That thread is pretty damn funny by the way.
Its full of alot of WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH from people who haven't been gaming near long enough to WAHHHHHHHH.
Server lag and display lag are way different.
And "running around a corner at the same time" is irrelevant given the proximitey of alot of the CS maps in rotation. In all reality, you should be able to hear OTHER FOOTSTEPS, and start SHOOTING before you even get to the corner. I mean, thats what I do, and I suck. And half the time, I die anyways. CRT or not.
My score didn't get MIRACULOUSLY better when I got a faster connection either. To be honest, its still the .66-.76 ratio it ALWAYS IS. Wanna know why my ratio really differs? On some servers I'm way better than other players, because of the difference in skill.
These wackos are the same people that play games like AVG and whine whine whine every time they lose. The same people that had to make a "DEATHMATCH PRO" out of HL2DM because they couldn't run 30 miles per hour and tau jump with a script anymore.
If theres one thing I miss about HL:DM its shooting dumb people that tau jump and bunnyhop.
Lead the target a little, and quit *****ing.
Or hey, even better. This has all been pretty common knowledge since the get go. It just hasn't been an issue untill some "enthusiasts," "Pros," or people who claim to have damn near inhuman reflexes found out. Buy a CRT if you're so ****ing sensitive to it. Or hey, you're the enthusiast, start knowing what the **** you're talking about.
Jesus Christ.
Personally, I could never go back to a CRT, because of my migranes. The CRT just aggravates it more.
I love this monitor, understand its advantages and disadvantages, and bought it based on PREFERENCE. You know, that thing a good consumer is SUPPOSED TO DO. And if you don't? Too bad. You're a moron.