I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but if you thought the first Spider-man was better as a movie than the second one...well, lets just say...everyone has their own preferences...and you have a lousy one lol no offense...but seriously though...the first Spider-Man, while it had it's share of good parts, also had a laundry list of awkward parts that just didn't work well. The second movie was vastly superior filmmaking, even though it isn't perfect
The top ten times in history when using the "F" word
was appropriate.....
10) "What the *&%# was that?" -Mayor of Hiroshima - August 1945
9) "Where did all these *&%#ing Indians come from?" - Custer 1877
8) "Any *&%#ing idiot could understand that." - Einstein 1938
7) "It does SO *&%#ing look like her!" - Picasso 1926
6) "How the *&%# did you work that out?" - Pythagoras 126 BC
5) "You want WHAT on the *&%#ing ceiling?" - Michelangelo 1566
4) "I don't suppose it's gonna *&%#ing rain." - Joan of Arc 1434
3) "Scattered *&%#ing showers...my a$$!" - Noah 2114 BC
2) "I need this parade like I need a *&%#ing hole in my head!" -
JFK 1963
1) "Aw c'mon, who the *&%# is going to find out?" - Bill Clinton 1997