameplay they're just copying it over and over again. DID ELITISM 101 TEACH YOU NOTHING?!
2006-02-16, 1:42 PM #35
Originally posted by JediKirby:
Ah, thanks for reminding me. I DID play this game, and absolutely loved it. It's EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I do think it had a lot of potential to be even more. That's the point, though, isn't it? To bring out new concepts and flesh them with our votes and dollars. I don't want to see a Colossus 2, I want to see a bigger and better game that uses what was good from the colossus, and expands upon it.

Another game I loved was God of War. Although it became repetative towards the end, I really really do think it deserves recognition as one of the best games in a LONG time. The problem? They'll make a sequel and rehash the exact same game. They MIGHT make a game that the original should have been, but no matter what way you put it, it'll just be a waste of game where they could have made a whole new game and included working elements from the previous.

Those are both PS2 only aren't they...

Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-02-16, 2:51 PM #36
Originally posted by Spook:
Those are both PS2 only aren't they...


Indeed. Also, God of War 2 was just announced as a launch title for PS3. So kickass
"His Will Was Set, And Only Death Would Break It"

"None knows what the new day shall bring him"
2006-02-16, 2:57 PM #37
Originally posted by JDKNITE188:
Unfortunately, not even a majority of the big hits try to innovate. Take a look at the UT series. The titles are noted for their entertainment value and graphics, but they are based on repetitive violence of massive proportions (KILLING SPREE!). To a lesser degree, they also have some sexual themes: why does the battlefield include scantily clad women?

Don't you know the breasts are actually protective plating
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-02-16, 2:57 PM #38
[QUOTE=Dj Yoshi]No Avenger, don't you know anything, if they keep the core gameplay they're just copying it over and over again. DID ELITISM 101 TEACH YOU NOTHING?![/QUOTE]

Oh, that's right. How silly of me.
Pissed Off?
2006-02-16, 3:46 PM #39
Attachment: 10435/Dramaqueen.jpg (9,612 bytes)
2006-02-16, 3:58 PM #40
It's just an article... or opinion type thing. I'm not crying or calling anyone out while stuffing my trainer bra.
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