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For the poster above you...
2006-03-01, 7:42 PM #41
Not to be confused with *Drip*

Sounds like *Drip*
2006-03-01, 7:49 PM #42
Unknown Emperor
2006-03-01, 8:16 PM #43
Not Jet Li.
2006-03-01, 8:19 PM #44
2006-03-01, 8:20 PM #45
Froggy [Dunno why i thought that]
2006-03-01, 8:27 PM #46
(of course it couldn't be because of my current title)
2006-03-01, 10:55 PM #47
Lost his chance
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-03-02, 4:16 AM #48
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-03-02, 4:36 AM #49
Him again?
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-02, 4:44 AM #50
Four years late.
2006-03-02, 4:58 AM #51

(Four years late? :confused: )

<3 Jep
2006-03-02, 5:21 AM #52
The Bride Returns
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-03-02, 5:47 AM #53
Originally posted by Jessgirl:

(Four years late? :confused: )

On a Highschool education.

Atleast thats apparent to the rest of us.

(DISS-SAUCE IN HIS FAVOR, in other words I called him dumb)
2006-03-02, 5:53 AM #54
Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2006-03-02, 6:00 AM #55
the tiger
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-03-02, 6:05 AM #56
You know Rob, you miserable ****, I am well better off in life than you are, and we're around the same age. You're just a ****ing bum with no life who works in some ****ing delivery place. You suck, you have no future and with that attitude of yours, you're probably going to spend the rest of your worthless days alone.

Take a minute and sit back and think of your pitiful state, before you insult someone else.

And if I were so dumb, I wouldn't be a ****ing boss while you were a pricky little UPS Package Handler.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-02, 6:24 AM #57
Jedi ShowNEVERdown
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-03-02, 6:38 AM #58
Angry Jedi Showdown Fan #1
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-02, 6:43 AM #59
Originally posted by Jepman:
You know Rob, you miserable ****, I am well better off in life than you are, and we're around the same age. You're just a ****ing bum with no life who works in some ****ing delivery place. You suck, you have no future and with that attitude of yours, you're probably going to spend the rest of your worthless days alone.

Take a minute and sit back and think of your pitiful state, before you insult someone else.

And if I were so dumb, I wouldn't be a ****ing boss while you were a pricky little UPS Package Handler.

And when I'm a feeder driver, and make tripple digits for doing nothing, I'm sure you'll think the same thing.

PS, I should be getting a "letter if intent" in the next 4 months or so. Meaning that I'll have the chance to become a supervisor.
2006-03-02, 6:46 AM #60
Originally posted by Rob:
and make tripple digits for doing nothing.

*golf clap*

And thus proving my point further. WORTHLESS ****ING BUM. Wouldn't work if your life depended on it.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-02, 6:48 AM #61
I work pretty hard now, actually.

The thing is, you perform your manual labor, and then you get a job thats totally easy street.

God bless UPS.
2006-03-02, 6:50 AM #62
Oh yes, I'm sure handling packages is quite difficult. Must have very very tough weeks. I pitty you man. :(
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-02, 6:54 AM #63
Someone ban rob....please?
2006-03-02, 6:54 AM #64
yes yes you're successful and all. woo. i don't think that's going to change Rob. and that's not a bad thing either.
"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-03-02, 6:56 AM #65
Originally posted by Seb:
i don't think that's going to change Rob. and that's not a bad thing either.

Rob changing is a bad thing? hah, that's the biggest bull**** I've read on these forums in a while.
2006-03-02, 6:56 AM #66
I'm happy to keep you entertained! let's all rejoice on your incredible ability to detach yourself from reality on the internet!

oh and my contribution,

"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-03-02, 7:00 AM #67
2006-03-02, 7:02 AM #68
Originally posted by Seb:
yes yes you're successful and all. woo. i don't think that's going to change Rob. and that's not a bad thing either.

The point is there is that there was NO ****ing reason whatsoever to call me dumb in this thread, or AT ALL.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-02, 7:03 AM #69
shrug. it's the custom title game. people could say random **** and it's still just a game. even if there was no point, half the stuff here has no point. and i'm sure that by throwing a fit you really fixed Rob's point of view.


Looking Right down on Rushmore
"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-03-02, 7:03 AM #70
Originally posted by Seb:
I'm happy to keep you entertained! let's all rejoice on your incredible ability to detach yourself from reality on the internet!

oh and my contribution,


The "It's the internet, I can do whatever I want" argument died a while ago.
2006-03-02, 7:04 AM #71
Except for funning on you?

Here a new one.

2006-03-02, 7:08 AM #72
[QUOTE=IRG SithLord]The "It's the internet, I can do whatever I want" argument died a while ago..[/QUOTE]
You rock at life.
error; function{getsig} returns 'null'
2006-03-02, 7:10 AM #73
Just so everyone knows, I never intended to crap on this, or any other thread.
2006-03-02, 7:11 AM #74
then keep the game going!

Package Butterer
"NAILFACE" - spe
2006-03-02, 7:13 AM #75
Salami Fingers
2006-03-02, 7:15 AM #76
System requirements : Internet for an ego boost.

Originally posted by Rob:
Just so everyone knows, I never intended to crap on this, or any other thread.

Yes of course, you'd rather crap on people. *nods*
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-02, 7:17 AM #77
Originally posted by Jepman:
System requirements : Internet for an ego boost.

Yes of course, you'd rather crap on people. *nods*

HEY HEY. That was done in private. And I paid her in FULL UPFRONT.

Can't stand a little tom-foolery
2006-03-02, 7:19 AM #78
"it's not a wig, you b****es"
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-03-02, 7:24 AM #79
Asian this. Workless that. Still sexy.

Originally posted by Rob:
Can't stand a little tom-foolery

If it was indeed meant for tom-foolery, then I appologize for blowing my fuse. But its not the first you called me dumb, and the last time you did, I did just chuckle about it. But this time I felt your just jabbing at me. ITS HARD TO TELL WITH YOU B****! :p

And its no secret that I sometimes lack control over mine temper.
Was cheated out of lions by happydud
Was cheated out of marriage by sugarless
2006-03-02, 7:25 AM #80

I'm like mister consistency over here.


In Teal'c's pants.

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