Woah, this thread got into two pages...
Answering round!
Jepman: Well... yeah!
That and where's Jedi Showdown
Rob: Reminds me of Kill Hannah and LOLZIER. As well as
<kak> Rob is actually not allowed to use IRC anymore <kak> as per court order. followed by him returning in few days :p
Mr. Stafford: That and you could explode into Fantomas any moment.
Echoman: RIP SWG Forum

JDKNITE188: Actually, I remember you from 2003 when you told that JK editing had outlived itself as well as you going "It's FastGamerr from Finland!" in #massassi
Wuss: I associate you leaving in year 2002 to you, but seems like I was wrong...
Tony: Yeah. That and your MEAN BEAN MACHINE craze in 2003-2004
Freelancer: Sometimes I think "When did I write that" since I misread 'Freelancer' as 'FastGamerr' (if reading too fast...), mostly it's just: "Freelancer's here, debate's near!" :p
Baconfish: Haggisboy. Also, asks incredibly many questions.
7: Suffers from the #massassi syndrome Burrie once described, AKA "Something happened, you're not the same person you were before! /_\" ... Or just 'splosions.
moneyobie: It's lovely to see how people fall right into his "trolling".
I can outnonsense you anytime!
Ruthven: I instantly read his name as 'clan ruthervain' and then think how SG1 mod was released in summer 2004.
Wolfy: Instantly I remember that pic where he photoshopped his face to Dr. Evil. But after that, I think he's like a person who says something extremely funny and keeps a straight face all along... somehow.
sum1givusaname: I associate the beginning of Jedi Academy period to you, and posts on editing forums.
The_Mega-ZZTer: That was Burrie, but I instantly think of Snorlax, HL2IRC and you using some other nickname in 2002, which had somewhat 500 lines in period June-October 2002.
Bill: Made some great models, I think he was also MeLoN. If he was, then he has surely stopped being annoying. :p
tofu: I remember him participating in some NWN session with Burrie, but Burrie was sick and left a message and I delivered it to tofu. Yuup.
JediKirby: Models, not texturing, "I'm gay" thread, some girl thread from 2003 where he thought gammasts was a woman... those and his wheelchair drama.
Matterialize: Now I only think of your latest Showcase thread about duct tape, otherwise... nil.
Martyn: Beer, manhumps and his former nick Farmergeddon was one of the first I remember from my Massassi assing from 2001.
Impi: German asking for food and something related to Linux.
MBeggar: I remember randomly talking to him in August 2002 (SuperS51 was in #massassi at the same time btw), then he was really silly from 2003 to summer 2004 and then changed to somewhat serious and now he's just a stalkeremopastboy.
saberopus: Random visits at #massassi... that and he has more than 0x1000 posts, and I seem to remember people who have 0x1000 posts better than some others.
Homicide: Someone, usually annoying :p
genk: Once I thought he was mr. Anime of Massassi, but nowadays... odd american.
FastGamerr: Some creep, get him away from me!
SMOCK!: That's... correct. Except who the hell is Jean Michele Jarre?
Seb: Mr. Guitar. Or Sebulba(HOV). Sent me a video of him playing guitar once, I think I still have it. Also, it's like he was gone from summer 2004 to February 2005, but perhaps he wasn't.
Anovis: I don't know if I don't like you, but your last incarnation seemed to be annoying.
quesadilla_red: I don't know what a quesadilla is, but it was mentioned in one SGC2C episode. Besides that, I associate her with coffee mugs.
Chewbubba: Who the heck is that? Some.. oldtimer. :p
I wasted 3 minutes to that and I still remember odd things. Geez.