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ForumsDiscussion Forum → I think I'm depressed...
I think I'm depressed...
2006-03-16, 11:36 AM #41
Originally posted by Space_Bandit:

Epstein didn't kill himself.
2006-03-16, 8:00 PM #42
You think your life sucks. I have an fake uber-cheating lying, druggy, whore, slut bag of a g/f (or ex if you consider it) that I can't ever get over (It's been over a year). A coke-head dad, who just lost his job by the way because of it, (loosing all of the health and dentist benifits for his kids, not to mention loosing an 80,000$ job) Don't even start to ask me how the house is going to get paid off now. My dad is probably at home looking for his next fix, I cringe at the thought of him looking in my guitar bag where I have hidden a bottle of McCormick's Vodka. I just was put on Cymbalta (the anti-depressant medication) which is helping a little bit though some pretty wicked side effects... I have cuts on my arms, I'm not at liberty to say when I did them, but I have alot of them. My whole family is running out of money, My dad is always gone, don't know when he'll be back. He left me for two years to get up and to go to school by myself, which I did. I was so alone, I formed an attachment to her... When she broke up with me the first time, I was so alone, it felt more like a divorce than anything else. After I started talking to her again... My g/f that I love so much ran away, lived with me for a couple weeks, then he wouldn't let her stay, nor my sister, so she would have to go to a homeless shelter because of her abusive situation, but she went back, I think she's doing better now. Though, I hear she is doing some pretty wicked drugs though, hurts alot knowing someone you really care about will do all these stupid things to themselves to make themselves feel better. My Dad. My g/f. It's not just that easy to say feelings be gone. I don't even know why I'm typing here on the internet but oh well. People will probably consider this emo... Wow, I guess I am emo. I'm not a blow it out of your *** emo though, I'm not all about my problems, I try to forget about them but it's hard alot though. Just consider what I've written, know that even though you might feel bad about yourself or your situtation, always know that someone will always have it worse than you. It works for me.
Ferr1s b3ull3r, j00 r my h3r0!
2006-03-16, 8:04 PM #43
Originally posted by Sith_Xanatos:
Just consider what I've written, know that even though you might feel bad about yourself or your situtation, always know that someone will always have it worse than you. It works for me.

Damn, someone beat me to it!

My life aint quite that bad tho

As for the girl, you'll learn to forget (but never forgive, damn those women)

Anyway, this thread aint about you dude, so I will say no more.

(hope BOTH Axis and Sith find themselves in better situations)
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-03-16, 8:09 PM #44
Originally posted by Ruthven:

Anyway, this thread aint about you dude, so I will say no more.

Oh... Sorry, didn't mean to hijack the thread...
Ferr1s b3ull3r, j00 r my h3r0!
2006-03-16, 10:16 PM #45
Maybe you need one of those uber-extremely-optimistic cheery smiley girls. :p
2006-03-16, 10:37 PM #46
ugh i hate them

I prefer the weird nagging crazy ones :p
if(getThingFlags(source) & 0x8){
  do her}
elseif(getThingFlags(source) & 0x4){
  do other babe}
  do a dude}
2006-03-16, 11:49 PM #47
Sounds to me like someone hasn't got their spank on in a while.
Go for it man!
2006-03-17, 5:39 AM #48
Eh, I think you guys are underestimating depression...there are a lot of real reasons for it to exist, it's not just "emo". I dip in and out of depression, depending on the situation, and I'm definitely not "emo" or anything like it. Two very different things.

Just my $.02

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