Godaddy is an excellent domain name registrar.
As for hosting, here's my attempt to win you over :p (Especially considering you're already on my server)
For $5 a month, you get:
1GB Space
20GB Bandwith
Unlimited: Mysql/PostgreSQL databases, email addresses, subdomains, parked/addon domains
PHP5, all the latest software updates (bleeding edge stable), and also the ability to run your own software on the server via SSH.
There are no setup fees, no tricks, you pay however far in advance you want (1 month, 2 months, 3, 6, 12, I don't care). And I do not charge you until your account is running 100%, and you are satisfied with what you are getting.
As far as support, I'm around a helluva lot, but the server has only had ~2 hours of downtime in the past 6 months (hardware related), so once you are set up, you probably won't even need me. I am easily contacted in IRC, on AIM, and via e-mail. I will always respond within a couple hours if it is within waking hours :p and if the issue is keeping your account from working, I will refund you on request for that month.
If you do not decide to go with me, at least pay attention to the other hosts.
DreamHost oversells their servers HEAVILY. They run on a law of averages, basically they are betting you will never use even a quarter of the space and bandwith that they give you. While this is generally an okay thing to do, DreamHost oversells a LOT more than they should, especially with their "constantly rising" bandwith and hard drive space limits. If one user on the server you reside on decides to use their account to the limits, it could severely hinder your site, or slow your site to a crawl.
Also keep in mind that their 7.95 rate is for a two-year plan, which is a lot to pay in advance!
Their month-to-month service is 9.95, with a $50 setup fee, so beware of that also.
As for kionic, they offer less than I do, and require you to pay a year in advance.
Finally, for fuitadnet, I've heard many bad things about them. Quite a bleh argument, but that's just what I've heard. Besides that, they only allow 5 subdomains, which sucks, they have a setup fee, and I'm willing to bet they oversell their harddrive space also.
However you decide to go, it's all good. I'm just throwing my pitch out there.
Oh, and if it matters, I already host Kirby, Darth Evad, MZZT, Jepman, Rob, Ric_Olie (and more I am forgetting) who seem to be decently satisfied :/