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ForumsDiscussion Forum → What is your favorite Star Wars era?
What is your favorite Star Wars era?
2006-03-15, 7:16 PM #1
The subject for this thread occurred to me while I was in Barnes and Noble today, looking for a book to read. I had finally gotten around to reading Republic Commandoes: Hard Contact and I loved it, so imagine my suprised when I saw there was a sequel.

Anyway, my favorite is probably Clone Wars. I don't know why, but it just seems much more fascinating to me than the other eras. In fact, I have out-right refused to read anything from the New Jedi Order era. For some reason the cover art just repulses me and I can't get past it. I also had a chance to pick up and finally read the Thrawn series today, but I can't do that either. I think it's because I just don't like most of the books about the major movie characters. I don't care about them; I like reading about minor characters(speaking of which, I take it they aren't making any more X-Wing books? I haven't seen any books come out after Starfighters of Adumar). I don't think I could legitimately vote for Sith Era, because my only exposure to that is the KotOR games.

What is your favorite era and why?
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2006-03-15, 7:50 PM #2
I voted Galactic Civil War.

And you should read the Thrawn books. They're some of my favorite sci-fi books.
"Those ****ing amateurs... You left your dog, you idiots!"
2006-03-15, 7:53 PM #3
I voted the Galactic Civil War just because the OT was part of it and I don't much about the others, besides for the prequels (pre-civil war) and the Jedi Knight games (New Republic).
2006-03-15, 7:57 PM #4
I find it interesting that a person who calls himself "Kieran Horn" voted for Clone Wars of the New Republic era, which is my personal favorite.
"It is not advisable, James, to venture unsolicited opinions. You should spare yourself the embarrassing discovery of their exact value to your listener."
"Rationality is the recognition of the fact that nothing can alter the truth and nothing can take precedence over that act of perceiving it."
2006-03-15, 8:05 PM #5
Old Republic / Sith Era

Balanced numbers, sith out in the open, more planets being torn apart by the force.
"If you watch television news, you will know less about the world than if you just drink gin straight out of the bottle."
--Garrison Keillor
2006-03-15, 8:14 PM #6
I'd vote Clone Wars for Grievious, NR for Thrawn, and GSW for Han Solo Trilogy.

Holy soap opera Batman. - FGR
Free Jin!
2006-03-15, 8:35 PM #7
I find it interesting that a person who calls himself "Kieran Horn" voted for Clone Wars of the New Republic era, which is my personal favorite.
Like I said, I enjoy reading about the minor characters more. I also think I've discovered why I like Clone Wars more. Clone Wars tends to focus more on the military aspect of things, not the Jedi or the Force. Like the X-Wing series. While I like the books that focus on the military and not about major characters, there are two exceptions to this: I, Jedi and anything with Obi-wan in it as more than just a ghost.
Democracy: rule by the stupid
2006-03-15, 8:45 PM #8
switch my vote from sith to clone (or at least minus a vote from sith and count it as a clone vote) hehe :cool:
2006-03-15, 9:11 PM #9
I'd have to say I really don't care much for anything after the Galactic Civil War era (although to be fair, I've never read the NJO books, but the story doesn't sound that interesting to me.)
And while I love the OT and Clone Wars eras, I think the Sith (Old, old Republic) era is my favorite. Lots of Sith, lots of Jedi, epic stories of the force and whatnot... I always loved those comics about that era too. (the title escapes me)

And of course KotOR was great.

I need to go back and read some more of the Star Wars books (like the NJO or Clone Wars) I've just been too caught up in classic non-Star Wars Sci-fi lately.
2006-03-15, 10:05 PM #10
Even though Galactic Civil War had better movies, I now chose Clone Wars because it feels like the Empire (even though technically it isn't.. but almost) actually wins a lot :p
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-03-15, 10:31 PM #11
I don't know how much interest I really have in the clone wars or earlier. And after teh creation of the New Republic things start to fade from me. But my favorite part is from the creation of the Empire (basically Episode III) to the creation of the New Republic. I don't know exactly why, maybe it's just what's closest to me :).
The Empire just brutally crushed teh rebels except for a couple lucky breaks (REALLY lucky). I mean, it's more exciting when there's an underdog that pulls through. Of course, it's also somehow appealing to watch the imperials brutal destroy the rebels and hunt them down. I always play imperial :).
Clarinetists, unite!

-writer of Bloodwing
(a work in progress)
2006-03-15, 11:35 PM #12
Galactic Civil War, followed by "Sith Era" which I usually refer to as "Tales of the Jedi" era or similar, after the graphic novels named just that.
Bassoon, n. A brazen instrument into which a fool blows out his brains.
2006-03-16, 12:07 AM #13
Heh, I just read the last chapter of Triple Zero about 20 minutes ago.

But my favourite is the NJO. It just was so refreshing after all these "OMG new Imperial warlord has a weapon that can destroy worlds!!!!!!" books.
But the overall quality in most SW-books that came out during and after the NJO was higher, so I also like quite a few Clone Wars novels.

Edit: Stupid me, I read Triple Zero. Hard Contact was the first book.
Sorry for the lousy German
2006-03-16, 12:13 AM #14
Galactic Civil War in general. Although in terms of books, Clone Wars era. The cool thing about the clonewars era is that there is still a Jedi Order.
ORJ / My Level: ORJ Temple Tournament I
2006-03-16, 6:26 AM #15
I like them all (including the often maligned New Jedi Order), but I like the Civil War era the best.
"Harriet, sweet Harriet - hard-hearted harbinger of haggis."
2006-03-16, 8:54 AM #16
early New-Republic era for me, probably because it serves as the basis for most of the JK series (and in general the whole Imperial Warlord routine hasn't quite gotten old yet), followed closely by Sith era (Dark Lords of The Sith is a true classic).

Mind you, what i've read of NJO's been pretty good as well (i've only read Vector Prime though, so i'm not really up for comment).
50000 episodes of badmouthing and screaming like a constipated goat cant be wrong. - Mr. Stafford
2006-03-16, 8:56 AM #17
hey look, the same thread had been created again..and again and again
2006-03-16, 9:46 AM #18
Nothing is star wars to me except GCW. Period.
"it is time to get a credit card to complete my financial independance" — Tibby, Aug. 2009
2006-03-16, 10:03 AM #19
I'm the same way. Other stuff just doesn't feal like SW.
2006-03-16, 11:18 AM #20
Originally posted by Freelancer:
Nothing is star wars to me except GCW. Period.

Hey, Blue? I'm loving the things you do. From the very first time, the fight you fight for will always be mine.
2006-03-16, 2:39 PM #21

You'r poll gave me THE FINGER!
2006-03-16, 2:46 PM #22
Sith era, like... KOTOR?
ᴸᶥᵛᵉ ᴼᵑ ᴬᵈᵃᵐ
2006-03-16, 8:08 PM #23
You forgot the Legacy of the Force series.
Well... the Sith Era had its charms. But you kinda see the foreshadowings of the coming future: I think you can read through Tales of the Jedi and Knights of the Old Republic (comics, or play the game for that matter) and get a couple more superweapons and rogues than in the NR era.
But many more.
I picked NR for the Thrawn Trilogy... and... er... the Jedi Academy trilogy.
I love the "Move!" scene at the end of... er... Champions of the Force? I think that's it. That, to me, is one of the best examples of Jedi power in the whole saga. That and Palpatine's Force Storms in Dark Empire (another reason the NR era ruled, despite the fact... you know... they weren't technically the republic at that particular point in time).
There were a lot of intriguing hooks in the NR era that weren't played out as well as they could have been. I mean, let's take, for example, Thrawn. Thrawn is an example of a fully explored concept.
When we first meet him, he's this red eyed mysterious blue man (it's not a support group) who totally decimates the New Republic. As the stories go along, Zahn comes in and completely explains who he is, where he comes from, how he rose to power, and then procedes to lay the groundwork for the NJO, the Clone Wars, and the new Legacy of the Force series.
Now, an example of an unexplored concept... let's see...
The StarBuster. We get this whole thing about Corel and the artificial worlds, but we never find out who made them and why. Always bugged me.
The Maw, for the same reasons.
Waru, the golden... thingy. Yeah, an explanation was given, but how did he get into this universe? Where did he come from? Why aren't there more of him?

-So... NR, NJO, GCW, CW, SE, and LotF at the bottom because I've read none of it so far, but it promises to end Star Wars once and for all, permanently.
2006-03-16, 8:23 PM #24
Originally posted by bearded_jarl:
You forgot the Legacy of the Force series.

LotF: Betrayal won't be released until the end of May, so it wouldn't really fit in with the poll since no one's had a chance to explore that era yet.

-So... NR, NJO, GCW, CW, SE, and LotF at the bottom because I've read none of it so far, but it promises to end Star Wars once and for all, permanently.

permanently end star wars? The last I heard, LotF was going to be a 9-book series opening the door to a new era, with new books coming out after that. where did you hear that it was going to be "the end" of star wars?

(not saying that you're wrong, but I havn't heard anything like that)
2006-03-16, 8:26 PM #25
That's exactly what I heard...
then again, that was someone on another forum.
I heard that LotF encompassed all post-NJO material and would stretch something like a hundred years into the future.

-To quote Lt. Travis Junior, "When I hear it spoken out loud, right now, it sounds stupid as hell, and it's probably not true."
2006-03-22, 7:16 PM #26
Looks I was right, then I was wrong, and now I don't know what I am:
The Legacy Era

-At first I was nervous and uncertain about the idea of this Cade Skywalker fellow, who looks like a real ruffian, but I figure, meh. The ToJ/KotOR series seems to have the same sort of thing going for it. Maybe this'll be a good thing.
2006-03-22, 10:10 PM #27
I surely hope that Legacy era turns out interesting.
Star Wars: TODOA | DXN - Deus Ex: Nihilum
2006-03-23, 1:46 PM #28
I fell bad....I voted for New Republic, because I enjoy it. But I am torn between that and GCW era which I view as the real star wars. I'd like to vote for both. oh well
“Without education we are in a horrible and deadly danger of taking educated people seriously.” -G.K. Chesterton
2006-03-23, 2:16 PM #29
Originally posted by FastGamerr:
I surely hope that Legacy era turns out interesting.

The LotF series has some great authors writing for it, so chances are it'll be pretty good. I'm not sure about the comic, though, but the rest of the recent SW comics have been pretty good, so I can't imagine it being too bad. Time will tell, though.
2006-03-23, 4:07 PM #30
New Republic.

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