The Tipping Point by Malcom Gladwell. So far, it's extracted the common threads between disease, fashion, and other epidemics and made a good attempt at explaining their mechanics. He uses ancedotal antecedents of studies and people to support his thesis in an entertaining and informative manner. And stuff.
I have to make another plug for
Mediated, though. The first chapter is available
here. Read it. It's the best presentation of the best explanation I've found for our society, full stop. We're all mediated, Method actors making performances of our expertly tailored identities. Remember all those classic criticisms of consumer whores who define themselves by their purchases? Expand that to encompass the whole of our identity generating apparatus: our tastes in music and friends, our blog/facebook/ accounts, our manner of speech and posture, our verbal affectations, et cetera. It's The Project of our generation: an endless reflection on ourselves.
Freelancer: Sounds really good. Especially since Fuller used to live in a geodesic dome in my hometown. Although that doesn't make any sense.