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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Toy Story 2: Requiem
Toy Story 2: Requiem
2006-02-28, 4:56 PM #1
Language Warning

Think while it's still legal.
2006-02-28, 5:05 PM #2
What? You ****ed it all up? You ****ing loser!
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-02-28, 5:16 PM #3
Hah, that's awesome.
2006-02-28, 5:27 PM #4
People of our generation should not be subjected to mornings.

2006-02-28, 5:28 PM #5

They should do Finding Nemo next!
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2006-02-28, 6:28 PM #6
Holy crap that's great! Also loving the music at the end. It's from Brad Sucks and appears to be free to download.
2006-02-28, 6:48 PM #7
That's awesome. I love it. I cannot express how awesome that is. :eek:

Originally posted by Recusant:
Holy crap that's great! Also loving the music at the end. It's from Brad Sucks and appears to be free to download.

I was going to mention something about that. They win for putting in Brad Sucks. I was just listening to that song before I stopped it to view the movie too. You can listen to the whole album, or support the artist and buy it from Magnatune: Also, check out Arthur Yoria, he's kind of similar, and also super cool.
Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,
Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,
Za twoim przewodem
Złączym się z narodem.

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