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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Makin' a planet
Makin' a planet
2006-02-24, 6:59 PM #1
I need a program (or something along those lines) that will let me easily create a planet. It isn't a very complex planet. Just covered completely by water.
2006-02-24, 7:04 PM #2
I'm told the Magratheans can do it for a price.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-02-24, 7:07 PM #3
or you could go back in time to meet a guy named Noah
“Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.” -G.K. Chesterton
2006-02-24, 7:11 PM #4
I take it you can't help me. That's okay. I'll just EAT YOUR BRAIN STEMS [/B] [/U] [/I] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
2006-02-24, 7:16 PM #5
Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-02-24, 8:22 PM #6
I tried that tutorial just now. Terragen crashed when I tried to save the picture. But I don't mind it was hideous anyway. And when I meant planet, I meant something like this: Except probably easier to make and less gritty looking.
2006-02-24, 8:33 PM #7
Umm, as far as I know, there's no program that just "makes planets" like that for you. It most likely takes some modeling, texturing, and photoshop skills to put a picture like that together.
2006-02-24, 8:36 PM #8
This computer's hard drive just got wiped so I don't have PS or any modeling programs except Terragen which isn't very helpful for this sort of thing.
2006-02-24, 8:46 PM #9
Originally posted by Uberslug:
I need a program (or something along those lines) that will let me easily create a planet. It isn't a very complex planet.

Attachment: 10678/Image1.jpg (89,647 bytes)
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-02-24, 8:48 PM #10
Attachment: 10679/spock-idic-mask.jpg (85,447 bytes)
2006-02-24, 8:49 PM #11
2006-02-24, 8:49 PM #12
the idiot is the person who follows the idiot and your not following me your insulting me your following the path of a idiot so that makes you the idiot - LC Tusken
2006-02-24, 8:53 PM #13
2006-02-24, 8:59 PM #14
2006-02-24, 9:06 PM #15
2006-02-24, 9:37 PM #16
2006-02-24, 11:06 PM #17
Originally posted by Wolfy:
[image]Book of Genesis[/image]

$do || ! $do ; try
try: command not found
Ye Olde Galactic Empire Mission Editor (X-wing, TIE, XvT/BoP, XWA)
2006-02-25, 2:34 AM #18
You could probably ask timewolf to do it. He's the one who made that mustafar, after all.
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2006-02-25, 3:30 AM #19
Water covered planets are fairly hard though, trust me.
2006-02-25, 4:00 AM #20
You could try to play with the Photoshop plug-in LunarCell. It can render surprisingly nice planet images, if you take some time to tweak the settings.

Edit: I noticed you said you lost your HD contents, but of course that's no reason to avoid anything. Installing PS takes 10 minutes, or something. Just reinstall it.
Frozen in the past by ICARUS
2006-02-25, 4:26 AM #21
I made this in paint.

Some people say its the best thing ever*

*Those people don't actually exist.
2006-02-25, 7:30 AM #22
I can't reinstall it. It's in a CD case somewhere that isn't here.
2006-02-25, 7:35 AM #23
There is a python script for making planets in Blender.

Blender website

Well, look at the following link. It's near the bottom of the page: "Blender World Forge".

what you're asking about
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-02-25, 7:42 AM #24
[QUOTE=Darth J]You could probably ask timewolf to do it. He's the one who made that mustafar, after all.[/QUOTE]

Aww, I'm remembered. But my Geonosis was far better. Hooray for Greg Martin and his inspirational artwork. :)

The problem is they take a while, that Geonosis took around 3-4 hours from scratch. lassev's mention of LunarCell will probably work out for you the best, it is surprisingly good for generating planets.
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2006-02-25, 9:02 AM #25
Rawr! I'll bloody make it, as it seems that no one can spend a few minutes with a map generator. :mad:
Nothing to see here, move along.
2006-02-25, 9:04 AM #26
He said he wants to make it.
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2006-02-25, 9:25 AM #27
Originally posted by SF_GoldG_01:
Rawr! I'll bloody make it, as it seems that no one can spend a few minutes with a map generator. :mad:

You'd probably steal one anyways.
2006-02-25, 9:26 AM #28
I've never used Blender before. C4D had everything I wanted. So I don't know how to use Blender. And Gold, I want to be able to make a planet my self. Thanks for the offer but I'd prefer to be able to think: "Hmm, I need a picture of a planet. I'll go make one."
2006-02-25, 9:28 AM #29
Originally posted by Rob:
You'd probably steal one anyways.

Was that really necessary?
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2006-02-25, 9:31 AM #30
Originally posted by TimeWolfOfThePast:
Was that really necessary?


I don't like people that label things their own, when they've taken from another.
2006-02-25, 9:31 AM #31

That guy used to have some awesome tutorials on his site, but it looks like hes taken down most of them for some reason :/

ho ho ho i found them!
[01:52] <~Nikumubeki> Because it's MBEGGAR BEGS LIKE A BEGONI.
2006-02-25, 9:35 AM #32
Originally posted by Rob:

I don't like people that label things their own, when they've taken from another.

Yeah, but digging up something that happened months ago just for a cheapshot is totally unnecessary.
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2006-02-25, 9:36 AM #33
Thanks MB! That looks awesome. Now I need to go get PS from somewhere that isn't here.
2006-02-25, 9:37 AM #34
Originally posted by TimeWolfOfThePast:
Yeah, but digging up something that happened months ago just for a cheapshot is totally unnecessary.

It's not a cheapshot, if you're dumb enough to leave your guard down.
2006-02-25, 9:38 AM #35
Originally posted by Rob:
It's not a cheapshot, if you're dumb enough to leave your guard down.

Touche, sir.

Originally posted by Uberslug:
Thanks MB! That looks awesome. Now I need to go get PS from somewhere that isn't here.

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2006-02-25, 9:40 AM #36
Originally posted by TimeWolfOfThePast:


I can't find the CD. :gbk:
2006-02-25, 9:43 AM #37
You aren't looking hard enough.

On the internet.

With google image search.

Because I bet you took a picture of it, in your room.

With a torrent running in the background. For linux.
2006-02-25, 9:53 AM #38
Rob, you are silly. Very silly.
2006-02-25, 9:54 AM #39
Rob's been called many things, but never silly.
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2006-02-25, 10:06 AM #40
Well, there's a first time for everything, isn't there?

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