I would say that the world functions better with religion than it would without it. The problem is that the answer is not that simple. People need something to believe in. Very few people can live with the idea that they're gonna put in their 80ish years and then they'll die, and literally won't exist. There isn't a single human being alive that can conprehend what it would be like to not exist, but it's safe to say that if you didn't exist, you'd have no feelings on the state of the world once you weren't experiencing it. In fact, you'd have no feelings at all and you wouldn't know that you had no feelings. The logical conclusion to that is that the period of time that you're alive means literally nothing to you. Once your gone, you're not going to remember whether or not you lived a good life or a bad one. You're not going to care what state you left the world in, so why bother with anything? You have no motivation to succeed, no motivation to live a good life.
On the other hand, if you believe that your actions in this life will have consequences in your next, then you suddenly have a reason to live in the way that you think best. Whatever you believe is right is what you'll do, because you'll be thinking of the eternal consequences. This is where religion comes into play.
Religion is what sets us apart from animals. We do what we beleive is right, becuase we believe that in doing so, some kind of difference will be made that will be significant to us. If we didn't have that belief, we'd have no compass to guide our actions. Either we'd not think about it, and do whatever was necessary to survive, with no moral consideration, or we'd realize that our life won't make a difference 100 years in the future and we'd let ourselves die.
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.
Lassev: I guess there was something captivating in savagery, because I liked it.