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ForumsDiscussion Forum → Star Wars Questions [WARNING: NERDS]
Star Wars Questions [WARNING: NERDS]
2006-03-07, 6:00 PM #1
Okay i have a few of geeky questions.

1. Why the hell did it take the second Death Star so long to be built?

2. What powers the Death Stars?

3. Is empire at war any good?

5. If it was so hard to outrun Star Destroyers in ANH how come they ware so slow in games?

6. Am i nerd or what?

7. Where can i get a map of the galaxy?

8. Any good freeware games?

9. What film has the best music?
2006-03-07, 6:03 PM #2
The second Death Star didn't take long to be built at all.
2006-03-07, 6:03 PM #3
3 years and nowhere near complete? sure it worked but it was full of holes....
2006-03-07, 6:04 PM #4
1. You mean the first?

2. Dunno. You can find out in the Star Wars Essential Cross-section book.

3. I heard it's great. I think it got an 88% in PC Gamer.

5. Gameplay modifications.

6. Maybe.

7. In any of the Essential guides, i.e. Essential Chronology, Essential Guide To The Characters

8. Yoda Stories

9. EP I and III
"I'm afraid of OC'ing my video card. You never know when Ogre Calling can go terribly wrong."
2006-03-07, 6:04 PM #5
1.) The second Death Star is much larger than the first.

2.) A power source.

3.) Sure, why not.

5.) You get destroyed by firepower. They rely on power more than speed. It's symbolic, really.

6.) Just stop posting so much, then you'll be fine and no one will place a judgement on you.

7.) NASA has one, I'm sure.

8.) No.

9.) Stop trying to say one film is better than the rest.
2006-03-07, 6:05 PM #6
3 years to make a structure of such size that it could be mistaked for a moon by a jedi?

That's damn good.

It took us a lot longer than 3 years to make many less impressive structures
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-03-07, 6:06 PM #7
Originally posted by Freelancer:
3 years to make a structure of such size that it could be mistaked for a moon by a jedi?

That's damn good.

It took us a lot longer than 3 years to make many less impressive structures

Obi-wan pointed out first that it is no moon; it's a battlestation.

Oh, and let's bring in the Jay and Silent Bob stuff in here too...should the contractors that build the DS be punished by the Rebellion?
2006-03-07, 6:07 PM #8
1. the Second DS only took about 3 years to be redesigned and 3/4th built

2. (blank) Reactor, fusion perhaps?

3. Sure

5. because Movies = Canon, and Games = Not-always Canon
- Might be a hyperdrive thing, getting to a location faster then a SD, perhaps

6. no

7. some of the books, namely the NJO hardcovers

8. no

9. III
Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-03-07, 6:11 PM #9
1. For the first Death Star, all the technologies had to be researched and tested, the Superlaser had to be designed and built, it had to all come together. For the second one, which could have been in construction already, they already had the technology, designs, and plans. It was just a matter of assembling the materials.
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2006-03-07, 6:16 PM #10
1. It didn't

2. A reactor

3. I would imagine so

4. lolz you forgot this

5. Because the games don't always hold true to movies

6. You come here don't ya?

7. Make one up

8. Afraid not

9. III FTW! (listening to it right now, so I suppose I am a nerd also)
2006-03-07, 6:40 PM #11
1. The first took almost 20 years to build, and was alost half the size of the second. I suppose that its possible that the second began construction a few years after the first, but from the way that the films were done, it was probably built in less than 3 years.

2. Some kind of nuclear reactor core (read the Jedi Academy trillogy. All of the spacetroopers sent to repair damage to the Deathstar Prototype's core died of extreme radiation poisoning).

3. Judging from the demo, yes. Judging from the full game.... no idea (I havn't played it yet).

4. Why was there no question 4?

5. You're talking about freighters and corvetts trying to outrun a star destroyer, as opposed to fighters (plus, ISDs have some particularly nasty tractor beams).

6. No. If you were a nerd, there's a pretty good chance that you wouldn't be asking us these questions).

7. No clue, ask someone else.

8. Again, ask someone else (i don't play all that much freeware, though Silkroad is pretty good as a non-SW freeware).

9. Its a toss-up between Return of The Jedi and Revenge of The Sith (I guess that each trillogy has one).
50000 episodes of badmouthing and screaming like a constipated goat cant be wrong. - Mr. Stafford
2006-03-07, 7:16 PM #12
2006-03-07, 7:38 PM #13
The answer to question 2

The power source of the super laser comes from power crystals from the planet

Chancellor Palpatine sent the 501st to Mygeeto to retireve the crystals during the clone wars.

Anyway, thats what powers the LASER.
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2006-03-07, 7:47 PM #14
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
3 years and nowhere near complete? sure it worked but it was full of holes....

Remember when they explained in the movie how the holes and unfinished part were actually a "HOLOGRAM" to make the death star look weak.

Dur XD
"Oh my god. That just made me want to start cutting" - Aglar
"Why do people from ALL OVER NORTH AMERICA keep asking about CATS?" - Steven, 4/1/2009
2006-03-08, 5:35 AM #15
i've got an awesome poster map of the galaxy that came with a star wars insider just before galaxies was released.
2006-03-08, 5:53 AM #16
1. It didn't take that long.

2. Hypermatter Reactor

3. Probably.

5. Don't know.

6. Probably.

7. Star Wars Galaxy Map

8. Yoda Stories

9. I liked Episode I's or Episode III's best.
Wes Darklighter
2006-03-08, 6:54 AM #17
5. Star Destroyers are fast in lightspeed, from what I understand. Just like the millenium falcon is fast... in lightspeed.
2006-03-08, 11:17 AM #18
[puts on nerd hat]
5 - According to Newtonian physics (F=ma), a space ship just continues to accelerate faster and faster if the engines are powered. Thus the limit to speed is a matter of having fuel and energy for the engines, not the power of the engine. The power of the engines (F) only determines how fast the ship accelerates. So a Star Destroyer (which has some mammoth engines) could potentially have the same thrust to weight ratio as the Falcon.

[puts on bigger nerd hat] My guess would be the Falcon has a better thrust to weight ratio than a SD, but the Falcon also had it's shields powered while being chased. Thus we could assume that some of the engine power was diverted to the shields. Also from ESB we can see that the Falcon is far more manueverable than a SD. However in both cases where the Falcon is being chased by a SD, it's trying to escape a blockade so the SD's have a superior starting position to intercept the Falcon. Perhaps a better compromise would be that a SD has good straight line acceleration and speed, but poor manueverability, while as the Falcon can move quickly in any direction. ??

"Oh, and let's bring in the Jay and Silent Bob stuff in here too...should the contractors that build the DS be punished by the Rebellion?"

I believe non-cannon sources credit much of the Death Star construction to slave labor (Wookies for instance). It's been a long, long time since I read any SW novels, though, so I could be wrong.
"Good Asian dubs are like Steven Segal and plot; they just dont appear in the same movie." -Spork
2006-03-08, 11:37 AM #19
1. Why the hell did it take the second Death Star so long to be built?
It didn't at all, the first one took the time between EP III and EP IV. The second one took a few years.

2. What powers the Death Stars?
My guess is that huge reactor that they blew up in ROTJ.

3. Is empire at war any good?
The demo was pretty boring for me, but maybe the game is good.

5. If it was so hard to outrun Star Destroyers in ANH how come they ware so slow in games?
Games are different than movies.

6. Am i nerd or what?
No, because you don't know the answers to any of these questions.

7. Where can i get a map of the galaxy?
Someone posted one for you.

8. Any good freeware games?

9. What film has the best music?
A New Hope, it introduced all of the SW music for the first time.
Author of the JK levels:
Sand Trap & Sand Trap (Night)

2006-03-08, 11:46 AM #20
IG-88's brain is the main computer of the Second Death star

"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2006-03-08, 11:56 AM #21
Originally posted by Dark__Knight:
9. What film has the best music?
A New Hope, it introduced all of the SW music for the first time.

2006-03-08, 12:27 PM #22
I have the official details here, from Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels.

Prototype Death Star

Diameter: 120 km
Destroyed By: Black Hole

1st Death Star

Diameter: 120 km
Crew: 265,000
Turbolasers: 15,000
Fighters: 7,000
Transports: 20,000
Combat Vechicles: 11,000
Destroyed By: Reactor Meltdown due to Proto Torpedo

2nd Death Star

Diameter: 160 km (not 2x the size of original, but still much bigger).
Crew: Unknown (but estimated at far less than origninal)
Turbolasers: 20,000
Destroyed By: Reactor Meltdown due to Proto Torpedo

As you can see, the 1st Death Star was better equiped, but the 2nd stretched out about 40 km more, and had refined Superlaser, reactor exhaust ports, and targeting systems.
The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.

-G Man
2006-03-08, 12:39 PM #23
Originally posted by petmc20:
The answer to question 2

The power source of the super laser comes from power crystals from the planet

Chancellor Palpatine sent the 501st to Mygeeto to retireve the crystals during the clone wars.

Anyway, thats what powers the LASER.

I believe the only source that references this is SW: BF2, which can hardly be taken as literal canon for several reasons. A lot of its "plot" is unrealistic and contradictory to other, more concrete sources.

And yes, though superlasers do use crystals, the crystals are not the power source. They just focus the beam into... superbeamage. The actual power source is, as clarified in several posts above, just a really really friggin huge reactor core. You know, the one they kinda... blew up in RotJ. ;)

Originally posted by petmc20:
Remember when they explained in the movie how the holes and unfinished part were actually a "HOLOGRAM" to make the death star look weak.

Dur XD

... Nothing about a hologram "hiding" the DS2 was ever mentioned in RotJ.

Sorry, just being nitpicky. :p
2006-03-08, 6:51 PM #24
This is unbelievable...

9. Empire Strikes Back

Empire has definitely the best soundtrack of them all, and I can't believe I'm the only one who says that. Usually everybody says 'Empire has the best music'. Don't get me wrong, RotS, ANH and RotJ's are good too - but Empire has the most classic Star Wars tracks.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-03-08, 6:59 PM #25
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:
3. Is empire at war any good?

Why do you care? You can't run it on that crappy computer you have anyway (nor can I). just wanted to know.
I had a blog. It sucked.
2006-03-08, 11:25 PM #26
Can someone tell me what is meant by using the word canon?
And what is the abbreviation FTW?
Spoting an error in post will result in a $100 reward.
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2006-03-08, 11:50 PM #27
If something is canon, it means it is officially recognized and supported by George Lucas as something that happened in the SW universe. The movies are canon, non-canon books (books that aren't the same as the movies) are not canon, nor are the SW video games.

FTW = for the win
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-03-09, 1:23 AM #28
Originally posted by Freelancer:
If something is canon, it means it is officially recognized and supported by George Lucas as something that happened in the SW universe. The movies are canon, non-canon books (books that aren't the same as the movies) are not canon, nor are the SW video games.

FTW = for the win

Yes and no.

Yes, things are only "canon" if they're recognized as official Star Wars by Lucas and/or Lucasfilm. But since everything Star Wars (EU and videogames included) are published under the name "Lucas[film/books/arts]", it is, by nature, "recognized" as official canon, since canon is only what Lucas says it is, and Lucas has given the authority to his little board of people at Lucasfilm to decide for him. So, then, what they decide is officially canon unless directly contradicted by Lucas, or, in some cases, contradicted by a "higher level" of canon (movies > books and comics > games > anything else. Books and comics can contradict certain elements of, say, games, because a game's primary focus isn't on storytelling, and thus certain elements can't be taken literally. Likewise, movies always trump everything else, if and when they contradict. Other than that, if it has the 'Lucas' label, it is official canon unless otherwise specified.)

That is, how I understand it, to be Lucasfilm's official policy on canon. You can find more detailed information using google, if you so desire.
2006-03-09, 7:47 AM #29
Okay i have a few of geeky questions.

1. Why the hell did it take the second Death Star so long to be built?

The realy question is how did they do it so fast. It probably too them longer on
the first one.

2. What powers the Death Stars?

A million little rabbits in wheels.

3. Is empire at war any good?

played the demo only didn't care for it but it was ok.

5. If it was so hard to outrun Star Destroyers in ANH how come they ware so slow in games?

because they wanted to even out the playing feild.

6. Am i nerd or what?

yes (See question 7)

7. Where can i get a map of the galaxy?

a nerd convention probably

8. Any good freeware games?


9. What film has the best music?

Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

hope that helps.
“Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.” -G.K. Chesterton
2006-03-09, 12:09 PM #30
Originally posted by A_Big_Fat_CoW:
Yes and no.

Yes, things are only "canon" if they're recognized as official Star Wars by Lucas and/or Lucasfilm. But since everything Star Wars (EU and videogames included) are published under the name "Lucas[film/books/arts]", it is, by nature, "recognized" as official canon, since canon is only what Lucas says it is, and Lucas has given the authority to his little board of people at Lucasfilm to decide for him. So, then, what they decide is officially canon unless directly contradicted by Lucas, or, in some cases, contradicted by a "higher level" of canon (movies > books and comics > games > anything else. Books and comics can contradict certain elements of, say, games, because a game's primary focus isn't on storytelling, and thus certain elements can't be taken literally. Likewise, movies always trump everything else, if and when they contradict. Other than that, if it has the 'Lucas' label, it is official canon unless otherwise specified.)

That is, how I understand it, to be Lucasfilm's official policy on canon. You can find more detailed information using google, if you so desire.

Don't think so. In the context of Star Wars, canon refers to what is authentic - six movies and the noveliztions (and maybe only the novelizations written by Lucas). Basically, it's only canon if George Lucas had a direct hand in creating it. His company signing off on somebody's work doesn't make it canon.
2006-03-09, 12:31 PM #31
Originally posted by Tiberium_Empire:

7. Where can i get a map of the galaxy?

Ok, seriously. Go to Google Image Search. Type in "Star Wars Galaxy". Amazing isn't it?
The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.

-G Man
2006-03-09, 1:09 PM #32
Originally posted by Tracer:
Don't think so. In the context of Star Wars, canon refers to what is authentic - six movies and the noveliztions (and maybe only the novelizations written by Lucas). Basically, it's only canon if George Lucas had a direct hand in creating it. His company signing off on somebody's work doesn't make it canon.

Like I said, my claims come from official sources. Officially, everything is canon unless otherwise specified. There are different "levels" of canon, with higher levels trumping the lower levels, such is the case with movies contradicting books, but it's all still officially canon.

Unofficially, "canon" is whatever you want to accept as Star Wars. No one's going to force you to accept, buy, or read a story that you don't consider Star Wars, so that matter is largely up to your own tastes. However, Lucasfilm policy adresses what, officially, they consider "canon" and "non-canon" (which is what I posted earlier.)

This article goes into more detail on how it works, and it cites more official sources at the bottom of the page. Note that while the movies and novelizations are a "higher level" of canon, the books, comics, and games are still labelled as "canon".
2006-03-09, 1:27 PM #33
Originally posted by A_Big_Fat_CoW:
Yes, things are only "canon" if they're recognized as official Star Wars by Lucas and/or Lucasfilm. But since everything Star Wars (EU and videogames included) are published under the name "Lucas[film/books/arts]", it is, by nature, "recognized" as official canon

Nope. George has stated many times in interviews that he does not consider the books, comics nor games to be canon to the movies.

The Clone Wars cartoon was though and I'm pretty sure the live-action series will hold some form of canon.
"We came, we saw, we conquered, we...woke up!"
2006-03-09, 2:58 PM #34
Originally posted by Jedigreedo:
Nope. George has stated many times in interviews that he does not consider the books, comics nor games to be canon to the movies.

The Clone Wars cartoon was though and I'm pretty sure the live-action series will hold some form of canon.

Either you're mistaken, or your taking the interviews out of context, because official sources state the contrary.

You very well may be right, but you need to back it up with proof. Saying "I saw an interview" isn't proof, because I could just as easily say the same thing. Sources, however, like the ones that I linked, are much harder to fake. Since I was courteous enough to link to my sources, then if you're going to refute my statements, please do the same.
2006-03-09, 3:39 PM #35
as for the SW movies: Empire had the best ST
“Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.” -G.K. Chesterton
2006-03-09, 3:45 PM #36
I don't buy that (the wiki article). The word 'canon' has a couple different meanings, but the context we're using it in doesn't allow for leeway. Being published by Lucasfilm doesn't make something canon; Lucasfilm saying "we're going to call this canon" also doesn't do it.

What I'm saying is that it's nice that some people have tried to work out how everything fits together, but that isn't what the word 'canon' means.
2006-03-09, 3:47 PM #37
Originally posted by Anovis:
Oh, and let's bring in the Jay and Silent Bob stuff in here too...should the contractors that build the DS be punished by the Rebellion?
Actually, that's Dante and Randall. And some random construction contracter.
2006-03-09, 5:58 PM #38
Originally posted by Tracer:
I don't buy that (the wiki article). The word 'canon' has a couple different meanings, but the context we're using it in doesn't allow for leeway. Being published by Lucasfilm doesn't make something canon; Lucasfilm saying "we're going to call this canon" also doesn't do it.

What I'm saying is that it's nice that some people have tried to work out how everything fits together, but that isn't what the word 'canon' means.

The wiki article is simply a compilation of several other, official, sources which are linked at the bottom of said article. (I figure it's worth pointing out the non-wiki sources, since anyone can edit a wikipedia article.)

But I fail to see how you can say that the OFFICIAL WORD on Star Wars canon is wrong. Officially, it's canon, yet you say that it isn't. But you're not an official source, nor has anyone else provided any official sources to back up their claims.

Like I said, your "personal" canon can be whatever you want it to be. Some people consider only the movies canon, and that's fine. Others completely discount the prequels. Some count everything but the NJO as canon. That's completely up to you, and like I said, no one's forcing you to accept something that you don't want to. I'm just saying that, OFFICIALLY, the EU is considered canon, according to the sources I have provided, which come from people who's job it is to sort out what's canon and what isn't. People Lucas put in those roles for this specific purpose.

No one's forcing, or even asking you to agree with it, but that's the way it is. And, again, if you want to try to disprove my claims, back it up with something official, as I have.

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