I was waiting all night to get to 6000.
Now I have, it feels good!
That makes about 3 posts a day for 6 years, officially I cant be a lurker.
Although I did have another user account, with about 2000 posts.
And make this thread less lame, post your postcounts, and when you registered here:
Ruthven Join Date: 7th September - 2000
Posts 6000.
Avenger, I'm gonna catch up with u, i swear.
Now I have, it feels good!
That makes about 3 posts a day for 6 years, officially I cant be a lurker.
Although I did have another user account, with about 2000 posts.
And make this thread less lame, post your postcounts, and when you registered here:
Ruthven Join Date: 7th September - 2000
Posts 6000.
Avenger, I'm gonna catch up with u, i swear.
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){ do her} elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){ do other babe} else{ do a dude}