So, I'm excited about doing my own webcomic, Always Falling Short. It's going to be fun, comical, and utterly shallow and unoriginal. I sound negative, but these are actually long term goals. As long as the comic makes me laugh when I'm in a certain mood, I don't care who it appeals to. In my vision, a lot of people dislike my comic and find it immature, stupid, and based around shock value. There will, however, be people [Or the exact same people who hate it] that read the comic for what it is: unthoughtful humor. Oh, there will be wit, there will be sarcasm, and there will be political and social undertones. In the end, however, the comic bids a fond and fearful "**** off" to it's critical readers.
While that's good, and all, I crave something a little more serious and... presentable? I want to be able to show EVERYONE I know my work, not just my perverted internet comradery. Thus I'm considering doing a monthly or sporadically updated superhero comic. Here's the pitch:
I REALLY like the "Evolution" spin on the X-men universe, and the concept of politically/socially shunned "evolved" humans. What I don't like? Is how that's only an undertone to a sometimes silly-stupid soap-opera/action flick. Most comics today do that; they give you all of the possibilities and ideas for a fantastic story and meaningful artistic journey, and instead they make it a blockbuster 25 issue 'trend' and you never see it again. The company makes a profit, and the artists and writers re-hash it for their next release.
I like to drift. My pitch is going to be a pseudo-science 'evolution' revolution. The story will start in the cold war and the concept of psychic soldiers used by the Germans. A very few young people will be found in the "test" camps that weren't genetically altered, but had the wildcard gene mutation that induces evolution. I said pseudo-science, so we're not looking at floating fire-ball shooting superheroes. We're talking slowly regenerating people, soldiers with heightened senses of awareness [touch, smell, sight], high metabolism high school track runners, bigger and smaller people, overly dense/light bone mass, pigment-control skin, photosynthesis warriors, and the list goes on.
What I'm thinking is that I will release the story in 'issues' as if it were a real comic. Each issue will have 20 or so pages released whenever I get them done. Each issue will have a totally different story with different main-characters and their struggles with their slightly different genetic mutations, the political battle, and possibly some about their histories.
I really want to stay away from comic book clichés, so I'm going to try and keep the stories and feeling to the whole thing as realistic as possible. the art, however, will change for each comic. Color is an option.
There will be re-occurring themes, and my personal/political/social agenda will surely be a major plot-drive, but for the most part, I'm going to take reader-input, and possibly open up the comic for fan-stories that will be accepted and hosted as "canonized" characters.
Ideas? Suggestions? Meatloaf?
While that's good, and all, I crave something a little more serious and... presentable? I want to be able to show EVERYONE I know my work, not just my perverted internet comradery. Thus I'm considering doing a monthly or sporadically updated superhero comic. Here's the pitch:
I REALLY like the "Evolution" spin on the X-men universe, and the concept of politically/socially shunned "evolved" humans. What I don't like? Is how that's only an undertone to a sometimes silly-stupid soap-opera/action flick. Most comics today do that; they give you all of the possibilities and ideas for a fantastic story and meaningful artistic journey, and instead they make it a blockbuster 25 issue 'trend' and you never see it again. The company makes a profit, and the artists and writers re-hash it for their next release.
I like to drift. My pitch is going to be a pseudo-science 'evolution' revolution. The story will start in the cold war and the concept of psychic soldiers used by the Germans. A very few young people will be found in the "test" camps that weren't genetically altered, but had the wildcard gene mutation that induces evolution. I said pseudo-science, so we're not looking at floating fire-ball shooting superheroes. We're talking slowly regenerating people, soldiers with heightened senses of awareness [touch, smell, sight], high metabolism high school track runners, bigger and smaller people, overly dense/light bone mass, pigment-control skin, photosynthesis warriors, and the list goes on.
What I'm thinking is that I will release the story in 'issues' as if it were a real comic. Each issue will have 20 or so pages released whenever I get them done. Each issue will have a totally different story with different main-characters and their struggles with their slightly different genetic mutations, the political battle, and possibly some about their histories.
I really want to stay away from comic book clichés, so I'm going to try and keep the stories and feeling to the whole thing as realistic as possible. the art, however, will change for each comic. Color is an option.
There will be re-occurring themes, and my personal/political/social agenda will surely be a major plot-drive, but for the most part, I'm going to take reader-input, and possibly open up the comic for fan-stories that will be accepted and hosted as "canonized" characters.
Ideas? Suggestions? Meatloaf?
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